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«Star Tribune» (startribune.com)

Новости за 08.09.2017

One week out from camp: Five big questions about the Wild

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

Wild training camp opens one week from today when players hit the ice for the first time to signal the start of what should be an interesting season. Three days after that, because the NHL is awesome and has figured out you don’t need to skate around for three weeks to get ready, Minnesota plays at Winnipeg in its first preseason tuneup. The regular season opens Oct. 5 in Detroit, with five of the first six games games (spanning 17 days) on the road. That should give the Wild coach Bruce Boudreau... Читать дальше...

Scene + Heard: AngelHair Beauty Bash

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

For the inaugural AngelHair Beauty Bash, guests gathered at the Van Dusen mansion in Minneapolis. The event featured dinner (angel hair pasta), dessert and entertainment. The Beauty Bash is a fundraiser for the newly founded Twin Cities nonprofit AngelHair, which provides wigs for women who are losing their hair because of cancer drugs and treatments.

Maplewood dance school for the stars

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

The Larkin Dance Studio in Maplewood trained “World of Dance” standout Eva Igo and scores of other accomplished performers.

7-year-old with artificial hand has a dream; Twins want to make it happen

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

Let’s face it: A lot of news coming at you lately has been pretty grim. Stories about possible nuclear war, devastating hurricanes and the daily churn of Washington politics are bad enough. Now it turns out half of Americans were possibly subjected to a security breach. Maybe you’re part of the lucky half? I’m not suggesting you ignore any of those things. They are real and they are happening. But I would also like to inject a dose of cheer into your Friday morning. On Thursday, Bleacher Report tweeted out a short video on Hailey Dawson... Читать дальше...

Mexico recovering from devastating earthquake

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

One of the most powerful earthquakes ever to strike Mexico has hit off its southern coast, killing at least 15 people, toppling houses and businesses and sending panicked people into the streets more than 650 miles away.

Weekend traffic: Paving project will close I-94 in Minneapolis

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

The long-running construction project on I-94 between Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center is heading into the home stretch, but motorists will encounter big inconveniences before things wind down for the season. Among them is this weekend's closure of the westbound lanes between I-394 and I-694.

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