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NFL overtime rules: How OT works for 2021 playoffs (and is different from regular season)


A brief explainer of how overtime works in the NFL postseason ahead of the 2021 playoffs.

Ahead of the NFL playoffs, we’re giving a quick rundown of the some of the rules of the league that can be a bit confusing. We’ve already broken down the catch rule and how challenges work, and now it’s time for another fun one — the overtime rules.

The first thing you need to know is that overtime rules are slightly different in the postseason than they are in the regular season. In the regular season, games can end in ties if neither team scores in the ten-minute overtime period. In the postseason, there are no ties, so it just keeps on going.

Here’s what you need to know about OT rules in the postseason.

  1. There’s a coin toss to see who gets possession first. Visiting team captain gets to call heads or tails.
  2. Each team will get one possession with the ball … unless the first team scores a touchdown. If a team scores a touchdown on its first possession, it wins and the game is over. The kicking team can also win if it gets a safety on the initial possession.
  3. If the team scores a field goal on the first possession, the opposing team gets one chance at possession. If that team then scores a field goal to tie the game, overtime continues. If the second team scores a touchdown, it wins.
  4. Unlike the regular season, after two possessions, another overtime period starts. The team that lost the first coin flip will get to choose what happens on kickoff. We repeat these periods until a winner is found.
  5. There are no challenges.

Here are the official rules, via the NFL:



If the score is tied at the end of the regulation playing time of all preseason, regular season, and postseason NFL games, a system of modified sudden-death overtime shall be in effect, pursuant to the following.


At the end of regulation playing time, the Referee shall immediately toss a coin at the center of the field, in accordance with rules pertaining to a usual pregame toss (4-2-2). The visiting team captain is to again call the toss.


Following an intermission of no more than three minutes after the end of the regular game, the extra period shall commence.

  1. Both teams must have the opportunity to possess the ball once during the extra period, unless the team that receives the opening kickoff scores a touchdown on its initial possession, in which case it is the winner, or if the team kicking off to start the overtime period scores a safety on the receiving team’s initial possession, in which case the team that kicked off is the winner. If a touchdown is scored, the game is over, and the Try is not attempted.
  2. If the team that possesses the ball first does not score on its initial possession, the team next scoring by any method shall be the winner.
  3. If the team that possesses the ball first scores a field goal on its initial possession, the other team (the second team) shall have the opportunity to possess the ball.
    1. If the second team scores a touchdown on its possessionit is the winner.
    2. If the second team scores a field goal on its possession, the team next scoring by any method shall be the winner.
    3. If the second team does not score on its possession, the game is over, and the first team is the winner, subject to (4) below.
    4. If the second team loses possession by an interception or fumble, the down will be permitted to run to its conclusion, and all rules of the game will be enforced as customary, including awarding points scored by either team during the down. If the second team scores a touchdown on the down after regaining possession, it is the winner. Only fouls that require the down to be replayed, fouls that negate a score, or palpably unfair acts will be enforced.


  1. In such situations, if the player who intercepts the pass or recovers the fumble goes to the ground and makes no effort to advance, the covering official will blow his whistle to end the game.
  2. If the second team loses possession by an interception or fumble, but the first team committed a foul prior to the change of possession, the second team’s possession has not legally ended, and the game cannot end on the down. However, in certain situations, the second team cannot decline the penalty and accept the result of the play, no matter how beneficial, because it would create a second possession for itself. It must accept the penalty enforcement, which will extend its initial possession.
  3. The situation in (2) may also affect the team that receives the opening kickoff during its first possession. If there is a foul by the second team followed by a double change of possession, and the first team declines the penalty and accepts the result of the play, the second team has had its required possession, and the first team has possession of the ball for the second time and needs only a field goal to win. However, if it accepts the penalty, it will extend its initial possession.
  1. A player is in possession when he is in firm grip and control of the ball inbounds (3-2-7). The defense gains possession when it catches, intercepts, or recovers a loose ball.
  2. The opportunity to possess applies only during kicking plays. A kickoff is the opportunity to possess for the receiving team. If the kicking team legally recovers the kick, the receiving team is considered to have had its opportunity. A punt or field goal attempt that crosses the line of scrimmage and is muffed by the receiving team is considered to be an opportunity to possess for the receiving team. Normal touching rules by the kicking team apply.
  3. All replay reviews will be initiated by the Replay Official. Coaches’ challenges will not be allowed.

The following shall apply to overtime games in the postseason:

  1. If the score is tied at the end of a 15-minute overtime period, or if the second team’s initial possession has not ended, another overtime period will begin, and play will continue, regardless of how many 15-minute periods are necessary.
  2. Between each overtime period, there shall be a two-minute intermission, but there shall be no halftime intermission after the second period. At the beginning of the third overtime period, the captain who lost the coin toss prior to the first overtime period shall have the first choice of the two privileges in 4-2-2, unless the team that won the coin toss deferred.
  3. At the end of the first and third extra periods, etc., teams must change goals in accordance with 4-2-3.
  4. Each team is entitled to three timeouts during a half. If there is an excess timeout, the usual rules shall apply (4-5).
  5. At the end of a second overtime period, timing rules shall apply as at the end of the first half. At the end of a fourth overtime period, timing rules shall apply as at the end of the fourth quarter.
  6. At the end of a fourth overtime period, there will be another coin toss pursuant to Section 1, Article 2, and play will continue until a winner is declared.

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