Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) Эстония

Новости за 17.06.2016

Two Syrian refugee families arrive in Estonia

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) Эстония 

Two Syrian refugee families being relocated under the EU’s refugee resettlement program arrived in Estonia from Greece on Thursday. The families were met by their assigned support persons, together with whom they continued on to their new homes in Tallinn and Haapsalu.

Nordica CEO Jaan Tamm projects airline’s first-year loss to be €15m

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) Эстония 

According to its CEO, Jaan Tamm, Nordica is running at a €6m loss, which puts the projected loss for the airline’s 15-month first year in business at €15m. The expected total turnover for the same period is €50m.

OTSE: Majandusarengu võti – tootlikkus?

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) Эстония vahendab otseülekandes majanduskonverentsi, kus käsitletakse peamisi tootlikkuse kasvu takistavaid probleeme Eestis ning seda, kuidas neid lahendada.

Abdul Turay: The seven got it wrong this time

Eesti Rahvusringhääling (ERR) Эстония 

When the Riigikogu adopted a motion condemning the June deportations of 1941 on Tuesday, seven members of the Center Party decided not to vote. They failed their public duty, and created an even bigger rift between the Estonian communities, politician Abdul Turay (independent) thinks.

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