
Новости за 24.04.2021

Delta's chip technology lets passengers track bags 

Delta is the latest airline trying to make lost baggage a thing of the past. The company now has new tracking systems in place at more than 60 airports using radio frequency identification. Kris Van Cleave reports on the bag tag technology.

What Trump voters are saying post-election 

One week after Donald Trump's presidential victory, much of America is still at odds over the direction of the country. CBS News contributor and Republican strategist Frank Luntz invited 18 Trump voters from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to take part in a focus group. They discussed the election results and the anger within both parties.

More than 70 wildfires burn across South 

Dry weather and drought conditions across the South are fueling an explosion of wildfires. Thousands of acres have burned, and heavy smoke is raising air quality concerns. Dozens of fires are burning in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and other states. Mark Strassmann reports.

Obama tries to reassure Europe on final international trip 

President Obama arrived in Greece Monday morning for his final trip abroad while in office. Before his departure, the president said part of his mission is to reassure allies about Donald Trump. Margaret Brennan reports from Athens.

Security clearance for Trump's children would be unprecedented 

There are new questions about the roles the Trump children will play in the president-elect's administration. CBS News has learned Donald Trump's transition team is exploring how some of his kids could get top-secret security clearances, which is raising ethical concerns. Julianna Goldman, who broke the story, reports.

Brendan Dassey to be freed from prison 

Brendan Dassey, the subject from the hit Netflix series "Making A Murderer," is set to be freed from prison. CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid joins CBSN with the latest details.

Who is Rudy Giuliani? 

Rudy Giuliani is the former mayor of New York City, and an old friend of President-elect Donald Trump. He was also a fierce surrogate on the campaign trail.

Celebrex study shows less risk to heart health than expected 

Researchers spend a decade studying Celebrex, an arthritis drug, to see if it causes heart problems. A similar drug was removed from the market in 2004, as it increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.

Minnesota ISIS recruiters sentenced 

A federal judge in Minnesota sentenced three men Monday who were part of a terror cell that recruited Somali-Americans to fight for ISIS in Syria. "60 Minutes" profiled one of the men recently. Jamie Yuccas has more.

Supermoon reappearing Monday night 

The moon is closer than it has been since 1948 -- about 200,000 miles. That has caused higher than normal tides and minor coastal flooding in South Florida.

Obama addresses Trump's most important challenges 

On Monday, President Obama gave his first press conference since the election. He said one of Donald Trump's big challenges will be who he hires for top posts. Obama also shared some impressions from their Oval Office meeting. Jan Crawford reports.

Which sleep animal are you? 

For years, we've believed there were only two types of people -- early birds and nights owls -- but a new study suggests there are actually four types, and figuring out which sort of animal you are can actually help you feel a whole lot better

Security clearance for Trump children? 

Donald Trump's transition team is now exploring how the president-elect's kids could receive top secret security clearances. That might create a conflict of interest as his children plan on running the family business during Trump's presidency. Julianna Goldman has more.

A look at Trump on the issues: before and after the election 

While campaigning for president, Donald Trump was crystal clear that he would repeal Obamacare and deport every single undocumented immigrant in the U.S., among other issues. Now he appears to be softening his stance on some of those controversial issues. Jim Axelrod looks at the before and after positions.

Trump team defends controversial pick for top White House role 

Donald Trump's pick for White House chief strategist is Stephen Bannon, his campaign chair who was the CEO of controversial right-wing website Breitbart News. The choice drew ire from Democrats and outside groups, but those close to Trump are defending Bannon. Chip Reid reports.

President Obama holds first news conference since Trump election 

President Obama addressed reporters Monday for the first time since Donald Trump was elected last week. Obama commented on the transition between administrations and the state of the United States as he leaves office. See the president's full remarks.

PBS anchor Gwen Ifill dead at 61 

PBS journalist Gwen Ifill has died at the age of 61 after a battle with cancer. CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers has the details.

Trump's appointments get mixed response 

President-elect Donald Trump's appointment of Steve Bannon to his leadership team has been met with backlash. He's also named RNC chair Reince Priebus as his chief of staff. Editor in chief of The Hill, Bob Cusack, joins CBSN to discuss.

Sopan Deb on arrest at Trump rally 

In this "Face the Nation" Web Extra. CBS News 2016 Political Embed Sopan Deb relives his arrest at a Trump rally in Chicago during the primaries

Who is Steve Bannon? 

Get to know the former media executive, who was just named chief strategist for Donald Trump's White House.

Harry Reid: Trump's newest hire puts a "white supremacist" in high-level office 

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid slammed President-elect Donald Trump for hiring Steve Bannon as his chief strategist. In a statement, Reid said it means "White Supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump's White House." CBSN contributor Alex Conant discusses the criticism and why he thinks Trump should be allowed to pick whomever he wants for his administration.

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