
Новости за 15.02.2018

Ученые оценили вероятность извержения мощного вулкана около Японии

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Изучая гигантскую вулканическую котловину Кикай, которая образовалась много тысяч лет назад в результате суперизвержения, геологи из японского университета Кобэ нашли под водой гигантский купол из магмы. Его радиус измеряется десятками километров. И японские учёные установили, что вулкан действующий, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Представители ЦИК и МФЦ продолжают информировать москвичей о выборах

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Наталья Алексеевна работает в больнице. И уже точно знает, что 18 марта у нее будет рабочим днем. И начнется он очень рано. Но уверена - голосовать нужно, несмотря ни на какие препятствия. Процедура оформления документов достаточно быстрая. Сотрудники вносят паспортные данные и выбирают удобное место для голосования, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Zoo animals enjoy the UK snow 

Just a series of shots of zoo animals enjoying the snow in the UK on February 12. The footage shows a gorilla and a chimpanzee eating snow meanwhile two leopards roll on a snowy ground.

Ain't Love Grand- When You're Drunk 

A Valentines Day that they would probably have blacked out and wondered how they spent their night if not for the video and a friend to capture the moment. I have no other information and unsure of the location but it speaks for itself.

Trigger Warning Live Tonight at 10pm GMT 

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE SHOW. THE STREAM USUALLY GOES LIVE 30 MINUTES BEFORE THE SHOW BEGINS. Please note, Troll Central appears to be down. If you really want to comment during the show you can do so at triggerwarning or over on Facebook or YouTube although the stream is buried on YT as we copped a streaming ban :) After a week off following the death of two team members they are now alive again and ready to bring some glitz, glamour, and raw sex appeal to Thursday evening. Hayden will be there too. Читать дальше...

«С пластиной буду ходить до конца жизни»: DJ Smash заявил, что на него напал экс-депутат заксобрания Пермского края. Адвокат музыканта о том, что может грозить зачинщику драки

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Полиция расследует жестокое нападение в Перми на Андрея Ширмана, известного как DJ Smash. В родном городе 35-летнему музыканту сломали челюсть за то, что он отказался во второй раз сделать «Селфи». Адвокат Ширмана Евгений Васев рассказал подробности происшествия.

Walkabout on roundabout! Trailer becomes detached from moving car 

By Pete Goddard A trailer had a mind of its own when it became detached from a car whilst exiting a roundabout. The comical footage, caught on the dashcam of Lee Smith's car, shows the trailer as it detaches from the silver estate car on the Garrison roundabout, in Donnington, Telford, on February 12. The Credit: CatersNews

Octopus caught doing strange walk as it hunts along the ocean floor 

By Charlotte Regan This crafty octopus was caught doing a bizarre walk across the ocean floor. Igor Kovalenko, who captured the footage, says that the octopus's strange behaviour was actually it on the hunt for crabs. We see the Coconut Octopus approach a spiny urchin, but reconsider taking on the spiky creature as prey. Igor Credit: CatersNews

Meet the incredible Star Wars beer robot 'RBREWD2' 

By Katy Gill This incredible 'beerbot' means you no longer have to move to get a pint. Complete with an R2D2 type body and a wagging American flag tail, the little robot is both adorable and practical. The brilliant creation can be driven around by remote control and provides you with both a frosty beer Credit: CatersNews

Incredible aerobics class that you perform while floating on top of the water 

By Hannah McFadyen This incredible fitness class is performed on top of giant floats resting on the swimming pool surface. The 'Float Fit' classes are a thirty minute class high-intensity interval training class where you wobble your way to fitness. Footage shows women, balancing on top of their 'AquaBase' float boards and going through their Credit: CatersNews

«У психологов в школах совсем другие задачи»: как вовремя понять, что ребенок потенциально опасен для окружающих. Объясняет психотерапевт Полина Черкас

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

14 февраля в школе в городе Парклэнд, штат Флорида, произошла стрельба. Бывший ученик школы начал стрельбу из винтовки по ученикам и учителям, в результате погибли 17 человек. Психотерапевт Полина Черкас рассказала о том, как помочь подростку с нестабильной психикой.

Путин пообещал Генпрокуратуре поддержку в борьбе с коррупцией

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Итоги работы Генеральной прокуратуры России за прошлый год обсудил в четверг Владимир Путин на расширенном заседании коллегии. Президент отметил, что активно велась борьба с криминалом и произволом. Заблокированы более трёх тысяч сайтов с экстремистским контентом.

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Drunk public reacting to Jacob Zuma resigning 

Johannesburg - Wednesday night was a night most South Africans have been waiting for - South African President Jacob Zuma finally handed in his resignation. So it wasn't surprising that eNCA reporter Nickolaus Bauer headed to the streets to get everyday people's reactions to the president's exit, but there was just one problem - it was midnight, on Valentine's Day, in Braamfontein (a somewhat dodge part of the city) The girl he interviews is clearly drunk as :D

Shoplifter Caught Packing Meat In His Pants 

On January 30, 2018 a man was caught shoplifting. He had packed a piece of meat in his pants in a grocery store and walked out. This videos starts after they caught him and retrieved their meat back. I couldn't find out if they were holding him for the police or just planning on teaching him a lesson (looks like the latter). Sorry about the video quality.

Adorable footage shows domesticated beaver building dam out of household items 

By Charlotte Regen A beaver is living his best life, as he can be seen creating his own dam out of cuddly toys and household objects. Justin Beaver, also known as JB, is a seven-month-old rescue beave who was orphaned as a baby. In this footage, JB can be seen gathering items from around his Credit: CatersNews

21 dolphins die in Mexico after attack by other dolphins 

Twenty-one dolphins that were apparently attacked by another species of dolphin have died after washing up on a beach in northern Mexico, authorities said. Environmental activists launched a frantic operation to try to save the dolphins after a group of 54 washed up on a rocky beach in Bahia de la Paz, in Mexico's Baja California peninsula.

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