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Inside noisy lorry park where I’m A Celeb star Jamie Lynn Spears lived for 3 years before she bought 180-acre woodlands


THIS is the noisy lorry park where Jamie Lynn Spears lived for three years before buying a 180-acre forest to build her dream home.

The Sun can reveal the bizarre property arrangement of Britney’s sister, who is currently in the jungle, and her hubby Jamie Watson, for the first time – including how they were surrounded by the noise of thousands of portable loos being cleaned every day along with police sirens, car wrecks and honking horns from the nearby motorway.

Disney General Entertainment Con
Jamie Lynn, pictured with sister Britney, lived on the noisy site for three years[/caption]
Google Earth
This Google Earth picture shows an aerial view of the lorry site the family home was built on[/caption]
Tangipahoa Parish Land Records
A nearby firm rented an cleaned portable toilets, as picture here[/caption]
Jamie Lynn with husband Jamie and daughters Maddie, 15, and Ivey, five[/caption]

The site of their new home has been financed with an unusual deal – which means they could borrow up to $50 million (around £39.7 million), public records show.

The Zoey 101 star’s husband runs a number of companies, his main one being a trucking firm Fluker Transportation LLC in Hammond, Louisiana.

He set up the business on a site just off the busy US-51 Highway, which the company purchased for $37,000 in 2016, according to official records.

A year later and Jamie sold the plot of land for an unknown reason to another of his firms, JP3 Investments LLC, situated at the same address, for exactly the same amount, records show.

The site appears to be only for commercial use, especially as it’s an area full of smelly and noisy industries such as the neighboring Pot-O-Gold, which cleans and rents thousands of portable toilets and has them piled up on their site, Google Earth aerial photos show. 

But a 2018 lawsuit against Fluker, JP3 Investments and Wayne Mitchell Holdings LLC – which owns some of the land Fluker operates from – revealed that Jamie, 41, and Jamie Lynn, 32, and their two daughters – now aged 5 and 15, had been living on the site and even built a house. 

It was filed by the residents who live to the immediate north and were complaining about the noise being 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

The suit states that the neighbours want extensive damages for “loss of enjoyment of their property due to the incessant noise and smell of the diesel vehicles”, devaluation of their homes, and the “physical and emotional stress due to this dramatic change in the former peace and serenity of their family homes”.

Jamie countered in an affidavit that there are a number of businesses operate in the area so would expect such a level of noise and that he has to live there himself. 

He said in the court document: “Due to the commercial operations and the interstate in the immediate area there exists a level of noise that would be expected from this type of area.

“There are routinely loud noises emanating from the IS-55. These sounds include but are not limited to police sirens, horns honking, wrecks, blowouts, and vehicles driving over the rumble strip.


He added that there was also the “beeping of buses backing up, diesel engines running and power tools operating” along with the noise of “the”hundreds and possibly thousands” of portable toilets being cleaned and delivered.

However despite the unwelcoming sounds, Jamie declared in the affidavit that he had built a property for his wife and two kids on the site – and that somehow none of the noise had ever disturbed them, even their youngest daughter Ivey who was just a baby at the time.

“I constructed a building on the property that includes a living area. I currently live on Lot 2 with my wife, step-daughter and 10 month old child…,” he said in the legal papers.

“No activity on the property has caused enough noise to disturb my family that actually lives on the property. If Fluker Transportation created a nuisance, my wife would take the kids and live elsewhere.

“This has not happened. My family lives peacefully on the property in question.” 

The case was eventually settled in February 2019 after it was agreed that noise over 40 decibels should be limited to 7am – 7pm, Monday to Saturday.


A year later, in March 2020, the couple purchased a vast plot of 180 acres of forest land, covering three plots. 

It’s close to Fluker, 25 miles north of Hammond, where it seems they’ve been building their dream home.

To finance the deal, they obtained a mortgage with The First, A National Banking Association for $397,800. 

But in the contract it states that they can increase that home loan to a maximum of $50,000,000, stating that The First is the “principal obligor or as a surety, guarantor, or endorser, of every nature and kind whatsoever. 

“Not withstanding any other provision of this Mortgage, the maximum amount of indebtedness secured hereby shall be limited to $50,000,000.”

Their mammoth estate is next door to the estate of Jamie’s parents, Jay and Holly, who own a property and three plots of land immediately north.

Despite the couple being ultra careful about posting details about their house online, they left clues, which suggest they’ve been busy constructing their rural hideaway.


In March 2020 when the property deal was complete, Jamie Lynn faced flak from some fans for posting a photo on Instagram of the family posing beside parts of the forest chopped down and was forced to explain it was necessary to clear out the dead trees for healthy ones.

Jamie also posted that same month of a digger “cleaning some woods” but the biggest hint was when he posted in January 2021 a photo of stepdaughter Maddie in a bulldozer with the caption: “Maddie getting our house site ready”.

On Mother’s Day in 2022, Jamie Lynn posted a photo of her mother-in-law Holly walking inside the wooden framework of a half-built house.  

It comes after The Sun revealed how Jamie Watson was sued after being involved in a motorway crash which killed three.

Meanwhile Jamie Lynn appears to be enjoying her stint in the jungle a little more after suffering from homesickness and wanting to quit.

Last night viewer were shocked when she and Made In Chelsea star Sam Thompson accidently shared a little smooch.

While celebrating winning the Slam Dunked challenge, the pair accidently kissed each other, leaving Jamie Lynn to say: “Oh well, I guess I’ll have to explain that to my husband.”

Her superstar sister Britney, who she has had a rocky relationship with, is said to have installed a VPN so she can watch Jamie Lynn on the ITV show.

The Sun reached out to representatives for Jamie Lynn for comment.

Jamie Lynn was forced to explain why they had to cut trees down on the new site[/caption]
Jamie Lynn is currently starring in I’m A Celebrity[/caption]
This Instgagram snap appears to show the wooden frame of their new home[/caption]

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