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McFly reveal major Netflix show influenced their new album and song God Of Rock & Roll


THEY made their name with pop songs including Obviously, Shine A Light and Star Girl.

But McFly are back with their heaviest music ever, after finding an unlikely source of inspiration in telly’s Stranger Things.

McFly are back with their heaviest music ever, after finding an unlikely source of inspiration in telly’s Stranger Things[/caption]
Stranger Things character Eddie Munson performed a rip-roaring rendition of Metallica’s Master Of Puppets – inspiring McFly
Eddie Munson played by Joseph Quinn
Courtesy of Netflix

Bassist Dougie Poynter said he was almost moved to tears when the character Eddie Munson performed a rip-roaring rendition of Metallica’s Master Of Puppets in the Netflix sci-fi hit last year, prompting the group to follow a similar path.

Now they hope their new album Power To Play, out on June 11, will continue to push a revival in guitar music after a tricky period where bands failed to flourish.

In an exclusive interview, Dougie said: “It was really sad when the guitar music disappeared for a little while so we’re mega stoked (to be bringing it back).

“I almost f***ing cried when I was watching Stranger Things and Eddie defeated the bad guys by playing a Metallica song.

“I was like, ‘this is absolutely huge’.

“I thought that was one of the coolest things.

“That was f***ing rad.

“We’d finished the album by the time I saw Stranger Things but then I saw that scene with Eddie and that was the beginning of the song God of Rock & Roll. 

“The biggest inspiration behind that song was Eddie from Stranger Things.”

Today the boys have dropped the album’s first single, aptly titled Where Did All The Guitars Go?, which was made in their own studio. 

Guitarist Danny Jones, who is in the band with bassist Dougie, singer Tom Fletcher and drummer Harry Judd, said: “Covid led us to take a bit of a risk in owning our own studio and I think it’s one of the best things we ever did, because it gave us the opportunity to spend the time together that you wouldn’t normally get if you’re out and about.

“Having that studio, it’s like having your own apartment again.

“People can jump in and out whenever they want.

“That’s how we got excited.

“The only problem is that we have to tidy up after ourselves, which sucks.”

Only last week their old pals Busted — who they joined forces with to form the supergroup McBusted — announced they were reuniting.

On whether they will be going head-to-head, Dougie said with a laugh: “It looks like it, doesn’t it?

“Neither band has intended it this way.

“It’s just fallen that way, totally by accident.

“I’m down for rivalry.”

Let the battle commence . . . 

Vick’s tum night out 

VICK HOPE was a walking, talking ad for Tommy Hilfiger when she got kitted out head to toe in the brand’s clobber.

She wore the tummy-baring outfit for the launch of Tommy’s collaboration with streetwear brand Aries in London on Wednesday night.

Vick Hope looked like a walking, talking ad for Tommy Hilfiger when she got kitted out head to toe in the brand’s clobber

It won’t matter if it was a late one for Vick, as she has revealed she has an ingenious way to get through her radio shows on no sleep.

Speaking on Radio 1, she explained: “I used to do an early breakfast show on the radio at the weekend and sometimes I wouldn’t have gone home from the night out, I was very tired.

“I used to just put an alarm on for when I would need to talk, put my head down, let the music play, and then as soon as my alarm would go off, I’d get up, do a very quick link, put my head back down.

“I just slept the whole show and talked occasionally.

These days her show starts at 3.30pm, so if she used that method now she really would have had a wild night.


PERRIE EDWARDS hated her freckles so much when she was young that she wanted a facial acid peel.

The Little Mix singer said: “I was a little bit insecure.

“I hated my freckles, I was always quite poorly and anaemic so I had dark circles under my eyes, I was really malnourished and skinny. . . People used to bully me.

“Everyone was criticising me, and that made me criticise myself.

“I asked my mum if I could have an acid peel to get rid of my freckles.”

Now she is far happier and working on solo music but it’s a while off.

She added to Grazia mag: “I don’t have a set timeline.”

Danny puts on dancing shoes

THE SCRIPT’s Danny O’Donoghue has hinted the band could go into electronic dance music.

The group released the greatest hits album Tales From The Script in 2021 and will return to the studio next week to work on an entirely new sound.

Danny O’Donoghue at Wednesday’s launch of the BBC Earth Experience, with girlfriend Anais Naing[/caption]

At the star-studded launch of the BBC Earth Experience at London’s Daikin Centre, where he rubbed shoulders with Princess Beatrice, Danny told me: “Since we did Tales From The Script, I feel like that’s a full stop on that era.

“I’m soaking up music right now.

“There are so many amazing people.

“When you’re successful, it’s very hard to keep your ear to the ground.

“I’m in the studio with the boys on Monday and we’re going in with electronic beat machines.”

The group will be supporting Pink on her UK and European stadium tour this summer, but when he isn’t on stage, Danny – at Wednesday’s do with girlfriend Anais Naing – has also been writing for other artists.

He said: “I’ve been in with Calum Scott and a lot of Irish bands like Picture This.

“I’ve had a few people down to the studio like James Morrison and Tom Walker.

“I love it. But the more time I spend on other people, the more I want to get back out there myself.”

Lewis get-up a wild sight

DON’T stare at this photo of Lewis Hamilton for too long or your eyes may go a bit funny.

The Formula One driver wore this multi-coloured zebra print outfit yesterday while preparing for this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne.

Don’t stare at this photo of Lewis Hamilton for too long or your eyes may go a bit funny[/caption]

He’s always been one to wear kooky outfits and perhaps he is onto something.

If I was one of his rivals and saw this, I’m not sure I’d be able to drive in a straight line.

Mind you, it hasn’t worked so far this season.

Keep trying though, Lewis – anything to put off those other drivers.

Raye big plans for Glasto

RAYE is pulling out all the stops to deliver an unforgettable performance at Glastonbury this summer.

The Escapism singer said: “I’ve got big plans for that, I have to go hard.

“Well, it’s Glastonbury. It’s got to be big, the best damn show I’ve ever put on.”

She has also revealed she has Charli XCX to help thank for her success.

Raye told Apple Music: “Charli XCX took time out to direct a video for me.

“She invited me round to her house, we were practising lyrics in the mirror and different poses, and how I can perform and be more confident.

“It changed everything for me.”

Lana’s set to tie the knot

LANA DEL REY has got engaged to talent agent Evan Winiker.

The couple have been seen together several times in recent months but sources in the US say they are now taking their relationship to the next level.

It’s not the only good news for Lana this week, as she is also flying high with her new album Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd.

The record is expected to hit No1 later today, which would be her sixth chart-topper in 11 years.

This month she picked up the Visionary Award at Billboard’s 2023 Women in Music event.

Accepting the gong, she said: “I feel like being happy is the ultimate goal. So I did it.”

Now I can understand why she’s smiling.

Matt: Ask Luke on Bros

IF you thought it was just Noel and Liam Gallagher warring over a potential reunion, think again.

Matt Goss has hinted he would like to reform Bros but has suggested his brother Luke is dragging his feet.

Getty Images - Getty
Matt Goss, left, has hinted he would like to reform Bros but has suggested his brother Luke, right, is dragging his feet[/caption]

The singer made the comments on stage on the second night of his new show The Matt Goss Experience With MG Big Band And The Royal Philharmonic.

When heckled by the audience in Oxford about reforming the group, Matt told them: “Just tell my brother.”

On stage, where Matt also performed a ska version of Bros’ hit When Will I Be Famous, dedicated to late Specials singer Terry Hall, he also paid tribute to his beloved mother Carol, who died with cancer in 2014.

Matt welled up as he told them his mum was “the best friend in my life”, adding: “The last conversation with my mum was in St James Park in London.

“This is going to be her tougher and tougher as this tour goes on.

“This is for mum.”

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