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NBC News

Новости за 26.06.2024

NBC News reporter test rides driverless taxi in Arizona

NBC News 

Waymo, a driverless taxi company, is making its mark in Phoenix, Ariz. NBC News’ Valerie Castro speaks with the city's mayor about why the taxis are becoming increasingly popular and catches a ride in one of the driverless car.

Michael Phelps testifies before Congress on anti-doping measures

NBC News 

Five-time Olympian Michael Phelps testified before Congress on anti-doping measures. He stated that reform at the World Anti-Doping Agency have fallen short and that there are systemic problems that are detrimental to the integrity of international sports.

Closeup look at American pier off Gaza that has struggled to deliver aid

NBC News 

Traveling with the U.S. military, NBC News' Courtney Kube got a first-hand look at the American temporary pier system anchored to the shore in Gaza. The pier was announced with great fanfare by President Biden, but has only delivered aid for 17 of the last 40 days, largely due to weather issues. NBC News' Courtney Kube reports.

Covid on the rise again in dozens of states

NBC News 

Health authorities say Covid cases are on the rise around the nation, with 15 states reporting high levels of the virus in wastewater. While the severity of the disease is lessening overall, the elderly and immunocompromised are still at higher risk. NBC News' Erin McLaughlin reports.

Flooding emergency cripples parts of Midwest

NBC News 

Days of flooding in Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota have left entire communities submerged, and residents near Mankato, Minn., are preparing for the failure of a major dam. NBC News' Adrienne Broaddus reports.

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