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LIVE | South Africa’s coalition countdown


Real-time updates from the National Assembly and KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng legislatures

After two weeks of high drama, court applications, intense behind the scenes negotiations – and waiting – the highly anticipated first sitting of the National Assembly and crucial KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provincial legislatures takes place at 10am today.

READ | MG coalitions hub

14/06 10:30

“Progressive Caucus” says ANC has snubbed themMandisa Nyathi

Smaller opposition parties in Parliament have accused the ANC of using the government of national unity (GNU) to disguise their alliance with the DA and IFP.

They said that the ANC did not offer them “equal chances” to contribute to the GNU government.

The parties, including the Economic Freedom Fighters, the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, the United Democratic Movement,  Al Jama-ah, the United African Transformation, and the African Transformation Movement have formed what they call a Progressive Caucus.

Speaking during a media briefing, EFF deputy leader Floyd Shivambu called on the ANC not to agree to a coalition government with the DA.

Shivambu’s call follows the party’s decision not to enter into the GNU due to the ANC’s advanced talks with “right-wing and reactionary political parties”, which the EFF contends is the DA.

On Thursday, party leader Julius Malema said the party would enter into a coalition with a smaller party to contest other positions, touting its national chairperson Veronica Mente for speaker or deputy speaker, and Shivambu for finance committee chairperson.

On Friday, Al Jama-ah leader Ganief Hendricks called on the ANC to meet with the Progressive Caucus because the GNU was a “smokescreen”. “They should all consider a national front. We cannot return to white rule. There will be a bloodbath,” Hendricks said.

UDM leader Bantu Holomisa said if the ANC was honest from the start, it would have shared its agreement with all parties. “We have never demanded any positions,” he said.

The briefing follows the gathering of the smaller parties on Thursday night, where they raised concerns over President Cyril Ramaphosa’s commitment to engage with all parties.

They said that talks had been “meaningless and fragmented”, and there had been no substantive outcomes.

The parties said they had a right to form an integral part of the discussions that would develop a government of national unity, and in ensuring the creation of an effective Parliament.

“It is down to the wire,” one told M&G 20 minutes before the sitting was due to start.

Rise Mzansi’s Sabine Meabe said the party believed that “the party that leads the executive cannot lead the legislature”. However, the ANC has not agreed to this, which is also the view of the DA.

Rise Mzansi will support Cyril Ramaphosa’s election as president.

The party has not finalised coalition talks with the ANC. It will resume talks after Friday’s sitting.

Parliament, Friday, 14 June 2024 – Today is the first sitting of the National Assembly (NA) as determined by the Chief Justice, Raymond Zondo. The first sitting is a formal sitting where designated members are sworn in and where the Presiding Officers are elected to constitute the National Assembly. 

The first sitting of the National Council of Provinces is scheduled to take place tomorrow, 15 June at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

The NA is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the Constitution. It does this by choosing the President, providing a national forum for public debate of important issues, passing laws, and overseeing the executive.

During today’s sitting Chief Justice Zondo will preside over the sitting and the swearing in of all the designated members present at the sitting. 

Following the swearing in of the members, members will nominate candidates for the position of Speaker.

Chief Justice Zondo calls for the nomination of candidates for election as Speaker of the NA and will announce the names of the person(s) duly nominated.

If only one valid nomination is received, Chief Justice Zondo declares the nominated candidate duly elected. 

If more than one valid nomination is received, a vote is taken by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results of the voting can be announced to the House.

After the announcement of the elected candidate, the Speaker takes the Chair, expresses his or her sense of the honour conferred upon him or her and presides over the election of the Deputy Speaker.

The Speaker calls for the nomination of candidates for election as Deputy Speaker.

The Speaker announces the name(s) of the person(s) duly nominated.

If only one valid nomination is received, the Speaker declares the nominated candidate duly elected.

If more than one valid nomination is received, members will vote by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results of the voting can be made known.

After the announcement of the elected candidate, the Deputy Speaker expresses his or her sense of the honour conferred upon him or her.

The proceedings will be suspended until 14:00

When the House resumes, the election of the President of the Republic will get underway.

The Speaker takes the Chair and invites the Chief Justice to preside.

The Chief Justice calls on Members to nominate candidates for election as President 

The Chief Justice announces the name(s) of the person(s) duly nominated.

If only one valid nomination is received, the Chief Justice declares the nominated candidate duly elected.

If more than one valid nomination is received, a vote is taken by secret ballot and proceedings are suspended until the results of the voting can be announced to the House.

The Speaker then takes the chair and invites parties and the President-elect to address the House.

The Speaker adjourns the House.

Issued by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

14/06 06:00

Unity government over first hurdle as Cyril Ramaphosa awaits second term

Cyril Ramaphosa’s proposed government of national unity appears to have made it over the first hurdle and goes into Friday’s National Assembly session with an agreement on speaker, deputy speaker and president.

The ANC has secured the support of the Democratic Alliance (DA) , the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Rise Mzansi and the Patriotic Alliance (PA) in these crucial votes, with the proposal still being discussed by its national executive committee at the time of writing on Thursday.

The parties have secured a broad agreement on how they will work together and were busy working out the details around what positions each would hold in a new administration ahead of Friday’s first sitting.

It is not clear at this point whether the DA will take up cabinet seats or whether it will rather take on roles in chairing parliamentary committees, supporting the ANC on key votes.


National election results graphic
Results for May 29 elections, 2024.

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