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Billionaire who’s spent £3m ‘de-ageing’ including penis therapy reveals bizarre dating rules… including strict sex guide


WOULD you like to live forever?

There is one man who is trying to fight the ageing process, so much so he’s poured millions into his controversial quest to live forever – even swapping his own blood with that of his 18-year-old son.

Magdalena Wosinska
Tech titan Bryan Johnson gets blood from his 18-year-old son to stay young[/caption]
Magdalena Wosinska
Bryan undergoes controversial penis therapy three times a week to last longer[/caption]

Tech titan Bryan Johnson is the bonkers billionaire who takes over 100 pills a day, has 30 doctors on hand – and at the age of 45 is now having shock therapy treatment to improve his sex life.

The father-of-three – who claims his projected age is 200-years-old – is the mastermind behind payment processing company Braintree – which specialises in mobile and web payment systems.

He made his fortune in his 30s when he sold the start-up to eBay for a whopping £600 million. 

But the gruelling long hours and race to the top took its toll on Bryan and left him feeling overweight and depressed.

At his lowest ebb he was close to suicide, and says it was in that moment that he decided to embark on a journey to reboot his body. 

By fusing technology with biology, Bryan claims he has reduced his overall biological age by more than five years and now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old. 

The innovator’s extreme commitment to halting the ageing process includes shunning sunlight, eating precisely 2,250 calories a day and having his last meal at 11am. 

He has even gone as far as swapping his own blood with that of his 18-year-old son, draining a litre each time in the hope of regenerating his own.

Bryan, pictured before his age-defying journey[/caption]
Bryan has swapped blood with his teenage son

Bryan says: “One of the funniest things was when we did the blood transfusion, more women reached out to me than ever before.

“Blood apparently is a big thing. I didn’t realise how big of a deal it was.”

He adds: “I’m revolting against the culture of death… In the 21st century, the only goal is not to die. It’s the rallying cry for the 21st century, those two words, ‘Don’t die’.”

This month he sent shockwaves through Silicon Valley when he announced he’s undergoing penis rejuvenation therapy to make him last 3.5 hours in the sack.

The controversial treatment involves being jolted in the pelvic area by 4,000 shocks in an attempt to increase his erections. Bryan has the extreme treatment three times a week – costing £1,500 a pop. 

He recently told Muscle and Health magazine: “If I met the right woman, I would happily introduce her to the Blueprint lifestyle and let her live it side by side with me, so long as she respected my rules.”

But his bizarre dating rules are not for the faint-hearted. 

They include: dinner at 11:00 AM, 8.30pm bedtime, no pillow talk, sleeping alone, no small talk, no Sunday vacations, scheduled sex, veggie diet, must be prepared to give plasma and must understand you’re not the number one priority.

Bryan’s pursuit of eternal life does not come cheap. Every year he shells out £1.5million on Operation Blueprint.

His £5million home in Venice, California, has been modified to include a full medical suite. 

Bryan Johnson's 10 dating rules

Rule #1: 11:00 AM, dinner

Rule #2: 8:30 PM, bedtime

Rule #3: No pillow talk

Rule #4: You sleep alone

Rule #5: No small talk. Really don’t care

Rule #6: No Sunday vacations

Rule #7: Even, scheduled sex (sex does not have a maximum allotted time frame – sex is playtime. Whatever comes naturally)

Rule #8: Veggie daddy

Rule #9: Must give plasma

Rule #10: You are not my number one priority

Bryan said women reached out to him after the blood transfusion
Bryan Johnson avoids the sun and wear blue glasses two hours before bed[/caption]

While sleeping, Johnson is hooked up to a machine that counts the number of nighttime erections.

He also takes daily measurements of his weight, body mass index, body fat, blood glucose levels and heart-rate variations.

He insists what he’s doing is not a ‘vanity project’ but a ‘science project’ for the entire human race. 

“What I do may sound extreme, but I’m trying to prove that self-harm and decay are not inevitable,” he explained.

“It’s a call for revolution, that death has always been inevitable, and we have built society around that inevitability from our philosophies to our habits, to our cultures, to our ideas, to the way we interact, and it is time we change our culture from one of inevitable death to one of don’t die.”

Critics have blasted Bryan over the ethics of tinkering with the very essence of humanity, and he’s been accused of playing God.

But their concerns have fallen on deaf ears. 

On last week’s entrepreneur’s Diary of a CEO podcast hosted by Steven Bartlett, Bryan laid bare his average day.

The tee-total vegan wakes up at 5am and does one hour of intense exercise before having breakfast.

He wears blue light-blocking glasses for two hours before bed at 8pm and has a strict skincare routine. 

“The sun is the biggest accelerator of ageing,” he says.

“We have a multi-spectral imaging device here at the house, and we measure the skin with 10 biomarkers: UV damage, reds, browns, pore size, etc. A little sun is good, but too much is very bad.”

Dustin Giallanza
The US billionaire says his future partner must accept she won’t be his priority[/caption]
Bryan Johnson
Bryan Johnson’s meals are strictly vegan[/caption]
Bryan Johnson
One of Bryan’s ‘Blueprint’ drinks[/caption]

To reverse sun damage he undergoes fat injections, acid peels, laser therapy and micro needling. He requires a machine to generate tears because his body has stopped producing them.

“My Blueprint is more about identifying the bad things you do and eradicating them than adopting new behaviours,” he explains.

“Stop staying up late, stop skipping exercise, stop eating too much food, stop eating processed food, stop smoking, stop drinking. Just stop the bad stuff. 

“This is so counterintuitive, because people want to do the good stuff because sometimes doing the good stuff like taking a pill is so much easier than confronting the chaos of the inability to stop the bad things.

“I really don’t miss any foods. I don’t like or value cheat food. I find it to be unpleasant. My 100 per cent (15 grams of dark chocolate) is the naughtiest thing I consume.”

Bryan tells how he does not have time to watch TV or read the news.

“No. It’s like junk food,” he says. “I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I’m a big reader. I really enjoy South Park. I also love stand-up comedy, especially Ricky Gervais. ‘Arrival’ is probably my favourite movie.”

In recent years, Silicon Valley billionaires including Peter Thiel and Jeff Bezos have invested vast sums of money into start-ups that have tried to come up with technology that will enable humans to live well into their hundreds.

Whether they’re leading us into a Utopian paradise or a dystopian nightmare is yet to be seen.

Bryan Johnson’s interview is out September 19 in Muscle and Health magazine

Bryan's daily routine

20:30 pm: Bryan goes to bed and “the day begins”

5:00-6:00 am: Bryan wakes up naturally- no alarm.

7:00 am: 1-hour workout

8:00 am: Super veggies

9:00 am: Nutty pudding

11:00 am: Final meal

Afternoon: Running and investing in several companies, plus engaging in several therapies

Night Time: Wind down routine

Markus Klinko
The father-of-three says his projected age is 200 years old[/caption]
Magdalena Wosinska
The tech mogul sleeps hooked up to a machine to count his nightly erections[/caption]
Magdalena Wosinska
The 46-year-old vegan doesn’t drink, smoke, eat junk food or watch TV[/caption]

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