
Новости за 29.12.2021

Rising omicron cases, CDC guidance threatens businesses 

The decision to cut isolation time in half for those with asymptomatic COVID-19 is sparking a backlash among employee representatives and experts who say big business sparked the decision more than science did.A worker shortage of flight attendants...

Asian American leaders push for national museum of their own 

The late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) first introduced legislation to create an African American museum on the National Mall in 1988. It took nearly three decades before the museum was finally completed and opened its doors to the public.Asian American...

The 10 Republicans most likely to run for president 

The 2024 presidential election may still be three years away, but Republicans have already begun to jockey for their places in the primary. Former President Trump's repeated hints that he could mount ano...

Biden, lawmakers mourn Harry Reid 

Current and former elected officials from both sides of the aisle are voicing appreciation for former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who died on Tuesday at the age of 82. “During the two decades we served together in the United...

Congress must meet the moment to hold Big Pharma accountable 

Earlier this month, the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform released a comprehensive report detailing Big Pharma’s egregious pricing and anti-competitive practices. The report is the culmination of a nearly three-year...

Death of Kansas teen in police custody ruled a homicide 

The death of a Black teenager in law enforcement custody in Sedgwick County, Kan., was deemed a homicide Tuesday after an autopsy. Chief Medical Examiner Timothy S. Gorrill said in an autopsy rep...

CDC comes under fire for new COVID-19 guidance 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is under fire from health experts and employee groups who say the new COVID-19 isolation and quarantine guidance has too many holes.The iso...

History says attack the bottlenecks 

Inflation is an issue again in 2021 for the first time since 1981 with prices jumping 6.8 percent in the past year. The price of regular gas, important to rural and suburban voters who drive longer distances, is $1.00 higher than it was just 10...

Trump's surgeon general criticizes CDC guidance 

Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams advised against following recent COVID-19 guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asserting that some people infected with the virus could end their qua...

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