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My 55p household staple trick will drive sap-sucking insects out your garden – and it won’t harm your plants


If you’ve spent the past few weeks planting your beds full of vegetables or flowers, the last thing you’ll want to find is that they’ve been ravaged by aphids.

These sap-sucking insects flourish in the spring and summer, when the weather is warmer, and in the process they drain the life from your garden.

Expert Hannah Rowson says a 55p trick can banish the flies from your garden

Also known as blackfly or greenfly, they are a natural part of the ecosystem and they shouldn’t be an issue in small numbers, as birds will readily pick them off.

However, you’ve got an infestation, this is when aphids start to cause a problem as they can weaken plants – and potentially kill them.

There is little more disheartening than seeing green shoots that you’ve nurtured be destroyed by these pests.

But before you rush out and spend money on a costly commercial product – which may also be crammed full of chemicals – it’s worth knowing that you can potentially save yourself a packet by trying a DIY solution.

This is according to Hannah Rowson, assistant garden centre manager at J.Parkers.

The RHS-qualified horticultural expert told The Sun: “Rather than splash out on expensive shop-bought pesticides, why not create your own more eco-friendly version from washing up liquid?

“This household staple is a cheap and simple way to get rid of aphids and black flies – making it a bit of a no-brainer.”

On Amazon, you could find a one-litre spray bottle of “aphid killer” for £12. 

Tesco has a cheaper option, with a one-litre bottle of ‘bug killer’ costing £5.

But, if you opt for the home-made hack, you can pick up own-brand ‘savers’ washing up liquid at Morrisons for just 55p.

Ms Rowson said: “To prepare your natural remedy, simply dissolve a small amount of washing up liquid in a bowl or bucket of water.

“Once you’ve mixed it thoroughly, transfer the soapy solution into a spray bottle.”

Then, you just need to spray the solution around your garden to prevent the flies from landing on your shoots.

At The Range, you can pick up a 500ml spray bottle for £1.

Washing up liquid isn’t the only product Hannah recommends using to make your DIY bug killer solution if you’d rather use no chemicals at all.

“You could also try creating a mixture made with soap nuts,” she said.

“Soap nuts are a natural alternative derived from the fruit of the Sapindus tree.”

These nuts are the husks or dried-up shells of soapberries and can be used as a laundry detergent.

At Ocado, a 1kg bag is currently down from £14.85 to £11.88. As this amount of soap nuts is designed to last for 330 washes, it should cost you less than 3p per wash.

You can then syphon off a handful of nuts to use to help make your DIY bug killer mixture.

On Amazon you can get a 300kg bag of soap nuts for just under £8.

As with washing up liquid, all you need to do to create your home-made solution is dissolve a small amount in some water.

“Natural pest control methods offer a great alternative to spraying nasty pesticides in your garden,” said Hannah.

“By using simple household items such as washing up liquid or soap nuts, you can create a powerful – but gentle – insecticide.”

This will help you rid your precious plants of unwanted visitors.

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The horticultural whizz, who has had some of her garden designs displayed at RHS Tatton Flower Show, added: “This mixture will target common garden pests such as aphids and black flies, without harming your plants – or doing any damage to beneficial insects.”

You can use this solution as required in your outdoor space.

“This versatile spray can be used on a variety of plants, including lupins and delphiniums which are often targeted by aphids and black flies,” said Hannah. “When applied to the affected areas, the soapy water coats the pests and suffocates them. It works every time.”

Not only is this method effective, but it’s also safe for the environment.

“By using a home-made spray, you can avoid the toxic residues left by conventional pesticides,” said the nature supremo. “It will also allow you to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem where beneficial insects can thrive and support plant health.”

In addition to the washing up liquid hack, Hannah has another clever trick to keep unwanted garden visitors at bay.

“You might not realise it, but a cheap and easy way to deter ants is by using lavender oil,” she said. “It’s important to point out that I wouldn’t usually view ants to be a pest because of the vital role they play in the ecosystem.”
That said, Hannah agrees that when they get into your home, that’s when they can be a problem.

“If they get indoors, they can be a nuisance,” she said. “They can also encourage other pests, such as aphids.”

This is where Hannah’s clever hack comes into its own.

“If you want to keep ants away, I’d recommend using a strong-smelling lavender oil to deter them,” she said.

Peppermint oil can work, too.”

You may already have a little bottle of one of these oils lying around at home. If not, you can pick them up in shops or online for £2 or £3.

Ms Rowson said: “When used properly, they are a natural and non-toxic solution – plus they will leave your garden smelling great.”
To create your ant-repellent spray solution, simply dilute 10-15 drops of your chosen oil with a cup of water.

“Apply the spray to entry points around your home,” said the gardening whizz.

“Take care to focus on areas such as windowsills, door frames, or any other cracks or crevices.”

Continue to top up the essential oil spray every few days – or when the scent fades.

Ms Rowson added: “The strong aromas are unpleasant to ants and will stop them from entering treated areas.”

While oils such as lavender or peppermint can work a treat, take care not to go overboard when using them.

“Although most essential oils are natural and shouldn’t harm beneficial insects such as bees or ladybirds, it’s important to dilute them,” said Ms Rowson.

“You should also use them sparingly, so as to protect your plants.”

Gardening mistakes that could get you fined

Gardening experts over at Toolstation have revealed the garden laws you need to be aware of not breaking.

While some of these laws could land you with a fine of up to £20,000 in extreme cases, a friendly chat with your neighbours can usually resolve any issues.

Tree removal and pruning: If you have a tree in your garden you want to get rid of you better think twice and do your research.

The gardening experts reveal: “If one neighbour wishes to remove or heavily prune a tree that the other neighbour values, disputes can arise over the impact on the view, shade, or privacy. “

While it might cause a row, if it is in your property boundary it is ultimately your choice, unless it has a Tree Protection Order on it.

“But, some trees may be protected by a Tree Protection Order which makes it an offence to uproot, top or destroy them, the experts warn.

The maximum fine for breaking this law is £20,000, so make sure you double check if it does have a TPO.

You can find out by contacting your local council for a map that shows this information. Alternatively, you can ask to speak with your local tree officer.

Property boundaries and fences: One of the main causes of neighbours falling out is through arguing over property boundaries and fencing.

To avoid this situation, the gardening pros recommend checking the deeds of your property to determine the correct boundaries

“Most of the time, it’s easy to determine who owns the fence as the fence posts will usually be on the owners side,” they add.

“Additionally, the height of fences or hedges can cause disputes between neighbours if one party feels the height has exceeded the two metre guidance.

“Hedges and fences should be no more than two metres high, and you could be asked by the council to take them down if a neighbour complains about the height.

“Luckily, standard fence sizes are less than two metres tall so you shouldn’t have a problem.”

Garden structures and additions: A pergola is the perfect addition to a garden if you want somewhere to relax in the shade.

But if it obstructs your neighbour’s view or violates local building regulations it could cause a dispute, as can sheds and other garden structures.

“If you’re not sure, have a chat with your neighbours to let them know what you’re planning and, if there’s an issue, get in touch with your local council who can give you more guidance,” advise the gardening experts.

Overhanging branches and plants: “When branches, vines, or roots from one neighbour’s tree or plant extend into the neighbouring property, it can lead to disagreements over potential damage to structures, blocked views, or the burden of maintenance,” reveal the pros.

However, it’s important to note you can only trim overhanging branches up to the boundary of your property otherwise, it could be seen as trespassing.

You can climb into the tree to carry out the work if needed, but only on your property and make sure to stay on your side of the fence if you don’t have permission to enter your neighbours garden.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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