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Moment top Brit climber scours Tenerife ravine for signs of Jay Slater skidding down mountain after pal ‘heard him slip’


THIS is the moment a top Brit climber scoured a Tenerife ravine for signs of Jay Slater after his best friend said he “heard him slip”.

Paul Arnott, 29, from Flitwick in Bedfordshire, was seen on the road line accessing places that even police officers haven’t been able to over the past days.

Paul Arnott, an experienced climber, was seen scouring bits of the Masca ravine that cops haven’t been able to access yet[/caption]
The 29-year-old joined the search for Jay in Tenerife[/caption]
Jay Slater has been missing since last Monday[/caption]
Doug Seeburg/News Group Newspape
The start of the rugged trail from Masca in the mountains to the sea[/caption]

Paul had cancelled a charity fundraiser so he could rush to the island and join the desperate search for the missing teen on Saturday.

Footage showed the climber looking for any signs of downward skidding tracks in the hopes of a clue on Jay‘s whereabouts.

The 29-year-old previously talked of his experience in harsh environments similar to the unforgiving Masca ravine.

He told the BBC: “I know these environments, I know how harsh they are and how scary they are without experience.”

“You have to be the best person you can be.

“I spend all my time in the mountains, I’ve assisted search and rescue in Scotland before, it’s what I do.”

Paul said he would stay until the teen was located, adding that he had joined the search every day since his arrival to Tenerife.

He said: “Drones and helicopters are good but they don’t pick up everything.

“You’re going to be looking at the most hazardous areas such as ravines and areas [where] there’s potential for rock falls.”

a man is talking to a woman on a tv show called missing jay slater
Jay’s best friend Brad is ‘not coping’ with his disappearance
ITV This Morning/ Eroteme
a man in a red shirt is standing in a field with a drone in the background
Doug Seeburg
Emergency workers using a drone look for Jay in the mountains near Masca[/caption]
a man in a red shirt stands on a rocky hillside
Doug Seeburg
Emergency workers are searching a desolate park on foot[/caption] a map of tenerife shows where brit teen jay slater has been expanded north from where he was last seen

It comes after Jay Slater‘s best friend said he could hear the missing teen slipping on rocks during a final video call.

The 19-year-old phoned his pal Brad – who he was on holiday with in Tenerife – after getting lost last Monday morning.

Jay, Brad and friend Lucy Mae jetted to the island earlier this month to enjoy the three-day NRG festival.

After going to a rave that finished in the early hours of June 17, apprentice bricklayer Jay headed to Masca with two British men he had met that night.

He shared a final Snapchat from their Airbnb of a hand holding a cigarette at 7.30am.

Jay then tried to make his way back to his holiday accommodation – an 11-hour walk away.

But at around 8.50am he made a desperate call to his friend Lucy saying he was lost in the “middle of nowhere” and had just one per cent battery on his phone.

Jay also said he had cut his leg on a cactus and needed water.

It is unclear whether the call to Brad was separate to the one made to Lucy.

Now Jay’s friend Brad has opened up their last conversation – saying Jay wasn’t initially concerned about walking back to their accommodation.

He told Isla Traquair on ITV‘s This Morning he could hear Jay’s feet slide on the rocks – signalling to him he’d gone off the road.

Brad said: “That’s how I knew he went off the road because, you know when you walk on gravel, or whatever it is, you can… you know what I mean, stones.”

He admitted, however, he wasn’t worried at that point as Jay reassured him he was fine – but he did tell his friend to put his location on.

Brad added: “We were both, like, laughing about it. He said: ‘look where I am’.”

He said Jay then cut off as he had another call waiting – but promised to phone back.

Both Brad and his mum Rachel Hargreaves have vowed to stay in Tenerife for “as long as it takes” to support Jay’s distraught family.

two men in guardia civil uniforms are searching for something
Ian Whittaker
Search teams have been combing the area Jay was last known to be[/caption]
Jay with pal Lucy at a rave on Sunday night before he vanished
Jay seen with pal Lucy at a rave the night before he vanished
a flyer for a missing person named jay slater
Ian Whittaker
Missing person posters have been put up in Tenerife[/caption]

Timeline of Jay Slater’s disappearance


Jay goes to a rave at the 2024 NRG music festival in Tenerife, around Arona on the south of the island

8.35pm – Jay posts a smiling Snapchat video of him laughing with friends

He leaves the rave with two men he met that day and is driven back to their accommodation across the island


7.30am – Jay posts a Snapchat of a hand holding a cigarette in the area where the accommodation was – near the rural de Teno Park on the north of the island

8.30am – Jay calls his friend Lucy Law and tells her he missed a bus, had one per cent of battery left on his phone and was stuck in the “middle of nowhere”

9am – A missing persons report is filed and the search for Jay begins


2am – Police knock on the door of Jay’s mum Debbie Duncan’s home and tell her to catch the first flight out to Tenerife

7am – She flies out from Manchester Airport alongside her son Zak to help with the search

Debbie is sent a Snapchat message saying “Kiss goodbye to your boy, you’re never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money.”


12.30pm – Police move the search to the south of the island briefly after a false sighting

Cops search his hotel room for clues as his mum says there was “nothing untoward there”

Debbie gives a heart-wrenching interview where she shares fears he has been “taken” and says “I just want my baby back”


Cops begin day four of the massive search for Jay


Lancashire cops offer to help with the search but Tenerife authorities say they are “satisfied that they have the resources they need”

Search turns to 22,000ft ravine in Masca – part of an area dubbed “the badlands” by locals


The sixth day of the search begins with sniffer dogs, cops, mountain rescue and firefighters again taking to the hills in northern Tenerife

Possible new sighting of Jay places him near a church with two men at 6pm on Monday – although unconfirmed by police

Jay’s dad Warren and brother Zak visit the search site in Tenerife


Cops focus their search around small outbuildings in de Teno park near where Jay’s phone last pinged

Jay’s mum Debbie says trolls are comparing her to Karen Matthews

The GoFundMe set up by Jay’s friend Lucy surpasses £30,000 after just three days

Exclusive Sun footage shows Jay appearing to fall and stumble back up at a rave before he vanished


Search for Jay enters eighth day

Police expand search area north to parts of Buenavista del Norte

Jay’s dad says his family are in ‘a living hell’


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Search hones in on series of caves in desolate park

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GoFundMe goes £10,000 over target as it hits £40,000

Tenerife cops announce huge search for Jay & appeal for volunteers

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