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'Unfair, unjust': OSDE rule proposal aims to tie student scores to accreditation, at least 85 schools/districts in jeopardy

'Unfair, unjust': OSDE rule proposal aims to tie student scores to accreditation, at least 85 schools/districts in jeopardy

A House of Representatives Administrative Rules Committee passed a rule proposed by the Oklahoma State Department of Education that would tie student assessment scores to accreditation which puts at least 85 schools/districts on the chopping block.

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — A House of Representatives Administrative Rules Committee passed a rule proposed by the Oklahoma State Department of Education that would tie student assessment scores to accreditation which puts at least 85 schools/districts on the chopping block.

According to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), the "Raising Academic Standards" rule states any school or district that has more than 50% of students scoring below basic will take a hit to its accreditation.

OSDE claims 35% of Oklahoma students scored below basic in reading on state testing last year. 39% of Oklahoma students also scored below basic in math on state testing last year.

"When it comes to any kind of testing, we have an accountability system set up with the Department of Education. What that plan does is it shows how are we going to help schools when their students are not successful on the state mandated test. What this rule does is automatically impact a district's accreditation. It's a punishment. We need to be focused on when it comes to testing, what can we do to make sure that our schools are getting the resources and support they need to help their students be successful," said Oklahoma Education Association President, Katherine Bishop.

A group of 10 House members voted on the proposed rule Tuesday and it passed 7-3 with only Democrats voting against it.

"I don't understand why we continue to let [State Superintendent Ryan Walters] write rules and then bring them to the legislature. It needs to be the other way around. We write the rules and we tell them what to do," said Representative Mark McBride (R-Moore). "I think it's sad that we take this approach instead of talk about improving. What can we do to make [schools] better? Instead of talking about that, we're going to jerk accreditation. To me, that's not a good thing. We've got a Department of Education that is supposed to work at improving the outcomes of students, not threatening schools and school districts."

Oklahoma schools/districts that could get a downgrade in accreditation if OSDE "Raising Academic Standards" rule becomes law.

Duke Public Schools is among the list of at least 85 schools/districts that could lose its current academic standing.

Duke Public Schools currently serves 165 students in Southwest Oklahoma. It currently operates with zero deficiencies.

According to the 2022-2023 Oklahoma School Report Card, Duke High School received a 'D' and had an overall performance of 45%. The Duke Elementary School was given a 'C' grade and finished with an overall performance of 48%.

"We may have class sizes of eight or 10 students. Not every year, but within that small class you might have special needs students or students on IEPs. We feel there needs to be some amendments included and some leeway when it comes to special case students there," said Duke Public Schools Superintendent Todd Ware. "It's unfair and unjust to judge students in that fashion completely and for sure to judge the entire district in that fashion as well."

Bishop said having a smaller percentage of students in the class will instantly hurt rural districts when maybe one or two students don't make the testing mark.

"Our schools work for their accreditation. They take pride in their accreditation. That's what brings people to those communities. It is important that when we're talking about this, that we're focused not on a one day test, how a student is going to do to say whether a school is accredited or not," said Bishop.

Ware recalled a Duke Public Schools third grade class where it only consisted of four students. He said if one failed, with this new rule, it would immediately drop their deficiency.

House Administrative Rules Committee Chairman Representative Gerrid Kendrix, R-Altus, previously told KFOR the idea that a school would shut down due to a ping on its accreditation was only a scare tactic.

“A deficiency does not put you in a bind. What it does is it opens up the awareness that there’s a problem of some sort,” said Rep. Kendrix.“That opens the possibility for resources to come from the state department.”

"It can certainly give skewed results," added Ware. "Maybe have a measure there where we're looking at growth. It may be a growth measurement that we're looking at, not necessarily a basic level or some predetermined number they come up with. Look how students grow from one year to the next."

Because Duke Public Schools currently operates in good academic standing, it would take a few levels for the district to lose accreditation in its entirety. Ware is fearful of what might happen if the Duke district reaches that point though.

That would be detrimental for our community. It would be a disservice for something like that to push small communities like Duke and so many others in Oklahoma into some potential threat or idea of having to close.

Duke Public Schools Superintendent Todd Ware

If Duke Public Schools were to shutter, the closest neighboring district would be Eldorado or Altus. In either direction from Duke High School, it would be an 18 minute drive.

"We serve all children that come in our door. We don't pick and choose," stated Ware.

The House still has to vote on the rule proposed by OSDE which Rep. McBride expects to happen next week.

Rep. McBride said while he sees a need to have a "goalpost" for students to aim for at the end of the school year, he doesn't agree with the way OSDE is trying to push schools to get test scores higher.

Rep. McBride said he has received numerous emails from constituents asking him to reject the rule.

This would be a no vote for my constituents in Moore, Oklahoma, and across the state.

Representative Mark McBride, R-Moore

News 4 asked Rep. McBride if all of OSDE's proposed rules would be packaged into one vote or if lawmakers would have the ability to vote on each individual rule. He said he was hoping for two separate packages, but doesn't think that will happen.

"We'll see next week," he said.

Bishop is hopeful amendments will be made to this specific OSDE rule.

The Oklahoma Rural Schools Coalition is asking lawmakers to reject the rule entirely.

"Regarding the rules specific to school accreditation, even if the OSDE has some (debatable) authority to manage accreditation parameters, that does not negate the fact that the new proposed rule on accreditation status is bad policy for the children of this state and the communities they call home. The rules in question allow the State Department of Education the capacity to take over or dissolve districts based on a single test taken on one day," said the Oklahoma Rural Schools Coalition Founder, Erika Wright.

News 4 reached out to OSDE Director of Communications, Dan Isett with a list of questions, including what resources would be available to schools/districts that receive an accreditation deficiency due to this rule. He did not respond as of Thursday evening.

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