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What does the pink supermoon mean for YOUR sign?


A Full Supermoon, named the Pink Moon, will be visible in the sky tonight, which occurs in the powerful, mysterious sign of Scorpio and lands in the midst of Taurus season.

There’s a lot going on there! What this all means, in essence, is that our relationships are under the spotlight, and we are seeing their flaws and limits, wanting to let go of the things which create that tension or restriction.

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The Pink Supermoon is putting our relationships under the spotlight[/caption]

It is an emotional time – and the contrast of Taurus (security) vs Scorpio (transformation) means you could be feeling confused and unsure about your closest bonds.

Are they really working? Do you want the same things? Do you share the same values?

Ideally, to resolve this lunar love angst, a balance should be struck between keeping the good bits and changing or releasing the bad bits from your relationships.

Emotional discussions will be on the agenda, but stay calm and focused, and you can come through this with your partnership in better shape than ever. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems.

It’s time to illuminate issues that are already there, but that have not yet been dealt with.

Let tarot queen Kerry King read your relationship fortune!

Aries – The Hierophant

Your closest relationship is following a traditional route- engagement to marriage to nesting or family.

The Hierophant is all about conventions in romance and love, the milestones that mark a relationship’s progression. And this is the root cause of your disquiet or doubt this Full Moon.

Is this structured pathway not what you want? Or do you not agree on how those milestones should be celebrated?

Your love is what matters, not the bells and whistles around it, that are largely for the benefit of family and friends anyway. 

Focus on each other and come to a compromise about how you move things forward.

Taurus – The Fool

This Full Moon is in your sign’s season and affects you deeply. The Fool shows that the driving force behind your relationship revelations is the need for renewal, change, and a clean slate.

You want to let the past go, reboot and recalibrate, and start out again on a shared adventure and journey.

It could be something practical and tangible, like a house move or holiday or project.

It could be more of an emotional shift, letting an old wound heal and seeking forgiveness fully.

Whatever it is, describe your desire and make that first step. Lead the way, and they will follow.

Gemini – King of Cups

You are not the most emotionally demonstrative sign, you keep your feelings largely to yourself, and even act in an opposite kind of way as your true feelings!

You disguise your thoughts by default, even though you never stop talking. It’s a unique Gemini-thing, but this probably drives your partner mad.

The King of Cups shows you need to open your heart and speak freely to them, sharing your authentic desires and emotions, telling them what they really mean to you, and what you hope for the future.

They are not a mind reader. They need to hear this from you, from your heart.

Cancer – Queen of Swords

For one so usually dependent on, and immersed in, your love life, you actually find yourself craving space and independence this Full Moon.

The Queen of Swords sees you discovering an ambition or goal that you maybe even feel your relationship gets in the way of.

Don’t blame your partner. Don’t project this as an unresolvable barrier. Instead, articulate what it is you want to do and what that means in every day terms, and how your partner can help you make this happen.

Believe me, you’ll find their response is positive. They want you to be happy. They love you.

Leo – The Tower

The Tower is a forceful card and shows the nature of your love discussions so this Full Moon might be volatile and dramatic (a bit like you, so maybe that’s no surprise).

Whatever the tone or circumstance, pay attention to the content. Don’t let the volume bother you, and instead focus on what you’re hearing and learning about your partner and their needs.

Take a time out to absorb and understand it, and formulate a compassionate and measured response.

Keep things calm, and you can work this through and come to a new, better place together.

Virgo – Knight of Cups

You might find this Full Moon more romantic and loving than many of the other signs (lucky you).

The Knight of Cups promises that thoughtful gestures and lovely surprises will go down a treat with your other half and set the stage for meaningful and hopeful discussions about your shared future.

Organise a private and relaxing Date Night, and get ready to talk (amongst other things) through the night.

Bonding and planning are on the agenda, and you can start to create foundations that this love can build on long into the future.

Libra – Nine of Cups

Your diplomacy and tact are your strength, but, like all strengths, they carry a double edge.

Sometimes you’re not overtly clear and direct about what you think or want. You hedge your bets so as not to disrupt or offend or jar.

Enough of that. Release your most heartfelt dreams and ideals to your partner, and I promise they will be well received.

The Nine of Cups is a like a cosmic pass, granting you a dream-come-true in your love life, if only you’d express it and make a move in its direction.

It starts this Full Moon by sharing your true thoughts to your loved one.

Scorpio – Five of Wands

You’ve been feeling a building sense of incompatibility and irritation towards your partner, in some ways, and it’s bubbling to a crisis-point.

The love is there, so is the passion, but there are aspects of this relationship that wind you up.

So, what to do about it? The Five of Wands advises that you should try to project this disquiet onto a convenient common enemy rather than picking at each other.

Create a barrier that does represent this irritation, which you can join forces to combat together, on the same side.

You will work together rather than against each other, and overcome this rough patch.

Sagittarius – Four of Coins

Of all the signs, you are the most freedom-lovin’ and freewheelin’!

How annoying then that the Four of Coins indicates your relationship has fallen into a bit of a rut recently.

Circumstances have conspired to drive you both into a routine, which has actually become auto-pilot, and you both feel like you’re getting stuck in the humdrum, but maybe neither one of you wants to admit it.

Just say it! Don’t blame them, blame the way life has been. But make sure to shake things up and throw the schedule out of the window from now on!

Capricorn – Two of Coins

You can be guilty of working too hard, for too long, and neglecting the softer, more fun side of life.

I sense this might be what your partner is building up to tell you this Full Moon, so I’ll spoil the ~surprise~ and get there first!

The Two of Coins reveals your distraction and immersion in anything and everything BUT your loved one/s.

Put down your tools or laptop or whatever and pay some heartfelt and close attention to your other half.

They understand you’re a focused person, and you are working for your joint security and comfort, but time is more precious than any wage packet.

Spend quality time with those you love.

Aquarius – Four of Wands

You can, if you wish, use this Full Moon to have a most illuminating discussion with your other half about your goals and dreams for the future, specifically in terms of work and home / location.

That might not sound amazingly romantic, but it’s on these platforms that relationships and homes are built, and nests are made.

Make sure you’re both clear about what the other wants, and where they’re headed. You might find out you’re not entirely aligned.

And that might lead to more interesting debates, and they’re better to be had sooner vs later.

Pisces – Seven of Swords

You are secretly anxious that your partner doesn’t share your feelings, or is as into this as you, or as supportive as you need them to be.

Rather than addressing this disquiet, you’ve buried it deeply, but it surfaces as distrust and passive aggression.

They WILL have noticed it, trust me. The Seven of Swords asks you to be really brave and share these anxieties.

You might find out there are genuine reasons you don’t always get the attention you want, or that your partner might feel somewhat similarly.

Air these concerns. They’ve festered long enough.

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