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Новости за 13.12.2017

Americans were stumped by covfefe, DACA, and bitcoin, according to Google's top 'What is' searches this year (GOOG)


AP Photo/Evan Vucci

We've all started a Google search by typing the words "what is" into the empty box.

But what do people type after those two words?

As part of its end-of-the-year recap, Google compiled the most popular queries of 2017 that used the "what is" phrase.

The results reflect a tumultuous year in politics, natural disasters, and protests. Americans took to the search engine to learn about topics like DACA, the Paris Climate Agreement, antifa, and net neutrality. Читать дальше...

Putin's Plan for Syria

Carnegie.ru (en) 

Russia realizes that with the war waning and reconstruction looming, others will begin to step forward in Syria, including China, Europe, and Japan. Moscow will seek to partner with them to secure a piece of the lucrative reconstruction effort.

The struggle is real for the Premier League's Ghanaians


It is shaping up to be a season to forget for many of Ghana's contingent in the Premier League as we approach the halfway point of the campaign. The biggest contingent of Ghanaian players since 2010-11, in a league hugely popular in Ghana, has done little to produce one outstanding talent this term, with players mired in early relegation battles or simply not deemed good enough for their various sides. Christian Atsu at Newcastle, Jordan Ayew at Swansea City, his brother Andre at West Ham United,...

Estland verabschiedet Rekord-Haushalt für 2018

Europe Online Magazine 

Tallinn (dpa) - Estland hat für 2018 einen Haushalt verabschiedet, der erstmals die 10-Milliarden-Euro-Grenze überschreitet. Im Parlament in Tallinn stimmten am Mittwoch 55 Abgeordnete bei 41 Gegenstimmen für den Etatentwurf der Regierung. Das Budget des baltischen EU- und Nato-Staats sieht Gesamtausgaben von 10,58  Milliarden Euro und Einnahmen von 10,33 Milliarden Euro vor. Mit dem geplanten Defizit von 0,25 Prozent wird Estland auch im kommenden Jahr der Haushaltsmusterschüler der EU und Eurozone bleiben. Читать дальше...

Physicists Unravel Mystery of Stable Fullerenes

Sputnik International 

Scientists at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) have explained the stability of nitrogen-doped fullerenes, which makes their industrial production and application easier. The article outlining the research was published in the reputable Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures magazine.

Arsenal fans won’t like £52m star’s insight into club ambitions as he talks PL title

Arsenal News 

Arsenal trail Premier League leaders Man City by 17 points after 16 games Lacazette discusses what’s needed for title shock Drops hint of level of ambition at club when he signed this past summer READ MORE: Barcelona given two-week deadline to decide on marquee signing Arsenal forward Alexandre Lacazette has indirectly risked causing a stir in a discussion over the club’s Premier League title hopes this season.The post Arsenal fans won’t like £52m star’s insight... Читать дальше...

Pregnant Khloé Kardashian Makes Her Debut on Day 13 of KarJenner Christmas Card Reveal


Khloé Kardashian has made her KarJenner Christmas card debut.

For day 13 of the 25-day reveal, the first-time mom-to-be can be seen in the background of a group shot, holding her 13-month-old niece Dream Renée and keeping any semblance of a baby bump under wraps in a white shirt and jeans that match her sisters’.

The new photo includes the most individuals of any installment so far (nine people total!), and also marks the first appearance of family matriarchs Kris Jenner and her mom... Читать дальше...

People couldn't stop talking about 'Stranger Things' on Facebook this year


Was it Dart, Dad Steve or Daddy Hopper?

Whatever the reason, Facebook's annual IQ report revealed that Stranger Things 2 dominated Facebook conversation in 2017. The report revealed and examined fashion, health, and social trends on Facebook, but nothing had quite as much of a supernatural spike as the buzz around Stranger Things.

SEE ALSO: 20 pop culture duos that warmed our souls and broke our hearts in 2017

Image: courtesy of facebook

The buzz around Stranger Things... Читать дальше...

Rusia envía una delegación militar a Corea del Norte

Europe Online Magazine 

Moscú, 13 dic (dpa) - Rusia informó hoy del envío de una delegación militar a Corea del Norte, aunque no reveló el propósito de esa visita. Forma parte de la delegación el responsable de los asuntos de seguridad nacional rusos, Viktor Kalganov, informaron medios estatales."Corea del Norte es nuestro vecino. Tenemos que desarrollar relaciones con ese país y el diálogo político es muy importante", explicó el viceministro de Exteriores Serguei Ryabkov, citado por la agencia TASS.La delegación llegó... Читать дальше...

‘Call Me By Your Name’ affirms the power of sex

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

“Call Me By Your Name” is an emphatic celebration of the mystery and power of sexuality, and all its attendant danger, exaltation and tenderness. Here in a small, Italian town, close to the sea — where Hellenic statues have a way of washing up on shore — the sun, the water and the surrounding beauty reinforce lust and longing; and everything is suffused with a charged, pagan innocence. It’s the least Puritan of movies, pre-Christian in its sensibility, and will perhaps seem jarring... Читать дальше...

Girl Uses Good Old-Fashioned Guilt, Creating 'Wall of Sorrow' to Get Pet Cat


This is how it’s done people!

Children of the world, remember guilt is one of your greatest weapons in getting what you want.

According to Distractify, a little girl went to emotional extremes in her quest to get a kitty. After her father showed resistance to the idea of adopting a cat, Danielle Grubisic’s sister created a “Wall of Sorrow.”

This masterwork consisted of multiple pictures of crying cats and numerous notes reminding her father that needy felines the world over are stuck in cages while they wait for homes. Читать дальше...

Costas wins Hall's Frick Award for baseball broadcasting

Times Union 

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) — Bob Costas has won the Ford C. Frick Award presented by the baseball Hall of Fame for broadcasting excellence. The honor was announced Wednesday at the winter meetings. Popular and successful at calling the Olympics and other sports, the 65-year-old Costas flourished over four decades of baseball work, using his familiar voice to paint word pictures of the national pastime. Starting out at NBC in the early 1980s, Costas has handled play-by-play and pregame assignments at the World Series... Читать дальше...

'Mannequin Skywalker' rides Blue Origin's new crew capsule

Times Union 

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Blue Origin's 'Mannequin Skywalker' has rocketed almost all the way to space, just in time for the new Star Wars movie. The aerospace company led by Amazon's Jeff Bezos launched its New Shepard rocket Tuesday from West Texas for the seventh time. It marked the first flight, though, of the latest version of Blue Origin's crew capsule, featuring big windows for future space tourists. An instrumented test dummy was aboard, named Mannequin Skywalker and dressed in a blue — naturally — flight suit. Читать дальше...

Parlamento UE aprueba recomendaciones derivadas de los Panama Papers

Europe Online Magazine 

Estrasburgo, 13 dic (dpa) - Los diputados del Parlamento Europeo aprobaron hoy más de 400 recomendaciones para ayudar a los Gobiernos de la Unión Europea a impedir la evasión fiscal, como resultado del trabajo de una comisión de investigación creada tras la publicación de los llamados "Panama Papers" en 2016."Se trata de las recomendaciones de mayor alcance aprobadas nunca en este Parlamento", destacó el político socialdemócrata danés Jeppe Kofod, uno de los dos relatores de la comisión, presidida por Werner Langen... Читать дальше...

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