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«Star Tribune» (startribune.com)

Новости за 18.06.2024

New York's top court declines to hear Trump's appeal of the gag order in his hush money case

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

New York's top court on Tuesday declined to hear Donald Trump's gag order appeal in his hush money case, leaving the restrictions in place following his felony conviction last month. The Court of Appeals found that the order does not raise ''substantial'' constitutional issues that would warrant an immediate intervention.

Analysis: It takes time to win, and that's a lesson Luka Doncic is learning

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

Michael Jordan needed seven seasons to win his first title. LeBron James needed nine seasons and two futile trips to the NBA Finals before he became a champion. Shaquille O'Neal got swept in his first finals. And the newly crowned champion Boston Celtics lost the finals in 2022 and lost in the Eastern Conference finals last year before breaking through now.

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