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Новости за 24.04.2021

Trump denies reports of transition chaos


President-elect Donald Trump is disrupting reports that his transition team is struggling. CBS News Senior Political Editor Steve Chaggaris and Politico National Political Reporter Gabriel Debenedetti joins CBSN to discuss the transition.

Officer charged in shooting of Philando Castile


A Minnesota officer was charged Wednesday with second-degree manslaughter in the deadly shooting of Philando Castile. CBS News correspondent Jamie Yuccas joins CBSN to discuss the reaction from Castile's family and friends.

CBS News' senior White House correspondent Bill Plante retires


Bill Plante, CBS News' senior White House correspondent, is retiring. In his 52 years with CBS, Plante covered the administrations of four presidents and monumental stories like the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. Scott Pelley reports.

Technology could prevent deadly midair plane crashes


Investigators are blaming air traffic controllers for two midair plane crashes six months apart last year. But the crashes could also have been prevented with aviation technology that's available, but not always required in planes. Kris Van Cleave reports.

Can Trump follow through on ISIS promises?


President-elect Trump had plenty to say about the war on ISIS during the campaign, suggesting "bombing the hell out of" the terror group. But as Holly Williams reports, conditions on the ground in Iraq and Syria complicate the decisions he will have to make.

Minnesota officer charged in shooting of Philando Castile


A Minnesota police officer was charged Wednesday with manslaughter for fatally shooting a black man, Philando Castile, during a traffic stop. Prosecutor John Choi said that officer Jeronimo Yanez shot Castile seven times, less than a minute after pulling him over. Jamie Yuccas reports.

Obama tries to calm European allies over Trump


President Obama spoke to European leaders Wednesday who are nervous about Donald Trump's "America first" rhetoric from the campaign trail. Arab allies are also concerned that Trump is anti-Muslim. Margaret Brennan reports.

Trump's conflicts of interest with China


President-elect Trump has threatened a trade war with China, yet he's bragged about his great business relationship with the Chinese. Trump's web of financial interests in China only adds up to the unprecedented conflicts posed by his global business. Julianna Goldman reports.

Trump claims transition process "is going so smoothly"


Donald Trump sent word from Trump Tower Wednesday that the presidential transition is going well, despite many media reports to the contrary. Also, Vice president-elect Mike Pence met with Joe Biden, who said that no administration is ready on day one. Major Garrett reports.

#GrabYourWallet: Anti-Trump boycott movement goes viral


The #GrabYourWallet movement lists the names of dozens of companies that sell Trump products, and encourages consumers to boycott them. It is the latest trend among online anti-Trump protesters.

"48 Hours" preview: Hunted


"48 Hours" goes inside the mind of a serial rapist hunting his victims while two detectives were hunting him. Maureen Maher investigates, Saturday, Nov. 19 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CBS

President Obama calls for "course correction" on globalization


While on his final trip abroad in office, President Obama called for a "course correction" on globalization. He is also expected to address the Syrian refugee crisis while in Berlin. CBS News foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Brennan joins CBSN with the latest details.

The Oxford Dictionaries word of 2016 is...


The Oxford Dictionaries unveiled the 2016 word of the year: "Post-truth." It's a reflection on an intense U.S. presidential election which highlighted personal attacks, social media and distrust of authority.

Snapchat files for IPO


Snap, the parent company of the popular app Snapchat, has filed for an initial public offering, and could go public as soon as March 2017. Bloomberg writer Alex Barinka joins CBSN to with more details.

Minnesota cop charged in Philando Castile shooting death


Officer Jeronimo Yanez has been charged with second-degree manslaughter for shooting and killing Philando Castile at a traffic stop in St. Paul, Minnesota, last July -- an incident that was live-streamed on Facebook by his girlfriend. CBS News' Jamie Yuccas reports.

Drug addict's tragedy helps save others


When 33-year-old Charles Grugan died of a drug overdose, his family was devastated. But they found comfort knowing that he helped save other lives as an organ donor. CBS News' Kenneth Craig reports.

President Obama: Trump and I "could not be more different"


Speaking in Athens, Greece, President Obama made it clear he's a very different type of leader than President-elect Donald Trump. CBS News' Margaret Brennan has more on his comments and the purpose of the president's overseas trip.

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