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Новости за 19.06.2024

Olympic Games: A billion-dollar business with political overtones

Business Standard 

The Paris Olympics involve about 10,500 athletes from 200 countries or regions. But the Olympics are more than just fun and games. They are a giant business that generates billions of dollars in income for the International Olympic Committee. They're also a proxy for geopolitical influence seen through the standings in the medal tables, the presence of world leaders at the opening ceremony and the national anthems serenading gold-medal winners. Here's a look at how the IOC and the Olympics operate. Читать дальше...

Senate GOP blocks effort by Democrats to pass bump stock ban after Supreme Court ruling - CNN


  1. Senate GOP blocks effort by Democrats to pass bump stock ban after Supreme Court ruling  CNN
  2. Republicans block Sen. Schumer effort to ban gun bump stocks  New York Daily News
  3. GOP senator blocks Democratic bill to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling  CBS News
  4. Senate GOP prevents vote on bump stock ban after SCOTUS reverses Trump-era rule  Fox News

You owe $100,000 – thanks to our cowardly politicians


America is now almost $35 trillion in debt. That means every American owes $100,000. The Biden administration doesn't care. They want to spend more. Already they are spending so much that they're increasing our debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days. Get the hottest, most important news stories on the internet – delivered FREE…

Yankees must stop Orioles from becoming Astros 2.0

New York Post 

The Orioles hinted at what was to come with an 83-victory breakout in 2022 followed by winning 101 games and the AL East last year as the Yankees rolled into an 82-80 “disaster.”

Paul Bouget: Orders and conscience

Stop NATO 

==== Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts French writers on war and peace Paul Bourget: That dreadful word War ==== Paul BourgetThe Weight of the NameTranslated by George Burnham Ives At an incident of his military life so public, so certain to make a noise in the world, as obedience to an order […]

I’m suing my mother-in-law – she posted fake photos of my baby to paint me as a cheater but that wasn’t the worst of it


MOTHER-IN-LAW? More like mother-out-lawed.

A wronged woman is taking her mother-in-law to court for defamation after finding out the rumors she spread about her baby.

GettyA furious Redditor opened up about her mother-in-law’s libelous claims against her (Stock photo)[/caption]

Redditor Legitimate_Ant_1293 shared the family drama in a viral post.

The new mother explained that after giving birth to her firstborn, her relationship with her in-law became increasingly strained. Читать дальше...

Citizens wants to raise its rates by 14% maximum in 2025


State-owned Citizens Property Insurance Corp. doesn't want you hanging around when private insurers are out there. The company is proposing its maximum average rate hike — 14% — for its 1.2 million policyholders.

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