New York Post

Новости за 02.05.2020

‘World’s Sexiest Athlete’ Alica Schmidt emerges from coronavirus lockdown

New York Post 

German track star Alica Schmidt, dubbed the sexiest athlete in the world, has returned to training after a month spent in coronavirus lockdown. The 21-year-old German, who had been hopeful of taking part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic prior to the coronavirus crisis, competes in the 400m event. With Germany recently relaxing their lockdown rules,...

The smarter strategy for the Middle East in a post-coronavirus world

New York Post 

The United States has paid a dear price for its involvement in the Middle East since 9/11. In Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Syria, and conflicts and counterterrorist campaigns from the deserts of North Africa to the Straits of Hormuz, our “all in” effort has cost more than $6.4 trillion, and close to 7,000 servicemen and...

Why eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore

New York Post 

I pay as little attention to Michael Moore as humanly possible. But when his latest documentary opened on Earth Day to attacks from fellow leftists, including calls for censorship, it got my attention. After all, one of my favorite scenes in “Lord of the Rings” is watching the orcs fight among themselves. So I grabbed...

Is the coronavirus antibody test a magic bullet — or false hope? 

New York Post 

On March 22, Danny came down with a high fever, chills and body aches “like I never experienced before,” and was sick for five days before finally getting better in early April. The importer of marble and stone from Nassau County was pretty sure he’d had COVID-19, even though he hadn’t been tested for the...

Now Democrats want taxpayers to subsidize insurance companies

New York Post 

In the era of coronavirus bailouts, every group is staking a claim. Shuttered businesses and idled workers have understandable needs, and Congress has already provided them significant support. While hospitals received a large fund, now health insurers, with their lobbyists out in full force, are demanding a piece of the action. Insurers and leading Democrats...

Boris Johnson names newborn son after doctors who saved his life

New York Post 

Boris Johnson and his fiancée honored two doctors who cared for the British prime minister by partly naming their newborn son after them. Carrie Symonds, Johnson’s fiancée, announced their child’s name, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson, in an Instagram post on Saturday. The baby was born last Wednesday, weeks earlier than expected, and is partially named...

Trump touts high approval numbers, GOP support amid coronavirus crisis

New York Post 

President Trump crowed over his approval ratings Saturday after a new poll showed him maintaining high marks through the coronavirus crisis. “96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!” he posted on Twitter. “Also, just out, highest ever Approval Rating overall in the new Gallup Poll and shows ‘Trump beating Sleepy Joe Biden.'” Gallup’s...

Amy Poehler, ‘Parks and Recreation’ pals raise $3.5M with reunion

New York Post 

Amy Poehler and the cast of her old series, “Parks and Recreation,” did more than give fans a thrill with their video chat reunion episode Thursday. They also raised $3.5 million for the food bank charity Feeding America where fans can continue to contribute themselves through May 21. NBC Universal, State Farm Insurance and Subaru all...

Inside Kim Jong Un’s childhood living under a fake name in Switzerland

New York Post 

Pity the fools who thought the chubby, mysterious, basketball and junk food-loving teenager who spent four years incognito at a posh Swiss school would reform North Korea when he assumed command in 2011. Kim Jong Un, 38, turned out to be a tyrannical dictator like his father and grandfather — and he’s still mysterious. He...

Beware of a fired-up Tom Brady

New York Post 

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have a lot to learn about their new, future Hall of Fame quarterback. Most important: Don’t get in Tom Brady’s way on gameday, or he may knock you on your behind. Former New England Patriots receiver Donte Stallworth once learned that the hard way in 2007, even after getting warned by...

Kim Jong Un resurfaces on state media with mysterious mark on wrist

New York Post 

It’s all in the wrist — at least when it comes to figuring out what happened to the suddenly undead Kim Jong Un of North Korea. State media released footage Saturday of the portly 38-year-old dictator riding an electric cart around the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer factory with a new, mysterious mark on his wrist, NK...

The biggest Mets losers with MLB on hold

New York Post 

The Mets were the accidental contenders of 2019. When they tried, they failed. When they surrendered, they succeeded. Brodie Van Wagenen provided the words. In January 2019, before even his first spring training as GM, he assessed the Mets as the NL East favorites and challenged the rest of the division to “come get us.”...

The #MeToo hypocrites who’ve gone silent for Joe Biden

New York Post 

In the #MeToo era, we’re supposed to be better than this. But here we are again, the Democratic establishment and mainstream media doing for Joe Biden what they did for Bill Clinton throughout the ’90s: deflect, deny and defend their guy against a credible sex assault accusation — simply because he’s their guy. It’s been...

Alleged Medicare fraudsters received coronavirus aid money

New York Post 

Most Medicare providers, including some being investigated for fraud, got a slice of the $30 billion in COVID-19 stimulus money that the federal government rushed out to prop up the healthcare system. The disclosure of the payments came from defense attorneys and others representing more than a dozen firms facing criminal or civil fraud inquiries,...

Trump denies report that Congress doesn’t have enough coronavirus tests

New York Post 

President Trump pushed back Saturday against reports there were not enough coronavirus tests to ensure the safety of members of Congress. “There is tremendous CoronaVirus testing capacity in Washington for the Senators returning to Capital (sic) Hill on Monday. Likewise the House, which should return but isn’t because of Crazy Nancy P. The 5 minute...

CDC official says US reacted too slowly to curb coronavirus

New York Post 

The US government was slow to react to the looming coronavirus pandemic as it spread from Europe, which led to rocketing rates of infection and death in the country, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Anne Schuchat, the second in command at the CDC, said a lack of testing...

Lindsey Graham defends Joe Biden after Tara Reade sex assault allegation

New York Post 

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a robust defense of former Vice President Joe Biden, telling Fox News he was skeptical of the sexual assault allegations leveled against him by a former Senate staffer. “The Joe Biden I know, I’ve never seen anything [or] believed that he would do anything like this until you convince...

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