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I’m a beauty pro & my anti ageing tips will knock 16 years from you – they’re free and even Kim K does it


A BEAUTY professional has revealed his anti-ageing tips which won’t break the bank. 

With just a few simple steps, Mike Kocsis believes his techniques could knock up to 16 years off the ageing clock.

Kim Kardashian is a fan of some super cheap beauty hacks which will knock many years off your[/caption]
Mike, who is an expert in self-care at Balance My Hormones, has revealed a few lifestyle changes that beauty fans need to make in order to reduce fine lines and wrinkles[/caption]

Mike, who is an expert in self-care at Balance My Hormones, urges people to care for your hormone health in order to quickly reverse the signs of ageing. 

He also believes it all comes down to adopting methods to lower cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is released from the adrenal glands.

Mike says: “Cortisol often gets a bad rep as it is commonly referred to as the body’s stress hormone; however, it plays a key role in the regulation of blood sugar levels, reducing internal inflammation and even preserving memory. 

“However, too much cortisol harms the body.”

Adopting methods to lower cortisol levels is one of the fastest ways to reverse the signs of ageing caused by feelings of stress. 

Mike continues: “These do not have to be costly gym sessions or an extensive skincare routine. 

“Simply going for a walk boosts the production of the feel-good hormone serotonin.

“In fact, research by the journal of communications biology found that walking can reduce your biological age by up to 16 years. 

“Partaking in walking meditation is a great way to further suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol. 

“There are several purse friendly apps that provide guided walking meditations.”

Practising cold-water therapy is also great for anti-ageing, according to Mike. 

Studies have shown that digesting probiotics daily significantly lowers levels of cortisol

Mike Kocsis

Cold water therapy involves either applying ice or cold to the skin, or water immersion. 

Mike continues: “The practice of cold-water therapy has gained popularity in recent years with several celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga claiming to be a fan.

“It’s been proven that submerging in cold water leads to a drop in levels of cortisol, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. 

“A reduction in inflammation and cortisol aids in reversing the signs of high cortisol levels and therefore the appearance of ageing.”

How To Save Money On Beauty Buys

IF your purse is feeling tighter than ever before and you're looking to save cash on your make-up routine, have you ever thought of trying out beauty dupes?

Here’s five of the best recommended beauty buys that are almost identical to the posh versions, but for a fraction of the price.

FACE BASE: If you can’t afford Charlotte Tilbury‘s £52 Magic Cream, why not try a dupe that costs just £5.49 from Superdrug?

TONE IT UP: If Drunk  Elephant’s £62 Protini moisturiser is out of your price range, you’ll need to check out the new dupe in Home Bargains.

TINTING IT: With Fenty’s ‘game-changer’ skin tint costing an eye-watering £29, a popular supermarket’s affordable alternative might just be the thing for you.

GET COVERED: At £29 for a Tarte concealer, the new Primark dupe is much more affordable at just £3.50.

SPRAY YAY: For those wanting to smell fresh, without the price tag, Aldi’s new Prada and Chloe perfume dupes cost a fraction of the price.

Gut health also plays a major role in hormone health. 

He says: “If you are striving to lower levels of stress, and obtain healthy looking skin, consuming probiotic foods such as kefir and Kombucha will benefit the gut microbiome.

“Studies have shown that digesting probiotics daily significantly lowers levels of cortisol.”

A group of cells in the brain referred to as the hypothalamus initiate the secretion of Cortisol by releasing corticotrophin.

This leads to the release of the adrenocorticotropic hormone, that when detected by the two adrenal glands that sit above the kidneys, release cortisol. 

Mike says: “This kick starts the body’s fight or flight response, a mechanism that’s purpose is to keep us safe and let us know when we are safe or in danger. 

Mike Kocsis at Balance My Hormones reveals how your skin can provide signals that hint when your cortisol levels are too high, with three methods that work to lower its production[/caption]

“If we experience high volumes of stress, excess cortisol makes its way through the body, impacting not only our mood but the function of organs such as the skin.”

Here, Mike Kocsis at Balance My Hormones reveals how your skin can provide signals that hint when your cortisol levels are too high, with three methods that work to lower its production.

A Breakout of Cortisol & Skin Conditions

It’s no coincidence that people often notice breakouts when they are experiencing stress.

Cortisol is an inflammatory hormone and when levels are high, the sebaceous glands produce excess oil. As a result, the oil sits on the skin, clogging pores. 

This causes an outbreak of acne across the skin, especially around the chin and mouth area.

Signs that cortisol levels are high can also manifest in the appearance of Psoriasis, Eczema, and rosacea.

For those that already suffer from such conditions, cortisol can increase the severity of their symptoms; however, even those that have never experienced these conditions can see them appear.

A Breakdown in the Skins Scaffolding

Cortisol can accelerate the signs of ageing. Collagen is a protein that is made up of amino acids. 

It’s essentially the skin’s scaffolding to provide support to the skin’s tissue.  

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone and breaks down proteins, including collagen, disturbing the collagen matrix that makes up 75 per cent of the skin. 

As a result, as cortisol breaks down collagen, the face can lose its structure and begin to sag.

Increase in Cortisol & Dehydration

The skin produces several types of oils that provide a layer of protection from environmental stresses. 

Cortisol hinders the production of these oils, making it increasingly difficult for the skin to retain moisture.

Without enough lipids (the chemical compounds that form bonds in the body), the skin loses water. 

This is often referred to as TEWL, trans epidermal water loss. 

TEWL causes dehydration of the skin, paving the way to dry patches that become sensitive to the touch.

Ways to Lower Cortisol (as Backed by Science)

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases heart rate, and elevates blood pressure. 

This can heighten feelings of stress and lead to an increase in the production of cortisol.   

Of course, reducing caffeine consumption also improves sleep hygiene which in turn, aids in balancing mood. 

If you are seeking ways in which to lower your levels of cortisol, reducing your caffeine consumption should be your first point of call.

Finding ways to boost the production of the feel-good hormone serotonin is a great way to suppress the stress hormone cortisol. 

The likes of meditation, exercise and exposing yourself to more sunlight are proven ways to boost the production of serotonin.

Eating a healthy balanced diet puts you in good stead for reducing levels of cortisol. 

Try to stay away from processed foods and opt for leafy vegetables, oily fish, and colourful fruits.

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