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Новости за 13.08.2023

Русский голос Марго Робби начала озвучку фильма «Барби»


В сети появилось видео, как Татьяна Шитова озвучивает фильм «Барби».

Женщина является русским голосом Марго Робби, которая сыграла в фильме главную роль.

Киноманы предположили, что это может быть намеком на релиз картины в России.

Ранее Министр культуры заявила, что «Барби» и «Оппенгеймер» не подавали заявку на официальный релиз в России.

Забастовка актеров в США продолжается. Уже перенесли премию «Эмми» – впервые за 22 года!

???????? Сидни Суини – новая звезда Marvel. Читать дальше...

Ekstraliga: pewna wygrana Ogniwa, zwycięskie debiuty trenerów


Pierwsza kolejka Ekstraligi rugby w sezonie 2023/2024 za nami. Bardzo przekonujące zwycięstwo odnieśli gracze Ogniwa Sopot, którzy pokonali wracających do ligi Budowlanych Łódź 79:21. Wygraną w swoim debiucie na ławce trenerskiej Budowlanych Lublin zaliczył były reprezentant Polski Stanisław Powała-Niedźwiecki. A na zwycięstwa z punktem bonusowym zapracował również Orkan Sochaczew i Juvenia Kraków.

Inactives: Miles Sanders not expected to play in the opener

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Darin Gantt

CHARLOTTE - The Panthers want to play the regulars on offense a bit during the preseason to break in all the new parts, but one important one won't be out there for the preseason opener against the Jets.

Running back Miles Sanders will be held out Saturday after suffering what head coach Frank Reich described as a "tweak" to a groin muscle late in training camp.

Without Sanders, Chuba Hub

Bryce Young takes some shots in preseason opener

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Augusta Stone

CHARLOTTE - Bryce Young's debut came with a couple of hard knocks and growing pains.

But it was the preseason, and it was his introduction to the NFL.

Through three drives, Young went 4-of-6 for 21 yards. No touchdowns, no interceptions, one sack for 9 yards.

Young faced the challenge from the Jets' strong defensive unit - a top-five unit last season - and all its pressure. On his

Rapid Reactions: Protection was an issue early

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Darin Gantt

CHARLOTTE - The Panthers came into the year encouraged by bringing all five starting offensive linemen back from last year.

And they knew that right guard Austin Corbett would likely miss the regular season opener after tearing his ACL in the regular season finale against the Saints.

After one preseason game, there's perhaps a new sense of interest in his timeline. They're clearly not goi

Offensive line has impromptu meeting after disappointing day

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Darin Gantt

CHARLOTTE - Frank Reich had already finished his press conference and headed back into the locker room.

Several players had already showered and dressed, and quarterback Bryce Young was headed to a press conference to talk about all the hits he took in his preseason debut against the Jets.

And a few moments later, all of the offensive linemen walked in together from around the corner in t

Finalizan los Entrenamientos en Conjunto con Las Vegas Raiders

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Jesús Zarate

Se llevo a cabo este viernes el segundo y último dia de practicas en conjunto entre los San Francisco 49ers y Las Vegas Raiders en Henderson, Nevada. Ahora, ambos equipos quedan listos para enfrentarse en un juego de pretemporada este domingo en el Allegiant Stadium, casa de los Raiders. Sera el primer partido de pretemporada para ambos equipos. Pero antes de ese encuentro, los 49ers t

Inside Javon Kinlaw's Dedicated Offseason Training

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Briana McDonald

Defensive tackle Javon Kinlaw has taken strides over the offseason to gear up for his fourth year in the NFL, and his coaches have taken notice.

"Kinlaw has just been tremendous since I've been here," defensive coordinator Steve Wilks said. "The day that I came in on my interview, he was here working out. He has not missed a day of offseason training, so I'm excited to see exactly where he'

Coşqun Diniyev Türkiyə çempionatında debüt etdi


Bu yay Türkiyənin "Ümraniyespor" klubuna keçən azərbaycanlı yarımmüdafiəçi Coşqun Diniyev yeni komandasında rəsmi debüt edib. Futbolxeber.az saytının məlumatına görə, onun Türkiyə çempionatındakı debütu "Gənclərbirliyi” ilə...

«Такова моя судьба». Россиянка сделала заявление после победы над Рыбакиной


Российская теннисистка Людмила Самсонова (18-е место в рейтинге WTA) прокомментировала победу над казахстанкой Еленой Рыбакиной (4-е место) на турнире в Монреале (Канада), сообщает Sports.kz.

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