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10+ Best Indica Seeds to Buy Online: Indica-Dominant Weed Seeds for Sale in 2022

10+ Best Indica Seeds to Buy Online: Indica-Dominant Weed Seeds for Sale in 2022

Want heavy, pure Indica weed seeds? Here are the best indica-dominant cannabis strains autoflower—regular and feminized marijuana seeds for sale [USA shipping].

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In John Lennon’s words − Indica is what happens when you’re busy growing other plants.

(Or something like that)

Indeed, any experienced grower knows that Indica seeds are much easier to grow than Sativa.

But that doesn’t mean you can settle for any cheap seeds! (Unfortunately).

So, to make sure you don’t kill half your seeds (or more), we’ve rounded up the best Indica seeds you can get.

Yes, these seeds are beginner-friendly.

And yes, there are potent, tasty options as we look at the strongest indica strains available.

Let’s dive in!

[Spoiler Alert: Our #1 recommendation is Afghan feminized strain for its soothing effect, ease of growth, and value for money]

10 Best Indica Seeds for Sale Online in 2022 [USA]

  1. Afghan − Best Indica seeds overall (up to 21 oz!)
  2. Black Indica − Low-THC (13%) pick for beginners
  3. Aurora Indica − Weather-resistant cannabis seeds
  4. Pure Indica − 100% Indica strain for relaxation
  5. Ruderalis Indica − Ideal for cold environments
  6. Hindu Kush − Great for dry and warm climates
  7. Cali Kush − Best high-CBD medicinal strain (20%!)
  8. White Indica − High-yield cannabis seeds
  9. Auto CBDV Indica − Easy auto-flowering seeds for beginners
  10. White Rhino − Cannabis Cup winner

1. Afghan − Best Indica Strain Seeds (Editor’s Choice)


Afghan Feminized tops our list of the best Indica cannabis seeds because it brings together everything that makes Indica great.

First, this cannabis Indica strain features a high THC level of up to 20% and is easy to grow indoors or outdoors.

Second, Afghan Feminized seeds deliver the main thing you expect from cannabis Indica seeds: relaxation, calmness, and light euphoria.

Third, the taste is earthy and natural, and the flowering period is 9 weeks, which is likely on par with your favorite Indica weed seeds.

And if that weren’t enough…

This high-yield plant gets surprisingly massive and produces up to 21 oz per 3×3 ft. Not to mention it’s mold-resistant and easily adaptable to continental climates.

Because of all these reasons, this strain is highly recommended for beginners who want to relax or even go to sleep.

But let’s be real − this is 100% a couch slammer, so get some snacks and tell everybody you’re unavailable for a few hours.

>> Check out these pure Afghan Feminized seeds for relaxation and euphoria >>

2. Black Indica − Best Indica Weed Seeds for Beginners

Black Indica

Many Indica growers recommend Black Indica as the top option for new users.

But even if you are a seasoned pro, don’t be so quick to discard this Indica-dominant strain.

With a mild 13% THC content, Black Indica delivers a relaxed high. It’s perfect for social activities without the risk of ending up heavily stoned on the couch.

In other words − more of a “hippie high” and not as heady as other strains.

The plant is easy to grow, the flowering phase is 8 weeks, and the strain is well-suited for indoor and outdoor growth.

More importantly?

This strain has a relatively high CBD percentage at 2.5%, which means many people use it as medicinal seeds for pain and insomnia.

The plant grows quite big, around 6 ft tall and 6 ft round, and gives a good yield of up to 14 ounces.

We’ll round it up with a fun fact and point out that Black Indica originates from Spain. The more you know!

>> Check out these Black Indica seeds for a mild “hippie” high >>

3. Aurora Indica − Best Care-free Weed Indica Seeds

Aurora Indica

You say easy, I say Aurora.

Quite simply put − Aurora Indica is the Indica dominant strain for all you seed killers out there.

If this is your first time growing cannabis or you’ve killed so many seeds that the cannabis police is looking for you… (Yes, that’s a thing)

Then you should know this Indica-dominant hybrid has a good potency (up to 20% THC) and needs almost zero care.

How is Aurora Indica so tough?

Well, the Indica strain’s resilience and ability to tackle cold and humid environments comes from being a mixture of two famously resistant strains − Afghani and Northern Lights.

But enough said about resilience.

When it comes to the flowering time, the strain can also give you a quick harvest after only 7 weeks − with beautiful resinous buds.

As for potential effects, these Indica-dominant seeds should make you euphoric, relaxed, and happy, but not particularly productive.

As such, this strain is more recommended for nighttime use (not to mention it has a high potency). If you want to watch movies, relax on the couch or just fall asleep, this is what you need.

That said, beginner growers (and especially beginner users) should take it slow at first, as this is one of the most potent Indica seeds online.

>> Check out these beginner-friendly Aurora Indica seeds and avoid a bad first experience >>

4. Pure Indica − Best 100% Indica Strain for Relaxation

Pure Indica

As the name suggests, Pure Indica is one of the few 100% Indica strains out there, which makes it a top choice for relaxation.

With its fast flowering time of around 8 weeks, it’s perfect for short seasons or people who never learned to be patient (I’m looking at you).

But there is a catch − this is unfortunately a lower-yield plant, delivering only 6 ounces. Now you know why people say patience pays off

On the upside, the effects this popular Indica strain provides are second to none. Many buyers report feeling very calm, happy, and more relaxed than with other strains.

Apart from 100% Indica dominance, Pure Indica seeds are also known for their fruity taste with pine afternotes.

Indoors or Outdoors?

Well, this is a bushy, compact cannabis plant that most growers prefer to use indoors. But it’s also sturdy and durable, so as long as your climate is “average” it should do fine outdoors.

Finally, the THC content goes up to 14%, meaning you should be able to function normally.

>> Grow weed Fast with these 100% Pure Indica seeds >>

5. Ruderalis Indica − Best Cannabis Indica Seeds for Colder Environments

Ruderalis Indica

What has Russian origins but doesn’t drink Vodka? Ruderalis.

Ahem, let’s do this again…

If you want to buy Indica seeds online for a cooler environment, then Ruderalis is your jam.

In fact, not only can this plant withstand the cold… but it actually prefers it over warmth and humidity.

It has a respectable flowering time of 8 weeks, and the ideal harvest month is September.

While this plant is more suited to the outdoors, it can also be grown indoors with proper care.

But enough said about Russians, cold weather, and the Eiffel Tower. (Hmm wait, isn’t that one in Spain or something?)

What also makes this option stand out from the rest of the list…

Is the significantly lower THC percentage and high CBD content. In other words, this strain is great to get a good body high and potentially relieve joint and spine pain.

The plants are generally short (around 3 ft tall), which means they would blend quite well if you have a flower bed in the backyard.

All in all, if you want a care-free strain and you don’t want hard-hitting Sativa strains, then Russianralis Ruderalis is for you.

>> Check out these care-free Russian seeds for cold weather >>

6. Hindu Kush − 100% Pure Indica Strain for Dry and Warm Climates

Hindu Kush

Now, for the polar opposite of Ruderalis…

Hindu Kush is a high-potency option that works great in dry, warm environments like Texas and Arizona.

When it comes to potency, it’s not far from Afghan with its 18% THC level, which makes it good for intermediate users.

As with most Indica-dominant strains on our list, it can be grown indoors or outdoors but should be quite short at 3 ft tall.

“Calming” is the word of the day with Hindu Kush.

If you need to relax from a stressful day, release some of that pressure, and maybe even fall asleep, it’s one of our top recommendations.

Since this plant is high in THC, take it slow if you are a beginner to avoid dry mouth and dry eyes.

Fun fact: As the name suggests, this strain comes from the Middle East… which come to think of it, is no fun at all.

>> Check out these Hindu Kush seeds for warm weather >>

7. Cali Kush − Best Low THC Indica Strain

Cali Kush

If you like your weed strains rich in CBD and low in THC, check out Cali Kush.

Wait, but why would you want that?

Well, CBD-high strains are low on the psychoactive side, allowing you to stay clear-headed, and avoid the head high associated with THC.

In other words − with 1% THC and 20% CBD, Cali Kush is a preferred choice for pain relief and relaxation, while still being able to focus and actually get things done.

With that out of the way, Cali Kush flowers decently fast and delivers a solid 10-14 oz yield.

Like similar Indica-dominant hybrids, Cali Kush is easy to grow and best to harvest in the fall.

The strain has a citrus scent and offers a herbal and coffee taste. Fans of OG Kush tend to praise this plant quite a bit.

>> Check out the 20% CBD Cali Kush for a relaxing “body” high >>

8. White Indica − Best High Yielding Indica Marijuana Seeds

White Indica

You will find very few Indica plants that grow dense buds like White Indica.

This 60-40 Indica marijuana strain secures a high-yield cannabis crop − up to 18 oz, in fact.

It flowers quickly (7 weeks) it’s easy to grow and maintain, and should be harvested in the middle of October.

As the name suggests, White Indica buds are packed with white resins, and the THC percentage reaches 20% for a more potent mix.

You can expect a good balance between head high and body high − meaning it’s a great strain for socializing and getting things done while feeling calm and relaxed.

That said, it is quite a potent strain, so newbies should take it easy.

>> Check out these high-yield, balanced White Indica seeds >>

9. Auto CBDV Indica − Best Autoflowering Indica Seeds

Auto CBDV Indica

The next option on our best Indica cannabis seeds rundown is Auto CBDV Indica − a beginner-friendly auto-flowering strain.

Why should you get auto-flowering plants?

Simple − you won’t have to think about lighting. At all.

For beginners, this means you’ll already get rid of 80% of typical rookie mistakes.

But besides this obvious advantage, auto-flowering seeds also flower faster than regular seeds (8 weeks or less for this specific strain).

And don’t think that faster and easier = meager yield.

Because actually, Auto CBDV Indica can yield up to 19 ounces of weed, which is definitely not too shabby.

With a super-low THC percentage and medium levels of CBD (4-6%), this strain should give you a clear mind and relaxed body. In fact, it’s also used by many to relieve arthritis discomfort and joint pain.

The plant is relatively easy to grow in just about any climate. Just make sure to expose the pot to enough daily sunlight. It produces a floral, fresh aroma and has a sweet and sour flavor.

>> Check out Auto CBDV Indica for care-free growing >>

10. White Rhino − Award-Winning Feminized Indica Seeds

White Rhino

Up next, we have to mention one of the most popular Indica-dominant strains: White Rhino.

Available from almost all the best seed banks, this 80% Indica 20% Sativa mixture is a Cannabis Cup winner!

The plant flowers fairly quickly and yields up to 17 oz per 3×3 ft. It’s a bit trickier to grow than some of the other options highlighted on this list – only a moderate difficulty but still not the best cannabis seeds for beginners.

You will appreciate the woody, sweet taste and, even more than that, the relaxed vibe the White Rhino will deliver.

We are looking at an average-sized plant that came from the North American and White Widow strains.

The THC percentage reaches 20%, which makes this cannabis strain pretty potent. It will get you high, and newbies are recommended to start slow. In terms of growth conditions, White Rhino is good to go in continental climates.

>> See for yourself if White Rhino deserved to win the Cannabis Cup >>

11. Pineapple Chunk − Strongest Indica Weed Plant

Pineapple Chunk

We’ll wrap up this section with Pineapple Chunk, a super-potent strain rocking a whopping 25% THC.

If you want something to use when having friends over and having fun, this is the plant for you. The Chunk will make you happy, relaxed, and pretty euphoric.

As the name suggests, the aroma is earthy with a hint of pineapple. The flowering time is 8-9 weeks, and the yields can get pretty hefty, up to 18 oz per 3×3 ft.

When growing, Pineapple Chunk will usually produce a primary cola but can easily adapt to any type of maintenance you use. It will reach a small height of up to 3.3 feet and produce dense buds easily affected by mildew and mold.

What that means is that you should avoid humid environments for the best results. This is not a beginner-friendly strain − but it’s well worth the hassle.

>> Check out the high-THC, high-yield Pineapple Chunk >>


How to Buy Indica Seeds − Beginner’s Guide

Check THC content

If you seek potency, Indica-dominant hybrid seeds are a good choice. These dense buds deliver the goods in terms of THC content, but you still need to pay attention.

Besides checking for THC (anything above 20% is considered very strong), you should also look at parent strains and user reviews. Indeed, some strains with a mild THC percentage are still very potent.

Start with beginner-friendly strains

Ease of growth is paramount if you are not an expert, and even experienced growers like to grow their marijuana strains quickly, with adequate flowering time.

For the easiest growing experience, we recommend going for popular beginner-friendly strains like Afghan Feminized seeds.

Consider the effects and smell

Indica is renowned for its relaxing effects. In terms of smell, Indica strain leans towards a natural, earthy vibe.

That said, if you go for an Indica-dominant hybrid you can get the best of both worlds − the relaxing effects of Indica and the creativity-boosting potential of Cannabis sativa.

Don’t forget about the climate or size

If you’re a beginner, you may not know this…

But most marijuana seeds are suited to a particular climate, whether Mediterranean, hot and dry, cold, etc.

Therefore, always check the product page before you buy pure Indica seeds to make sure they’re suited to your specific climate.

Finally, check your budget

Last but not least, take your time to browse different options to find something within your budget.

We particularly like ILGM’s BOGO deals to get your first seeds with a nice 50% off, so we recommend checking those first.


Best Weed Indica Seeds − Your Questions Answered

What Are Indica Cannabis Seeds?

Indica cannabis seeds are high-yield cannabis seeds known for their ability to survive harsher conditions.

They are easier to grow than their Sativa counterparts. Compared to Sativa cannabis, you’ll recognize an Indica strain by its shorter, bushier looks. The leaves are thicker, and the plant’s body is shorter and stubbier.

This is why Indica ranks among the most popular seeds online.

Are Indica Seeds Bigger Than Sativa Seeds?

Yes, Indica seeds tend to be bigger than Sativa Seeds. This somewhat reflects the plants the seeds turn into – Indica becomes this bushy, thick plant, whereas Sativa plants are thinner.

What Is the Purest Indica Strain?

Afghan Feminized is the purest Indica strain you can get. These 100% landrace Indica marijuana seeds can have up to 20% THC and are very easy feminized seeds to grow for beginners.

Can You Smoke Indica Seeds?

No, you can’t smoke Indica seeds, as they contain zero or next to zero THC and CBD. Therefore, the harmful effects of inhaling a burning substance are not justified.

Which Indica Strains Are Most Potent?

The most potent Indica strains are Afghan and Pineapple Chunk, in our opinion.

Afghan is 100% Indica with 20% THC, while Pineapple Chunk THC is only 80% Indica but with 25% THC.

Which Seed Banks Have the Best Indica Strains?

Both seed banks I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM) and Crop King Seeds (a canadian seed bank) have the best Indica strains in our opinion, for auto-flowering and feminized seeds. Another good option is Seedsman, a seed bank that’s been one of the favorites of cannabis connoisseurs for two decades.

What Get You More High, Indica or Sativa?

Indica gets you more high than Sativa, at least when it comes to “body high”.

Sativa has more of a “head high”, which means it boosts your energy and focus, whereas Indica has more of a sedative effect, sometimes used for chronic pain relief.

Where Does Indica Grow Best?

Indica grows best in mild weather. This is because Indica comes from dry and mountainous regions of India, Southern, and Central Asia.

Indica cannabis seeds can handle cooler temperatures and are easier to grow than Sativa seeds, but they don’t do well in high humidity.


Final Verdict – What are the Best Indica Marijuana Seeds?

You’re probably exhausted after reading this far…

So let’s give you a quick recap of the most popular indica strains and where to find them.

Afghan feminized strain is one of the best Indica seeds you can get. It’s one of the few pure Indica strains (for relaxation) with a high THC content and is easy to grow for beginners.

Black Indica is a strong contender for beginners looking for a milder, “hippie” high that’s perfect for socializing.

You can find both of these strains from pretty much any seed bank, still, our go-to is ILGM (I Love Growing Marijuana) and Crop Seeds King.

But whichever strain you end up choosing, we hope this guide was helpful and that you’ve learned something new today.

Now, go get your buds growing!


Disclaimer: This article does not provide medical advice.

The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained in this article, are for informational purposes only. No material within this article is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always speak to your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read in this article.



The news and editorial staff of the Bay Area News Group had no role in this post’s preparation.

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