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Новости за 26.04.2021

Volkswagen will pay billions in fines for emissions rigging


One of the largest automakers has agreed to plead guilty to cheating on emissions tests and scheming to cover it up. Volkswagen has promised to pay billions of dollars in fines. A number of German executives were also indicted on fraud charges. Kris Van Cleave reports.

Russia responds to U.S. troops in Poland, Trump intel claims


Russia denies having any embarrassing information about President-elect Donald Trump. The country is objecting to the Senate testimony of his secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson. Elizabeth Palmer reports from Moscow, where a government spokesman is also criticizing a move by the Obama administration.

Questions on Russia dominate Rex Tillerson's confirmation hearing


Senators grilled President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state on Wednesday. Former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson was asked about his own ties to Russia. He has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin gave him the order of friendship in 2013. Nancy Cordes reports.

President-elect Trump is combative in news conference


President-elect Donald Trump passionately denied allegations that he was the target of a Russian intelligence operation that gathered compromising personal and financial information. In his first press conference since winning the election, Mr. Trump also ended months of denials, admitting Russia was to blame for cyberattacks during the 2016 election. Major Garrett reports.

California hit with snow, rain, flooding


California is typically known for its sunshine and droughts. But lately the state has been hit with wave after wave of rain and snow. As John Blackstone reports, more dangerous floods are on the way.

John Dickerson on Donald Trump's media bashing


Much of Donald Trump's Wednesday news conference consisted of the president-elect bash the media, particularly CNN. CBS News political director and "Face The Nation" moderator John Dickerson weighs in on Trump's feud with the press.

Trump's plans to divest businesses don't go far enough, experts say


On Wednesday, Donald Trump unveiled his plan to try and wall off his business from the presidency. He will not sell his assets or place them in a blind trust, but his sons will take over the company, a plan that some say is not enough. Julianna Goldman reports.

Rex Tillerson gets bipartisan grilling at confirmation hearing


Russia was the center of attention Wednesday at the confirmation hearing for Rex Tillerson, the former CEO of ExxonMobil who is Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state. Some of the toughest questions came from GOP Sen. Marco Rubio. Chip Reid has more.

Russia denies having blackmail material on Donald Trump


The Kremlin dismissed charges that it has damaging material about Donald Trump, saying they were an attempt to harm relations. But as Elizabeth Palmer reports, Russia is known to collect embarrassing intel and use it against political or business figures.

Claims about Trump's ties with Russia the talk of Congress


Unsubstantiated allegations that Russia has compromising personal and financial information about President-elect Donald Trump have been floating around Capitol Hill for months. Nancy Cordes reports on the reaction to their release.

Donald Trump bashes intelligence agencies in press conference


Donald Trump likened U.S. intelligence to Nazis in an early morning tweet Wednesday, and later at his first post-election news conference. It came after a document of unsubstantiated compromising information about him was leaked. Major Garrett reports.

Trump says "Obamacare is the Democrats problem"


President-elect Trump addresses what his plan will be in regards to Obamacare. He plans to repeal and replace the healthcare program stating, "Obamacare is the Democrats' problem. We are going to take the problem off the shelves. ... We are doing the Democrats a great service."

Trump on Obamacare: It's imploding


During his first news conference as president-elect, Donald Trump talks about his plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Trump: I'm also very much a germaphobe, believe me


President-elect Donald Trump slammed allegations of Russia having potentially compromising information on him during his first news conference since July. He made sure to add that he is a "germaphobe."

Marco Rubio grills Rex Tillerson on Putin, Russia


Sen. Marco Rubio grills Rex Tillerson about Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tillerson says he would not call Putin a war criminal; and Rubio reacts by explaining Russia's role in the Syrian conflict.

Tillerson: I would have responded to Russia taking Crimea with equal force


Rex Tillerson tells the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that he would have reacted to Russia's taking of Crimea more forcefully than the Obama administration - recommending Ukraine deploy military assets to their eastern border and bolstering U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

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