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Новости за 11.05.2021

Gay Catholic schoolteacher fired after getting married


A South Florida Catholic schoolteacher was fired after she married a woman. The teacher says her bosses at the archdiocese didn't approve of her spouse. CBS Miami's Silva Harapetian reports.

Kirsten Gillibrand: The #MeToo senator


Before #MeToo was a movement, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was advocating for victims' rights -- in the military, on campus, and in her own party. Sharyn Alfonsi reports.

SpaceX kicks 21st century "space race" into high gear


We watched in awe last week as SpaceX launched a Tesla Roadster into deep space. The Roadster can still be seen through powerful telescopes as a tiny speck drifting across the sky. It escaped the pull of Earth's gravity Sunday. CBS News' Manuel Bojorquez reports.

Rodchenkov reported to the FSB


The former head of Russia’s anti-doping lab worked with the FSB to rig results, but says he wasn’t an agent.

Rodchenkov says many people want to kill him


The former head of Russia’s anti-doping lab fears for his life and points to the suspicious death of Nikita Kamaev, once chief of the anti-doping program

The strange story of Lincoln's cabins


In Kentucky you can visit the cabin where Honest Abe grew up ... or is it? CBS News contributor Brook Silva-Braga investigates the unusual tale of log cabins at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park in Hodgenville, Kentucky.

A stand-up teacher


At a Varnett charter school in Houston, Eddie Brown is teaching sixth graders about different forms of energy. The kids love him in the classroom -- and so do audiences across the country, who flock to his "Teacher's Only" comedy tour. Steve Hartman reports.

Love at the office


In the era of #MeToo and an increased awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace, is dating or marrying your officemates still a thing? Yes, says CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil (who met his wife on the job). He finds that some companies even boast of their amorous workers. Take Southwest Airlines (stock ticker acronym: LUV), where the expression "Love is in the air" takes on new meaning for staffers and flight attendants who are couples.

The O'Jays: The "Love Train" continues


For decades The O'Jays have been spreading their gospel of love, melding romantic ballads with R&B and a smooth Philly groove. CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod talked with Eddie Levert, Walter Williams and Eric Nolan Grant about their enduring magic.

Almanac: Crash test dummies


On February 11, 2005, physicist and engineer Samuel Alderson, who developed the very first anthropomorphic test device for auto safety testing, died at age 90. Jane Pauley reports.

Flu becomes widespread in 48 states


The flu is now widespread in every state but Hawaii and Oregon. Sixty-three children have died so far this flu season. CBS News' Brook Silva-Braga reports.

White House blocks release of Democrats' memo


President Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee that was written in rebuttal to the controversial GOP memo released last week. CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid reports.

Trump defends Porter, no mention of ex-wives


President Trump broke his silence Friday on Rob Porter, the staff secretary who resigned Wednesday amid reports that he had abused two former wives. CBS News’ Chip Reid is at the White House with the latest.

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