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I had a threesome with my partner and my pal – now I’m worried my son isn’t mine


A FATHER has revealed he had a threesome with his partner and their close pal, and is now worried that his son isn’t his.

The 24-year-old confessed that the raunchy threesome happened seven years ago and he has been raising his ‘child’ ever since.

A man has revealed that he had a threesome with his partner and their close pal – leaving him unsure if his son is his[/caption]
Seven years after the raunchy sex session, the father opened up on his conflicting thoughts, leaving Reddit users gobsmacked[/caption]

But now, he has begun to question the paternity of his young boy and isn’t sure what to do.

Keen to open up on the situation, the anonymous man took to social media to reveal all, leaving many open-mouthed. 

Posting on Reddit, on the r/confession thread under the username @Throwthisawayineedto, the man titled his post ‘I’m worried my son isn’t mine because of a threesome’.

He then explained that seven years ago, he and his 25-year-old girlfriend began ‘exploring’ sexually.

He confessed: “We had decided that we would open the relationship to a close friend and we started having threesomes, started out pretty normal.”

But their frisky bedroom antics soon stopped, as the dad added: “Some medical things ended up coming up and we kinda just stopped but she fell pregnant to me (I think it was to me) around this time.

“When she got tested she was around 10 weeks pregnant, it didn’t really dawn on me until earlier this year.”

But now, the man has been left thinking the worst, as he acknowledged: “At this point I’m just concerned that the child isn’t mine.

“I’ve raised him for his whole life and I’m just super worried that I’m not the kid’s dad. 

“I would love to get a DNA test done but the idea that he’s not mine would absolutely destroy me.”

Reddit users were left stunned by the man’s confession and quickly flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation. 

One person said: “The fact that you’re already referring to him as “the kid” instead of “my son” tells me you’re already disconnecting. Find a therapist.”

If you were willing to SHARE your wife with another man, you should be able to raise HIS child

Reddit user

Another questioned: “Who does a threesome without birth control? You’re all idiots.”

Whilst a third commented: “You have no one to blame but yourself. If you were willing to SHARE your wife with another man, you should be able to raise HIS child.”

What your sexual fantasies say about you

By Emma Kenny, a TV presenter and psychologist

Raucous Role Play: If your partner enjoys dressing up for fun, it shows creativity and a desire to keep things exciting. However, it might signal that he struggles with responsibility.

Multi-Partner Fantasies: Craving variety doesn’t always mean he wants to cheat. However, it could indicate deeper feelings of unfulfillment.

Power & Control: A little dominance is normal, but if it’s always about control, it may hide insecurities.

Adventure: Men seeking thrills may push boundaries, so be sure your comfort zone is respected.

Passion: If he’s romantic, he’s emotionally tuned in—though occasionally avoiding tough conversations.

Flexibility: Openness to new experiences is great, but constant novelty-seeking could mean avoiding emotional connection.

Red Flag: If control is his ultimate fantasy, it may signal a deeper struggle with power dynamics.

Meanwhile, someone else slammed: “F*****g stupid.” 

The man then responded to social media users and claimed: “I’ve decided to talk to my wife about all my concerns.

I’ve raised him for his whole life and I’m just super worried that I’m not the kid’s dad

Reddit poster

“I think I don’t really have much choice other than to do the testing for my son who deserves to know everything about himself medically.”

He also shared: “Sat down with my wife and discussed my concerns, she’s pretty much willing to go about this anyway that I want to.

“She believes that he’s my son but is more than happy to do a test just to really make sure. 

“Thank you all for the advice. I will be seeking therapy just to prepare myself for the worst I guess.”

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