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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 10

Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 10 Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 01.03.2021 23:58 (GMT 3)

Harris gets a crash course on foreign policy
“The interest in her from outside is really about: Is she the future of the Democratic Party?” said one Asian ambassador, who spoke on condition of anonymity to preserve their relationship with the new administration. “Biden in a way represents the traditional white male politician. And Vice President Harris is in many ways the future: female, blended family … But her policy views, they are still waiting to be shaped out.”

The push started early: the day after the inauguration, Harris called the director-general of the World Health Organization to discuss the U.S. role in the global Covid-19 response. Since then, she has held solo calls with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron, given a speech at the State Department and on Tuesday participated in the first bilateral meeting of the new administration between the U.S. and Canada—an opportunity Biden himself was not afforded when he was vice president.

Harris has also had weekly lunches with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a veteran foreign policy and national security official whose experience rivals Biden’s. And her national security advisers, Nancy McEldowney and Philip Gordon, are themselves long-serving diplomats.

An aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who worked on U.S.-Ukraine issues from 2019-2021 and tracked the presidential candidates and their positions closely, acknowledged Harris’ lack of experience in the foreign policy arena. But he said experience can be “overrated,” especially “in a rapidly changing world.”
“Plus she’s got a great team working for her,” he added.

Her team is aware of the need to boost awareness of Harris’ involvement on the global stage—on Wednesday night, White House officials told CBS that Harris would be focusing on cybersecurity and global health, even as the White House has yet to lay out her domestic priorities.

But others say that even without extensive experience, Harris has the right tools to learn on the job. Halie Soifer, who served as Harris’ national security adviser while she was a senator, said it was “fitting that [Harris] would lead on foreign policy” as vice president.

“I see it as a continuum of her leadership in the Senate, which was focused mostly on domestic policy issues but included national security and was driven by values and principled policy that carry over into the international arena,” Soifer said.
Soifer noted Harris' travel to Israel in 2017, early in her Senate term, and her "deep commitment to the U.S.-Israel relationship," as well as her work on the Senate Intelligence Committee, where Soifer says Harris played “a very active role “ in the panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Members and staff from the Intelligence Committee have praised Harris’ four years there; the committee does most of its work without cameras or reporters present with “no need for anyone to make it a show about themselves,” one Republican staffer put it. The staffer called Harris “a productive member of the committee” who “took it very seriously.”

Current Chair Mark Warner (D-Va.) told POLITICO that her time on the committee gave her a “sophisticated and thoughtful understanding of the most pressing foreign policy and national security issues facing this country right now.”
Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), who also sits on the panel, described Harris as “thoroughly engaged” on the issues—even after she became vice president-elect.

“She was VP-elect, and she came into one of the meetings, and I said, quite loudly, ‘What a clever way to get intelligence briefings during the transition!’” King recalled, referring to the Trump transition’s early refusal to provide Biden and Harris with briefings.

He acknowledged there could be a learning curve on the subject of foreign policy but said that shouldn’t be an issue because “she has a genuine curiosity. She likes to learn. And her interest in these issues is not new.”
But while a stint on the committee provides valuable insight into the nation’s spy agencies and threats from around the world, it doesn’t help a senator develop relationships with foreign leaders or a profile on the international stage—both indispensable tools in foreign relations.

The Biden administration is clearly working to change that and has given the veep a chance to engage deeper on foreign policy. In addition to calls, Harris accompanied Biden in his first appearance at the State Department, where she gave her own brief remarks reiterating the administration’s commitment “to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability, inclusivity and diplomacy.”

It’s what the administration would say is proof of the equal partnership between the two, with Biden willing to bring Harris onto turf he is both known for and familiar with. Others say it’s more strategic: developing her own foreign policy credentials and being seen as Biden’s partner on these issues will give her an edge heading into 2024 or 2028.
World leaders and dignitaries, meanwhile, are already clamoring to start building relationships with Harris, who many believe could be president herself one day.

A European ambassador put it bluntly: “She will be seen by everyone as a potential president in waiting,” the ambassador said. “Much more than in previous presidencies.”

“As I said to the Vice President during our meetings, I look forward to welcoming [Harris] to Canada as soon as the pandemic will allow for it,” Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told POLITICO. “Canadians, particularly so many women and girls, were delighted by her historic election, and I look forward to working closely with her to advance shared priorities.”

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1 мар. 2021 г.
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"Это спасет тысячи жизней". Словакия привьется российской вакциной "Спутник V" без разрешения Евросоюза

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Amid scramble for COVID-19 vaccine, Latin America turns to Russia

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1 мар. 2021 г
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1 мар. 2021 г
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Russia’s coronavirus vaccine makes inroads in conflict territories
VILNIUS — In recent months, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova have seen authorities of breakaway territories ask Russia to send its Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine to those contested regions. In some cases, those requests have already been granted.
In the rebel-held territories in Ukraine’s Donbass — which have been occupied by Russian-backed separatist forces since 2014 — residents have been receiving the Sputnik vaccine since early February.
The jab has been arriving from Russia in regular vehicle convoys carrying humanitarian aid, according to Rodion Miroshnik, a rebel representative at the trilateral peace negotiations between Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
The breakaway administration in Donetsk should get around 80,000 doses for the first shot, while Luhansk can count on 65,000 initial doses, he told POLITICO. He added that the rebel-held territories secured an agreement with Moscow to supply enough vaccination doses to cover a share of their populations that is "equal to Russia’s regions."
"When the first stage of vaccination is completed, there will be a second one," Miroshnik said. (Like most coronavirus jabs, Sputnik V requires two shots, but as an adenovirus viral vector vaccine, it doesn’t need extremely cold storage.)
His comments provide more detail following recent Kremlin confirmation that Moscow is sending the vaccine to Donetsk and Luhansk, which have a population of 2.2 million and 1.4 million, respectively. The Crimean peninsula, annexed by Moscow in 2014, also began a mass inoculation drive in December with Sputnik.
That's set alarm bells ringing in Ukraine. In February, the country's Deputy Prime Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that if Russian authorities conducted "some kind of human trials with an unknown and uncertified vaccine in our country without our consent, then this is a violation of Ukrainian laws."
Sputnik has not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Kyiv has banned its registration outright, but the jab has been given the green light in two European countries, Hungary and Serbia.
The authorities of Georgia’s two breakaway territories, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are also relying on Russian vaccine supplies, according to Russian state-backed media.
After a brief war with Tbilisi in 2008, the two rebel provinces proclaimed independence from Georgia with Russia's military support. Moscow and a handful of other countries recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states, but the rest of the world does not.
Both have already applied for assistance from Moscow, while South Ossetia has even allocated the equivalent of $27,000 from its 2021 budget for vaccine purchases.
These developments come as Sputnik's global rollout is attracting more attention, including from the European Commission, over Moscow's geopolitical motives. There are also questions over the transparency of the vaccine's data, which has yet to be filed formally with the EMA.
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen asked last month why Russia is offering to sell millions to other countries while it lags behind in the vaccination of its own citizens. "We still wonder why Russia is offering theoretically millions and millions of doses while not sufficiently progressing in vaccinating their own people," she remarked.
Those comments prompted a sharp rebuke from Moscow, which called them "deplorable" and indicative of "an inadequate level of awareness of the top-level official." It also asserted via the vaccine's official Twitter account that "vaccines should be above and beyond politics."
The press office of the Russian Direct Investment Fund — which is responsible for Sputnik's distribution outside Russia — didn't respond to POLITICO's request for comment on the jab's appearance in these conflict zones.
But in early February, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov defended those shipments, according to Reuters.
"People there really need the vaccine," he said. "If not us, then no one would supply it there."

Relief in sight?

The Sputnik vaccine is making inroads just as vaccination campaigns in those countries, more broadly, are still struggling. Ukraine is among those, lagging behind the majority of European countries in vaccination.
Kyiv got some good news last Wednesday, however, when it launched its inoculation program in earnest after receiving 500,000 doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine made by AstraZeneca's partner, the Serum Institute of India — whose main focus is manufacturing the jab for low- and middle-income countries.
Ukraine is giving first priority to health care professionals and care home residents as well as military personnel deployed in Kyiv-controlled areas in the contested eastern regions. It expects more reinforcements soon from China’s CoronaVac jab as well as the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, and it has pledged to distribute vaccines to residents of rebel-controlled areas who visit Kyiv-controlled territories, starting in April.
Georgia also hopes to get more supplies soon as well.
Last Monday, Georgian health care officials said they expected their first batches to be delivered in March, after some delays. In the first phase, the country is relying on almost 30,000 doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine under the global equal-access COVAX initiative, which finally began distribution last week but still faces daunting hurdles in getting rich nations to help the effort.
According to Georgian immunologist and government adviser Bidzina Kulumbegov, Tbilisi plans to vaccinate around 60 percent of its 3.7 million people, a figure that excludes the secessionist regions.
“At this point, COVAX is committed to providing enough vaccines for only 20 percent of the population by the end of 2021,” he told POLITICO. “The country therefore has a deficit of 2.5 million vaccine doses. Bilateral negotiations are currently underway with producers and [other] governments to make up for this shortfall.”
Those vaccines, Kulumbegov added, will only be those with World Health Organization recognition, which to date has just gone to the Oxford/AstraZeneca and BioNTech/Pfizer jabs. As for Sputnik, "it's my great belief that our country will not introduce it, because of the Russian state’s hostile attitude," he said.
"Immunization is a tool for gaining political influence during this pandemic," he said. "Our country should clearly state that when another country occupies 20 percent of our territories, their vaccines will not be used here."

Moldova looks for options

Moldova, meanwhile, is seeking to get a mix of vaccines across suppliers. The nation of 2.6 million also has a pro-Russian breakaway region, Transnistria, which declared its independence in 1991.

The country expects to obtain an initial batch of 24,570 doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine under COVAX, as well as 156,000 shots of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab.
Moldova is also getting help from neighboring Romania, an EU member that traditionally has close ties with Moldova. In late December, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis pledged to donate a total of 200,000 doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, and on Saturday, the European Commission announced that it had coordinated for 21,600 doses to be sent as part of Romania’s contribution.
In addition, the government has promised to share its vaccines with residents of Transnistria. According to health care officials in Transnistria’s capital, Tiraspol, Moldova has pledged to forward 10 percent of all doses it receives.
Tiraspol, for its part, is making serious preparations to receive the first shots of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine soon. On February 18, the region’s president, Vadim Krasnoselsky, instructed his government to consider purchasing a deep-freeze refrigerator suitable for storing the shots. Initially, the guidance was that a temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius is needed for that jab, although that may be adjusted to a slightly warmer range, according to fresh data.
This marks a departure from Tiraspol's original plans to vaccinate its population with Sputnik. In late December, Krasnoselsky announced he had sealed an agreement with Russia for an initial 30,000 doses to "vaccinate physicians, teachers and representatives of the security forces of the republic." But those shots have yet to materialize.
Nicu Popescu, a former foreign minister, believes that Moldova is likely to distribute some of the vaccines to Transnistria once it gets them — even though Moldova, like Ukraine and Georgia, faces a “real humanitarian issue” of distributing vaccines to territories not under its control.
"The first way is to distribute vaccines to the de facto authorities of these [breakaway] regions," Popescu told POLITICO. "Another way is to set up some kind of medical infrastructure at the border."
But in contrast to Kyiv, the Moldovan authorities will approve the Sputnik vaccine if it's green-lit by the EMA, he added.
"This will be an attempt to depoliticize this issue," he said. "There are no vaccines in Moldova so far, and in such a situation, the most useful and pragmatic thing is to avoid politics."

This story has been updated with news of Romania’s vaccine donation.
This article is part of POLITICO’s premium policy service: Pro Health Care. From drug pricing, EMA, vaccines, pharma and more, our specialized journalists keep you on top of the topics driving the health care policy agenda. Email pro@politico.eu for a complimentary trial.


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