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Hundreds of thousands of Brits warned they MUST tell insurer about wired gadget or face being slapped with a £1,000 fine


DRIVERS have been warned they could be slapped with a massive fine if they don’t fess up about owning a dashcam.

The gadgets have become widely popular in the UK and are seen as a valuable tool for your motor – helping protect drivers from illegal driving behaviour and even fraudulent claims.

Getty - Contributor
Drivers are being warned they must tell their insurers about their dashcam[/caption]

But now hundreds of thousands of Brits could be at risk of being fined £1,000 if they don’t admit to having a dashcam and are being urged to tell their insurance.

Experts say keeping their ownership a secret could be seen as “non-disclosure of important information”, and could even see a claim rejected.

They say around 18% of all drivers across the UK have a dashcam – and they could be at risk of being fined £1,000 and being hit with six points on their licence.

Experts at MotorMatch say: “Failing to notify your insurer about a wired dashcam can be seen as non-disclosure of important information.

“This might lead to a rejected claim in the event of an accident and affect future insurance premiums.

“Drivers need to understand that while improving their vehicle’s security and accountability, they must also adhere to their insurer’s policies to maintain coverage validity.”

The experts explained that many drivers see dashcams as a way to protect themselves in many ways, but they are classed as modifications if they’re hard-wired in.

They continued: “Installing a dashcam incorrectly can lead to significant fines up to £1,000 and three penalty points under Rule 30 of The Highway Code, which requires drivers to maintain a full view of the road. Motorists must ensure their dashcams are clear of obstructing their view to avoid these penalties.

“We often see cases where drivers assume that all types of dashcams are treated equally by insurers. However, hard-wiring alters the vehicle’s electrical system and is considered a modification.

“Operating a dash cam while driving can equate to using a handheld mobile device, which clearly violates Rule 149 of The Highway Code. This can result in a fine of £1,000 and up to six penalty points, stressing the importance of setting up and activating dash cams before you start driving.”

Graham Conway of Select Van Leasing recently explained this, too.

He said: “It’s frustrating to think that doing something proactive to protect yourself from a claim, or even theft, might come back to bite you, but motorists need to be aware of the legalities concerning dashcams.

“Some of the more expensive dashcams on the market are wired directly to the car’s battery, rather than simply plugging-in to a socket in the vehicle’s cabin.

“Being hard-wired means the dashcam offers added protection and can remain switched on, even when the engine isn’t running, so that it continues to record after the owner has vacated the driver’s seat.

“While a plug-in dashcam is considered a simple accessory in the eyes of most insurers, a hard-wired dashcam is deemed to be a ‘modification’ to your vehicle, and you need to notify your insurer that you’ve got one fitted.

Hard-wiring alters the vehicle’s electrical system and is considered a modification.

“If you don’t, and the worst does ultimately happen, you might not be covered against a claim – even though you could have clear evidence to prove any wrongdoing.”

This could be an issue for a large portion of car owners, with the RAC claiming 2.9 million people across the country use a dashcam.

It comes as drivers were left divided by dash cam footage appearing to show cyclists running a red light – but who is in the wrong?

The video was posted on social media by Surrey Police’s Vanguard road safety team, sparking intense debate.

In the clip, four cyclists can be seen past the stop line on a main road while the lights are on red.

The group then turns right onto a side street, taking advantage of the fact that the oncoming traffic has been stopped.

The cops’ tweet read: “VanguardRST stopped these 4 cyclists in Esher after they were observed contravening a red traffic light.

“FPN’s [Fixed Penalty Notices] issued to all.”

Dashcams see more dangerous drivers caught

By Aiya Zhussupova

MORE motorists have been turning in reckless drivers to cops with dashcam footage sent to police rising to 77 per cent in just two years.

Dangerous behaviour on the road has been caught out by fellow drivers who submit their video evidence.

According to a Freedom of Information request based on 26 out of 43 regional police offices in England and Wales, there has been a surge of dashcam submissions that highlight dodgy driving.

In 2023, an average of 342 pieces of dashcam footage were sent to the police every day – that is 72,000 videos a year.

The number of submissions has grown steadily each year since the police introduced an Operation Snap portal in 2017.

The online portal has been created to allow motorists to instantly report unlawful driving to the cops along with evidence of the act itself.

The system was created to assist police in taking action against those who put other road users at risk – and so far, it has proven to be successful.

Around 70 per cent of dash cam footage sent by motorists has resulted in police action.

The cops have issued warning letters, penalty points, prosecutions, fines and sometimes even jail time to dangerous drivers.

At least 90,000 fines have reportedly been administered thanks to the motorists on patrol.

If data from all police offices had been taken into account, the number would likely be higher with drivers being slapped with fines and penalties.

A staggering 176,000 pieces of dash cam evidence, which depict incidents of reckless or illegal driving, were turned in over the previous three years, according to the FOI.

South Yorkshire has had a 1,882 percent increase in submissions over the last two years, making it one of the locations in England and Wales leading the dash cam charge.

Humberside had a jump of 205 per cent, while Hampshire saw a 469 per cent increase.

Warwickshire and Lincolnshire rounded out the top five dash cam spots with increases of 191 per cent and 172 per cent, respectively.

A spokesman at Lincolnshire Police said: “There is no doubt that video footage of offences can be very useful in changing driver behaviour.

“We often hear that drivers take fewer risks and are more patient and courteous as they fear being caught on dash cam and facing prosecution.

“In road safety terms this change of driving behaviour is invaluable in reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads.”

According to an iCompario survey of 2,000 people, a staggering 75 per cent of Britons think that all drivers should have dash cams in an effort to crack down on driving infractions.

More than two-thirds of those with cameras installed claimed to have seen and recorded unlawful activities on the roads.

Among the most common dashcam captures is a cheeky glance at your phone – nearly half of motorists have caught other drivers using their phones while driving.

The offender may incur a £200 fine in addition to up to six points on their licence for getting distracting by their mobile.

Around 30 per cent of drivers report witnessing other drivers run red lights, which carries a minimum of three points and a £100 punishment.

Some shocking dash-cam footage exposes Britain’s most idiotic motorists on the road.

In one astonishing clip, a lucky driver came within a second of being crushed between two lorries while overtaking along a country lane.

Another shows a brazen motorist overtaking on the opposite side of the carriageway on the A5 near Oswestry, Shops before narrowly missing an oncoming vehicle.

A third moronic person, who was fined £600, can be seen overtaking a bus on a roundabout which almost resulted in him smashing into oncoming car.

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