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I’m a foot doctor – here’s what your feet reveal about your health and risk of silent killers


OUR hard-working feet walk 110,000 miles on average over a lifetime.

It means they deserve a lot of care and attention, but our tootsies can also offer a window into the state of our health.

We reveal the most common problems we face with feet, and what they could mean . . .[/caption]

Take puffy feet, which can be an effect of the hot weather.

High temperatures can cause fluid to build up in your body, making your ankles, feet and legs puffy, a condition also called oedema.

It can be pretty uncomfortable, and make your skin look shiny and stretched.

Here Dina Gohil, podiatrist and Nailner brand ambassador, tells Lucy Gornall about common problems we face with feet, and what they could mean . . . 


Dina reveals drinking enough water and using a foot file or pumice stone during the week can help with calluses[/caption]

“ONE of the most common foot problems, affecting men and women edqually, is the growth of calluses, otherwise known as hard skin.

“It is usually on the toes, balls of the feet and dry, cracked heels,” says Dina.

We continually shed and renew skin, but sometimes the rate in which this happens becomes unbalanced thanks to forces like pressure and friction.

Dina says:“The imbalance of the process causes a dysfunction which allows the skin to build up – this is what a callus is.”

Calluses can develop due to ill-fitting footwear, genetics, bone rubbing, lack of hydration in the body, obesity and diabetes.

WHAT TO DO: “Make sure to drink enough water, gently use a foot file or pumice stone during the week, and use a good foot cream with urea in it.

“If your callus is too thick and these home treatments are not effective, then see a podiatrist.”


WHETHER painful or not, cracked heels can be unsightly, especially if you are planning to wear sandals.

Dina says: “They appear as the result of a loss in moisture in the heels and as we walk, the pressure on the heel pad causes the callus on your heels to crack.

“Some of the most common causes are obesity, ageing, pregnancy, diabetes, hypothyroidism, fungal infection, vitamin deficiency, and biomechanical imbalance like flat feet.”

You might benefit from taking a multivitamin supplement as vitamin C, E and B deficiencies have been associated with cracked heels.

WHAT TO DO: Dina recommends staying hydrated and using a pumice stone to gently file away dry skin.

She says: “For chronic cracked heels that are painful to touch, make sure to see a podiatrist to help safely and effectively restore your heels.”


DINA says: “Pain can be a sign your feet are in the wrong size shoes or overcompensating and need some assistance.

“Pain can also be due to injury, a deformity, and metabolic or poor circulation related conditions.”

She adds that when your feet are feeling less than optimal, this can cause a natural change in the way you walk which can lead to certain soft tissue, ligaments, tendons and muscles being used more than others, which can cause strain on your joints, therefore affecting the rest of the body.

WHAT TO DO: Dina says: “If you notice the pain persists, it’s worth visiting your GP to get checked out.

“Be sure to incorporate rest into your day, while also wearing shoes that fit comfortably.”


Dina reveals ‘They are sadly very common and, although the exact cause is unknown, the most common factors include genetics, narrow, and tight-fitting footwear’[/caption]

EVEN the celebs are prone to bunions, with Victoria Beckham famously suffering from them. Despite their A-list status, bunions can be very painful.

“Bunions, also known as Hallux abductus valgus, are medial deviations in the joint space attached to the big toe causing the appearance of a bony bump,” says Dina.

“They are sadly very common and, although the exact cause is unknown, the most common factors include genetics, narrow, tight-fitting footwear, high impact activities (like running), flat feet, arthritis, trauma or injury, and neuromuscular conditions (like cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis).”

WHAT TO DO: Surgery can fix alignment but for maintenance and pain reduction methods you should wear footwear with enough space in the front and good mid-foot support, do exercises to keep the joint flexible (like pointing, flexing and rotating regularly through the day), and use toe separators or splints.


ALTHOUGH discolouration might simply be a case of needing to take a break from the nail polish, Dina says thick discoloured nails are likely to mean a fungal infection.

Discolouration can appear white, yellow, or even darker brown, depending on the individual.

She says: “When a fungal infection begins, you may start to notice discolouration on a small aspect of your nail and notice it gets larger over time.

“For chronic cases this may already have spread to the majority of the nail.

“As it spreads, the nail can become brittle, ‘chalky’, and you may notice it breaks easily, and there may be an odour.

“With chronic infection the nail may become thickened. The nail may start to separate from the nail bed, causing pain, and odour may be more prominent.”

WHAT TO DO: If yellow nails continue to get worse it can also be a sign of diabetes, psoriasis, or even thyroid disorders, so visit your GP if you are concerned.

An over-the-counter anti-fungal treatment can help with infections.


Dina says: ‘Cramps can occur due to dehydration and overworking’[/caption]

THESE can be a sign that you lacking magnesium, calcium or potassium.

Dina says: “They can also occur due to dehydration and overworking.”

WHAT TO DO: Top up your vitamin intake by eating foods rich in magnesium, like pumpkin seeds, leafy green vegetables, almonds, quinoa and dark chocolate.

Calcium can be found in dairy foods and leafy green veg, while potassium-rich foods include bananas, potatoes and Brussels sprouts.


DINA reveals the truth behind your nail colour and appearance, and when it is advisable to see your doctor . . .

PALE: Pale nails could be a sign of anaemia, poor circulation or malnutrition.

They can also be caused by malfunctions in the liver or heart, so it is important to get this issue checked out.

BLUISH: These are often an indicator that there’s not enough oxygen getting to them, suggesting there may be a breathing problem associated with the lungs, or a heart disorder.

WHITE SPOTS: White spots on the nails can be down to injury or micro trauma to the nail, which is fairly common.

They can also be associated with a zinc deficiency or fungal infection.

BLACK: Also linked to trauma of the nails, these are caused by the blood vessels in the nail bed breaking and showing under the nail.

In other cases, it can be signs of anaemia, diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease.

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