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Новости за 26.06.2024

6/26: CBS News 24/7 Episode 1


Key rulings expected from the Supreme Court; Driverless taxis now available in San Francisco.

Gender-neutral baby names gaining popularity


Names that could traditionally go to either boys or girls are catching on, according to new data from Names.org. The site says unisex names have been trending upward since the 1990s. Dylan, Avery and Logan were the gender-neutral names predicted to be most popular this year.

U.S. military allows reporters on floating Gaza pier


Humanitarian aid efforts from a U.S. military pier off the Gaza coast are resuming, but the amount of help it has provided so far has been relatively minuscule. CBS News foreign correspondent Imtiaz Tyab has a first-hand look at the pier.

Is a HELOC safe for seniors now?


Seniors homeowners in need of funding may want to consider a HELOC. But is it a safe? Here's what to know now.

Inside the new CBS News 24/7 studio


CBS News 24/7, the new show anchored by Vladimir Duthiers, premiered Wednesday. Before the premiere, Vlad gave sneak peek inside the studio for the program.

Kenya's president deploys military amid deadly protests over new tax plan


Kenyan President William Ruto deployed the military to try to quell the protests that broke out against the government's plan to raise taxes. At least six people have been killed in the demonstrations and hundreds more are injured. The country's parliament building in Nairobi was also set on fire. BBC News correspondent Barbara Plett Usher joined CBS News with more on the stream.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to government's contacts with social media companies


The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a group of social media users in two states did not have a legal right to seek an injunction against the Biden administration over its contacts with social media platforms. The group had claimed their First Amendment rights were being infringed upon when the White House tried to pressure social media companies to remove content deemed as misinformation. CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford has more on the decision and CBS News campaign reporter Katrina... Читать дальше...

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