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Новости за 24.06.2024

White House staffer addresses past post amid conservative criticism


A staffer on the White House communications team has responded to criticism from conservatives over his past social media posts, stating those from when he was younger are not a reflection of his current views. Tyler Cherry, who was recently promoted to the role of an associate communications director at the White House, came under...

Amtrak warns high temperatures in the Northeast will cause delays


Amtrak warned that high temperatures could force trains on the Northeast Corridor to be delayed by up to an hour into Sunday evening. Extreme heat has blasted the Midwest and Northeast this week, with temperatures reaching the triple digits on the East Coast on Saturday and Sunday. High temperatures make the steel tracks expand, raising...

Louisiana kicks off national fight with Ten Commandments mandate


Louisiana has triggered a national controversy with a new law mandating that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public classrooms. The law signed by the state's GOP governor has been blasted by civil liberties groups, which argue it infringes on the rights of students and blatantly ignores the separation of church and state. The...

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