Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 19.10.2020

Do we shoot enough?

Small Heath Alliance 

Watching the goals today in 4 matches, I was struck by how few shots we get off, either in or outside the box. With the lack of forwards in the squad I think we need the midfield to somehow come up with a few goals. If you don't shoot, you don't score.

Bela (8 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Bela seems to have been quite flat recently. He has set the bar pretty high for himself but is not getting many crosses into the box or meaningful shots on target. His fitness also seems to be pretty poor. He is usually kn***ered by the 60 minute mark. Carrying an injury maybe?

Re: Bela

Small Heath Alliance 


Having Leko fit will offer him some backup. But under our current setup we will need our wide men to chip in with a decent number of goals.

Hopefully Bailey at FGR can play himself into contention for the 2nd half of the season.

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Re: Back in time

Small Heath Alliance 

My dad swore by it and made me watch it when I was old enough to understand and appreciate it.

One of the finest British dramas ever

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