
Новости за 12.02.2018

Cheerful Chihuahua Loves Bubbles 

This energetic Chihuahua could not get enough of the bubbles floating in the air at the family home in Christchurch, New Zealand.Never have humble bubbles looked so appealing. Credit: chihuahualovin via Storyful

Just two otters 'french kissing' 

A pair of otters was caught on camera spending a rather intimate moment together. The footage, captured on February 4 at Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire, shows two otters licking on each other's mouth.

Earthquake rattles northern China 

A magnitude 4.3 quake jolted northern China's Langfang, Hebei province, on Monday evening. CCTV footage showed homes rattling and items falling from shelves. The quake's centre was about 65 kilometres from Beijing and was felt in the capital, Tianjin and Hebei province. So far there are no reports of any casualties or severe damage.

Людмила Улицкая в Hard Day's Night

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Гостем очередного выпуска Hard Day's Night станет писатель Людмила Улицкая. Смотрите 13 февраля, в 22:00 на Дожде. 

World's Hardest Job 

Stuart McKenzie has spent the last 14 years doing what he does best… catching venomous snakes.Stuart works in the Sunshine Coast in Australia and spends his days rescuing snakes from obscure places. Could you do his job? Credit: Various via Storyful

Watch - Courageous Russian FSB Agents Arrest Ukrainian Spy in Crimea 

- Sometimes affectionately called "Putin's Punishers," the courageous FSB displays consummate skill and bravery taking down, perhaps a most insidious infection that one can find in a democratic Russia Crimea - that being another Ukrainian spy. Watch with me as we appreciate the video. -

Зимняя Олимпиада 2018. Биатлон (Мужчины) Гонка преследования 12,5 км

DokFilms (Документальные фильмы онлайн) 

XXIII Зимние Олимпийские игры (англ. 2018 Winter Olympics, фр. Jeux Olympiques d’hiver de 2018) пройдут с 9 по 25 февраля 2018 года в городе Пхёнчхане, Республика Корея. Официальные заявки на проведение Игр были поданы к 15 октября 2009 года. 6 июля 2011 года Международный олимпийский комитет, на своей 123-й сессии в Дурбане (ЮАР), объявил Пхёнчхан столицей XXIII зимней Олимпиады.

Trojan truck in brazil 

police decided to leave a truck to be stolen and see where they would take it, when the truck stopped, they went down and arrested everyone.

Breaking: Syrian Army unleashes major offensive against militants in Rastan pocket on Homs-Hama border 

Moments ago, military-affiliated sources reported that that the Syrian Army and its allies kick-off a new offensive against militant forces in the Rastan pocket - located in parts of northern Homs and southern Hama province. At the present time, Syrian pro-government forces are storming the Rastan pocket from southeast Hama and have entered into and captured most of the town of Maqsam al-Hamrat amid intense clashes with rebel fighters. The new offensive by the Syrian Army comes following the decisive... Читать дальше...

Pictures: Kurdish forces blown away in east Syria after double ISIS car bomb attack 

US-led Syrian Kurdish forces have suffered a major blow to their ranks in eastern Syria after taking direct hits from two Islamic State car bomb attacks that were directed against them at a key fortress village. On Saturday, ISIS targeted two gatherings of Syrian Kurdish forces inside Al-Bahra (located on the east shore of the Euphrates River in the province of Deir Ezzor) with car bombs. In the event, both attacks hit their mark, inflicting dozens of dead and wounded on the ranks of US-backed fighters.

Paris snow seen from outer space 

During a short clear sky window, a satellite managed to photograph Paris under a blanket of snow after last week's exceptional snowfall. The extremely precise pictures were taken from an altitude 800 km by the Sentinel 2 satellite, one of three operated by the European Space Agency's Copernicus programme. Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports were completely painted white with only the runways cleared. Tourists enjoyed the unusual view of a snowy Champ de Mars park surrounding the Eiffel Tower... Читать дальше...

Heroic Saakashvili Just Arrested in Kyiv. Dramatic Video 

- Well, it seems the good, the decent, the honest have little chance if you plan on taking on the Ukrainian power structures without an army. Mikheil was sitting down in a quiet restaurant today having a patriotic conversation, when jack-booted authorities suddenly pounced on him, beat him to the ground, and "detained" him. Caution - the video in the link below contain course, Georgian syle, language. Saakashvili detained in Kyiv (Video)

Говорит Украина. В постели с козами 12.02.2018 

Говорит Украина. В постели с козами 12.02.2018 последний выпуск. Ольге 38 лет. И это ее 39-й ребенок. Женщина окружена мужчинами, но спит с теми, кого считает своими детьми! Сегодня мы выясним, почему женщина, которая имеет квартиру в Киеве и загородный дом

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