
Новости за 21.03.2019

YouTube mom accused of abuse 

A mother is Arizona with a family YouTube series is being accused of abuse. Videos of her seven adopted children have been watched millions of times. Jamie Yuccas reports.

Trump escalates attacks on late John McCain 

President Trump visited a tank factory on Wednesday, and once again criticized the late John McCain. Fellow Republicans have taken note and are not happy with his comments. Major Garrett reports.

FBI to assist in Boeing 737 Max investigation 

CBS News confirms the FBI will assist in the investigation into how the 737 Max was certified to fly. The development comes as new details emerge about the final moments of the Lion Air jet that crashed in October. Kris Van Cleave reports.

Widespread damage left by Midwest flooding 

The governor of Iowa is warning Midwest flood are "just getting started." Levee systems in the region are already overwhelmed. Don Dahler reports.

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