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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: «Фанаты и Жизнь».

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 10.03.2024 4:20 (GMT 3)

Фанаты и Жизнь: « ».

Рассмотрим дуэль двух первых рекламных роликов с предвыборной рекламой Трампа и Байдена и реакции на них СМИ США на сегодняшний день.
Предвыборный ролик Байдена.

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Предвыборный ролик Трампа.

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Biden, 81, unveils new campaign ad that acknowledges mounting fears over his age by opening with 'It's no secret I'm not a young guy'
The special counsel report into Biden did not recommend bringing charges against him but it provided a cascade of damaging findings about files found in his garage as well as the president's fitness for office.
In interviews with investigators, Biden became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his son Beau died.
Biden angrily lashed out at a press conference - but mixed up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico, galvanizing concerns he is unfit for the job.
The report said his cavalier attitude to classified documents, such as his habit of reading sensitive files to a ghostwriter, posed a significant national security risk.
One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'.
Biden is said to have been unimpressed at Attorney General Merrick Garland over the report, according to two sources close to the president, as it could threaten his presidential campaign.
The president is preparing to face off with Trump in the upcoming election but appears to be trailing behind him in recent polls.
Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race.
However a combination of polls in individual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.
A new New York Times/Siena College poll released Saturday has Trump leading Biden 48 percent to 44 percent.
While a recent poll from CBS News had Trump leading Biden 52 percent to 48 percent. Biden did lead in a Morning Consult poll but by one point: 44 percent to 43.

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‘Look, I’m not a young guy:’ Biden is not letting his age get in the way

Biden continues with a list of accomplishments, including leading the country through the pandemic, strengthening the economy and passing a law that lowers prescription drug prices.
“Donald Trump believes the job of the president is to take care of Donald Trump. I believe the job of the president is to fight for you — the American people. And that’s what I’m doing,” he says.

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Biden campaign launches ad touting president’s age as an asset

A New York Times/Siena College poll released last weekend found 73 percent of registered voters said they either strongly or somewhat agree that Biden is too old to be an effective president.
Biden has repeatedly joked about his age, but he and his aides have argued voters should judge him on his record of accomplishments.
“Now, Joe Biden is 81 and he’s going to beat Donald Trump again because he wakes up every single day fighting for the American people while Trump wages a campaign of revenge and retribution focused on himself,” Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement.
“Trump may be four years younger than Joe Biden, but his ideas are old as hell and they’ve already been rejected by the American people,” Tyler added. “Joe Biden is running to make sure we reject them for good.”

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New Biden ad insists his age is actually an important asset: ‘I’m not a young guy’
He closes the ad saying, “Look, I’m very young, energetic and handsome, what the hell am I doing this for?”
The Biden camp in recent weeks has sought to counter persistent questions about the gaffe-prone president’s age and mental acuity – which surfaced again this week during the State of the Union address when he referred to murdered Georgia nursing student Laken Riley as “Lincoln Riley,” and the next day when he said the 2021 Capitol riot happened on “July the sixth” rather than January 6.
“I think [his age] is an asset like the successful withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cali.) sarcastically told The Post Saturday.
“Biden’s team has spent years telling us Biden is astonishingly alert and engaged — but only in private. That didn’t pass the eye test, so they’re trying to say his old age is an asset.
President Biden’s ad is part of a $30 million ad buy targeting battleground-states in the November presidential race.Youtube/Joe Biden
Only problem is we’re talking Joe Biden here. He’s elderly, but without the wisdom,” Issa added.
Gavin Wax, president of New York Young Republicans, also ripped the ad, saying “Biden is a relic.”
“Age has only exaggerated the tendencies he’s displayed through his very long political career: nastiness, vindictiveness, and self-service,” he said.
Biden’s ad tries to poke fun at Donald Trump’s leadership while he was president.REUTERS
The commercial is part of a six-week advertising buy targeting Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and North Carolina according to the Biden campaign.
It will appear during March Madness coverage on networks including ESPN and TNT, as well as Comedy Central and FX.
A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll released last month found that more than 80% of those surveyed in key swing states are worried that Biden is too old.
Biden on the campaign trail speaking Friday at at Strath Haven Middle School in Wallingford, PA.REUTERS
He’s expected to face Trump, 77, in a rematch of the 2020 presidential election.
Meanwhile, three major political action committees representing black, Asian American and Latino voters are expected to endorse Biden’s reelection bid Saturday and commit $30 million to mobilizing communities of color, The Hill reported.

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President Biden Pokes Fun at His Age and Calls Out Trump in New Campaign Ad

The Trump campaign has released its own ads, with one in April 2023 painting a fearful picture of immigration, wars, violent crime, inflation, and more under “Joe Biden’s America.”
“Put America, the middle class, first, and put the globalists, the elitists, and the corrupt in their place. Bring back pride in the American dream, to let the world know—don’t mess with us,” the Trump campaign ad said. “Make America great for us again.”
Another pro-Trump ad this week, released by the super PAC MAGA Inc. supporting him, questions Biden’s age and abilities, asking if the President can “even survive until 2029.” A Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa told NBC News in a statement the ad was "a sick and deranged stunt from a broke and struggling campaign."

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Social media roiled as Biden admits to old age in brand new campaign ad: ‘I’m not a young guy’
President Biden generated a buzz on social media on Saturday after he shared a new campaign ad trying to spin his old age as a good thing for office.
The president opened his new ad acknowledging he’s old, but declared that as evidence that he’s got the right experience for getting the job done.
Conservatives on the platform mocked it, while liberals thought it was "great."
The spot opened with Biden trying to level with voters on this point, stating, "Look, I’m not a young guy. That’s no secret. But here’s the deal. I understand how to get things done for the American people."
From there Biden touted his accomplishments, claiming he led the country through COVID, praising the economy under his watch as the "strongest economy in the world," and reminding viewers how he lowered prescription drug prices, among other examples.
The ad then took aim at former President Trump, with Biden ripping him for failing to pass an infrastructure law during his term.
"I got it done," Biden said, before spotlighting his Inflation Reduction Act, which he referred as the "biggest law in history to combat climate change.
He also declared he is "determined to make Roe V. Wade the law of the land again," and accused the former President of running for re-election for himself, while he is running for Americans.
In one final quip about his age, Biden looked into the camera and said, "Look, I’m very young, energetic, and handsome. What the hell am I doing this for?" He then smiled an walked out of frame.
Biden was clearly skewering recent coverage of his age and mental fitness that reached a fever pitch after Special Counsel Robert Hur described the president’s "poor memory" in an official investigative report into his mishandling of classified documents.
As opposed to this lighthearted ad, Biden’s immediate response to the noise generated by Hur’s report was "furious," as described by multiple media outlets.
Conservatives on X weren’t impressed with Biden’s new ad, while liberals loved it.
Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller ripped it, stating, "Remarkable to see Biden kick off his first ad of the general election drawing even more attention to voter concerns he’s too weak to lead. Here’s the problem: there’s nothing Biden can do to ‘improve’ here. He won’t be any sharper in another 8 months."
Conservative satellite radio host Andrew Wilkow trashed the president and the nod to his age, saying, "You’re not young and you don’t do anything for the American person."
Conservative influencer Paul Szypula wrote, "It’s not Biden’s age that’s the real issue, it’s not even his mental and physical decline. It’s his poor policies which have devastated the US border and economy. He’s also led us into multiple pointless wars. That’s what Americans care about — Biden’s disastrous results."
Podcast host Joey Mannarino remarked, "You’re not young and you’re not a good President either."
Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., praised the ad, saying, "Love the end! Smart."
DNC Chair Jaime Harrison thought it was great, stating, "This is the Joe Biden I know… the Joe Biden who wakes up every day fighting like hell to make life better for families like the ones I grew up with — capping the cost of insulin, creating good jobs, and investing in communities that have been left behind. That’s my president."
Democratic Party strategist Adam Parkhomenko thought the spot was a good strategy, adding, "I have no problem if he wants to make these every single day or make every day a State of the Union. People are seeing up close how much they have been lied to by Republicans."

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Biden releases ad addressing age, attacking Trump as campaign shifts
The ad campaign will air over six weeks on national cable and local broadcast in seven swing states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina — targeting voters of color and young voters. The buy follows an advertising campaign of more than $25 million that ran over the last five months of 2023, as the Biden campaign flexes its significant financial advantage over Trump’s effort.
The new spending on advertising comes as part of Biden’s ramped-up campaign activity to capitalize on momentum from Biden’s State of the Union address Thursday night. The president campaigned in Pennsylvania on Friday night and will appear in Georgia on Saturday. Next week, he will make stops in New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Michigan. Vice President Harris and Cabinet officials are also fanning out across the country to sell the president’s record.

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‘Look, I’m not a young guy’: Biden campaign ad addresses age issue

President Joe Biden leaned into the age issue in a new campaign ad touting his presidential record released Saturday.
“Look, I’m not a young guy. That’s no secret,” the president said at the ad’s outset. “But, here’s the deal. I understand how to get things done for the American people,” he continued.
The ad comes as part of a $30 million ad blitz in battleground states and as Biden heads to Georgia ahead of Tuesday’s primary election.
Biden, 81, has faced sustained pushback over his age during his reelection campaign, drawing questions about his mental acuity from both sides of the aisle.
Biden and his supporters have repeatedly rebutted these claims, and the president appeared to gain some ground on the issue Thursday, when he delivered a forceful State of the Union address that also nodded at his age.
“I know I may not look like it, but I’ve been around a while,” Biden said during his speech.
In the campaign ad, the president went on to highlight his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic, the state of the economy and other policy achievements.
The ad wrapped with a so-called cut scene, in which Biden joked: “Look, I’m very young, energetic and handsome.”

Материал полностью.

Playbook: Biden’s billion-dollar blitz begins

BONSIGNORE’S FIRST BIG BET — JOE BIDEN’s campaign is going on the air today with a new ad, part of a $30 million, six-week buy in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina.
It’s called “For You,” and it has three big themes:
• It tackles the age question head on: “I’m not a young guy — that’s no secret.”
• It ticks through a list of five core Biden accomplishments: leading the Covid recovery, lowering prescription drug prices, passing an infrastructure deal, combating climate change and fighting for abortion rights.
• It sprinkles in digs at Trump throughout: The spot shows Trump fumbling with a large book as Biden dings him for failing to pass a promised infrastructure bill. On abortion, Biden doesn’t mention the Supreme Court, instead bluntly asserting, “Donald Trump took away the freedom of women to choose.”
The spot is aimed at “voters of color and young voters,” per the campaign, a clear acknowledgment of Biden’s struggles among two core Democratic groups. Its placement will have “a heavy emphasis” on social media but will also include traditional cable networks such as ESPN, TNT, FX and Comedy Central.
It’s the first big salvo in what is expected to be a billion-dollar media campaign led by PATRICK BONSIGNORE of Blue Sky Strategy [, who is reprising his role leading Biden’s advertising effort.

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Рекламный ролик команды Байдена, по скромному мнению а.п., откровенно слаб. Его философия в настоящих условиях порочна. Политика этого клипа очень похожа на политику последней речи Байдена. Байден в этом клипе, судя по видеоряду, не президент всех американцев - потомков мигрантов, он президент всех мигрантов Америки.
Что касается работы «Blue Sky Strategy» - она явно неудовлетворительна.

С интересом и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.

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