
Новости за 24.03.2021

How did the labor market fare in August? 

Investors will return from the long holiday weekend eagerly waiting to see whether the August jobs report will show continued progress for the nation's labor market. Although July's results were weaker than expected, this year the economy has added 1.6 million jobs, or an average of 230,000 per month. That's the quickest pace since 1999. Jill Schlesinger has that and more in her look at the business week ahead.

Time Lapse: Dynamic Scotland 

Stunning time-lapse video takes a beautiful and dynamic look at Scotland. Video courtesy of Roger Jackaman. Like him on Facebook and follow him on Vimeo.

NASCAR champion Tony Stewart to return to race track 

Tony Stewart will be racing again this weekend after he missed three NASCAR races since hitting and killing another driver on a dirt track. The three-time NASCAR champion has a reputation as one of racing’s toughest drivers. Vicente Arenas reports.

Japan struggles in cleanup of Fukushima meltdown 

The cost of cleaning up the mess caused by Japan’s nuclear disaster is adding up. And, as Seth Doane reports, Japan doesn’t have enough room to store the millions of tons of radioactive soil that has been scraped up.

British PM elevates terror threat level, citing ISIS 

British Prime Minister David Cameron elevated the United Kingdom's terror threat to the second-highest level, meaning it believes an attack is "highly likely." ISIS fighters have shown they are violent, organized and trained to use weapons, and the British government is worried several hundred of those fighters are British. Elizabeth Palmer reports.

American pastime rolling back into the spotlight 

Roller skating is making a comeback; 14 new rinks have opened across the country in the past year with a new twist on the classic four-wheel fad. CBS News' Colby Thelen reports.

Five-year-old Navajo boy sent home from school because of long hair 

Malachi Wilson missed his first day of kindergarten because his hair was deemed too long. His family had to provide proof that he is Native American and that having long hair is part of their spiritual beliefs. He's back in school, but his mother isn't satisfied.

Why investors should be worried 

August was a great month for stocks, but there are plenty of reasons stocks could fall when the summer fades, says CBS MoneyWatch market analyst Anthony Mirhaydari.

Surfers catch monster waves on the "Wedge" 

Thousands of spectators flocked to Newport Beach to watch surfers catch big waves on the now world-famous "Wedge." Louisa Hodge of KCBS reports.

Neighbors react to discovery of New Jersey man's body 

The body of New Jersey native Aaron Sofer was found in a Jerusalem forest Thursday after he went missing last week. Matt Kozar of CBS New York reports on how neighbors in Sofer's close-knit community reacted to the news.

Sheep loses 52 pounds of wool 

An Australian sheep thought to be the world's woolliest was finally shorn on Thursday, shedding off 52 pounds.

Bald eagle released back into the wild 

The Wildlife Center of Virginia, a leading teaching and research hospital for native wildlife released a young bald eagle Thursday at Claytor Lake State Park. Crowds cheered on as Clark from the Wildlife Center in Virginia taught everyone a thing or two before letting the bird back into the wild.

Doctors work to rebuild a child's throat 

A swallowed lithium battery damages a child's esophagus, leading to some remarkable corrective surgery. Doctors plan to use a piece of rib to reconstruct the child's esophagus. Danielle Cook reports.

Kansas woman, 92, needs family Bible to register to vote 

A 92-year-old Kansas woman needed to get creative after a new voter registration law mandated she have a birth certificate to vote. While she did not have the certificate, an old family Bible included a record of her birth. Alan Shope from Kansas City affiliate KCTV reports.

iPads may help kids with autism communicate 

A third of autistic children are still having difficulty speaking at age 5, even after years of early intervention. UCLA researchers are discovering that tablets and iPads can help those children learn to communicate. Danielle Nottingham reports from Los Angeles.

Google tests drone delivery 

The drone is part of a research project called “Project Wing,” which was built by Google engineers as part of their secret research group called “X.” Google released video and details of the drone tested conducted in Australia

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