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Wastewater plans make Hill Country residents worry Pedernales River could turn into 'sewer'


Landowners are concerned about the future of the Pedernales River after recent filings for wastewater permits at two developments. The permits ask for permission from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to discharge treated wastewater on land near the river.

GILLESPIE COUNTY, Texas (KXAN) — Landowners are concerned about the future of the Pedernales River after recent filings for wastewater permits at two developments. The permits ask for permission from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to discharge treated wastewater on land near the river.

"We're trying to heighten awareness of what's going on in the county," said Katherine Peake with the Pedernales River Alliance. Their organization contacted KXAN about their concerns.

The two new developments, Arch Ray Resort and The Village at Grape Creek, are unrelated but represent the rapid growth happening in the Hill Country. Arch Ray owner Shane Baxter and The Village developer Chris De La Mora both said that treated wastewater will be used for landscaping and irrigation.

"When these two TCEQ wastewater discharge permits came in, we really became concerned because the water quality of the river could be impacted," Peake said.

The Pedernales River Alliance (Left to Right: Kris Weidenfeller, Katherine Peake, Deborah Youngblood) are pushing back against development along the river. (Credit: Eric Henrikson/KXAN)

"It's a river that used to be a pristine river, but because of things like fertilizer, runoff and cattle, and I mean, necessary things, I suppose the river has suffered," said Deborah Youngblood with the Pedernales River Alliance.

Youngblood said she's spent a lot of her life along the river. "It's easy to just whiz right through here and never see the river because it's down here. It's beautiful." She worries the developers are not doing enough to protect it.

A resort on the Pedernales River

Baxter's family lives in the area. "We're six generations here in Central Texas. So we understand the importance of water," Baxter said.

Beyond irrigation, the Arch Ray Resort plans to use treated wastewater for a water feature on the property, which features a brewery, winery and will eventually include a small community and hotel.

"As long as they're not dumping in the river, using it for a land application is a wonderful alternative," Youngblood said.

According to Baxter, they filed the permit as a precaution. No discharge is planned for the nearby Pedernales River. However, a flood could cause some of the wastewater to flow into the river.

Arch Ray Resort, just outside of Fredericksburg, hopes to be a home for the two million visitors to the area. (Credit; Eric Henrikson/KXAN News)

Baxter showed KXAN the wastewater treatment system Arch Ray plans to use. Built in Central Texas, Baxter describes it as "Ferrari" of wastewater treatment systems, providing the drinkable water.

The all in one machine was delivered to the property early this year but sits disconnected until permits are approved.

Arch Ray invited members of the community out to see the system for themselves. Engineers were on hand to answer questions.

"We have everything in place to do things the right way. And I hopefully everyone else is gonna be doing the right things as well," Baxter said.

Tiny home community near the river

Further east of Arch Ray, the Village at Grape Creek is a tiny home masterplan community with 242 lots. "We're developing it so that more families like mine can enjoy the Hill Country," De La Mora said.

Based in Houston, De La Mora is the CEO of WellStar Properties. He said his family visits the Hill Country every couple of weeks, igniting his love for the area.

While permits have been filed and a hearing set by TCEQ for June 13, construction has already begun. "It looks like they're putting in the roads and the infrastructure, like the water supply lines and the drain lines," said Kris Weidenfeller, who owns property next to The Village.

De La Mora said they've begun laying the groundwork, hopeful they get the approval by TCEQ. "We've started the construction so that we can get moving with this project and and bring this project to fruition for everyone to enjoy," De La Mora said.

The Village at Grape Creek is currently under construction near Stonewall, east of Fredericksburg. The tiny home community is being built for more families to enjoy the Hill Country. (Credit: Eric Henrikson/KXAN)

The Village plans to discharge wastewater into a ditch, which eventually connects to the Pedernales. While this wastewater will also be cleaned and deemed drinkable or "potable," this plan still draws concerns from the Pedernales River Alliance.

"When it rains, it's going to flush that water straight down to the river," Youngblood said.

De La Mora hopes they're taking the proper steps. "We're trying to do everything right. And we certainly understand the responsibility to be good stewards of the land."

"I want to protect and keep the Hill Country as pristine as it is, just as much as as they do," De La Mora said.

Other concerns about development near Fredericksburg

Beyond the issues with the wastewater discharge plans, the Pedernales River Alliance worried about the lack of impervious cover. This includes things like sidewalks and new buildings. Impervious cover not only leads to runoff, but also makes it challenging for local aquifers to recharge.

"They're pouring concrete like crazy. So now you're also going to have storm water runoff added to all of this stew," Youngblood said about The Village.

De La Mora said they hope to maintain the look of the land. "No one wants a concrete jungle out there. So we've tried to maintain as much of its natural beauty as we can."

Community members in Gillespie County are worried about the future of the Pedernales River after permits were filed for two new wastewater discharge plans. (Credit: Eric Henrikson/KXAN)

Youngblood also said she's worried about the community being built at Arch Ray. That community will be managed by the resort for five years, after which an HOA will take over. Youngblood said she worries the HOA will not hold the community to the same standards.

Baxter said he himself will likely be on the HOA, as he will own a home in the community, and that state regulations will keep them in check.

"We are really are trying to be well thought out to the point that our buildings actually plumbed and ready to go for rain collection system as well," Baxter said.

"We love this river. We don't want to see it turned into a sewer. It just breaks our hearts," Youngblood said. "I've got great grandkids, and I want to be able to come play in the river. So yeah, it's home."

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