
Новости за 25.02.2018

Watch - Russian Crimea Begins Wiping Out Islamic Heritage - Radical Islamists Alarmed 

- "Assimilation, erasure of historic memory are revenge for political disloyalty, for reluctance to obey!" - So declares radical Crimea Islamic Apologist Gulnara Bekirova. The Crimean "restoration of mosques," is part of Kremlin's campaign of pressure that includes "abductions," arrests searches and sentences of up to 15 years for conviction of terrorism and membership in radical Islamic terrorist groups, she further whines. Tartars, Porky's, and UkeTrollbots shout, "Right on, you tell 'em... Читать дальше...

Former prisoner of war (96) attacked by burglars 

Detectives are hunting two burglars who attacked a 96-year-old former prisoner of war in his own home. The victim said the ordeal has left him feeling more frightened than his internment during the Second World War. He was threatened as he watched television in his front room after the intruders broke into his home in the Yardley area of Birmingham at around 2am last Saturday morning. They disconnected the phone lines and removed his emergency pendant. One of the thieves then held a quilt over the... Читать дальше...

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси 13 выпуск Призрачный гонщик 25.02.2018 СТБ 

Следствие ведут экстрасенсы 13 серия Призрачный гонщик 25.02.2018 последний выпуск. Загадочный злодей на автомобиле охотится на молодых женщин! Одна уже в могиле, а жизни еще двоих под угрозой. Наше расследование началось со звонка постоянного эксперта программы Ярославы Федоровой. Ясновидящая уверяла, что стала свидетелем ужасной автокатастрофы, которая позже вошла в историю под названием «Рождественский теракт». По словам Ярославы, возле места аварии был дух некой Татьяны, которая написала ей послание на стекле ... Читать дальше...

Гордон. Гость Илья Кива. Выпуск 25.02.2018 112 Украина 

Программа Гордон. Илья Кива, лидер Социалистической партии Украины 25.02.2018 последний выпуск. Президент Мексики Энрике Пенья Ньето отказался ехать в США после телефонного разговора с Дональдом Трампом.

Совет Безопасности ООН единогласно принял резолюцию с требованием 30-дневного прекращения огня в Сирии. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба ООН.

Президент Петр Порошенко отверг идею введения миротворцев из Белоруссии на Донбасс. Об этом заявил бывший председатель Верховного Совета Белоруссии Станислав Шушкевич.

Кто кому Рабинович. Выпуск 25.02.2018 112 Украина 

Кто кому Рабинович 25.02.2018 последний выпуск. Экс-советник Трампа мог подкупить европейских политиков, чтобы те защищали правительство Януковича. Спецпрокурор, который расследует дело, считает, что Пол Манафорт организовал секретную лоббистскую кампанию. Бывший политтехнолог

China's Communist Party sets up stage for Xi Jinping to stay indefinitely 

China's Communist Party wants to end the two-term president limit, which would allow the current president Xi Jinping to stay in power indefinitely. Xi began his second term as head of Communist Party last year and would be required to step-up down after two-year terms under the current constitution. Xi, who is also party chief, has been president since 2013. The news announced by China's state media was not welcomed by everyone: "If two terms are not enough, then they can write in a third term, but there needs to be a limit. Читать дальше...

Despite a ban from public office former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi addresses supporters as the national election campaign intensifies. 

Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was greeted by a rousing applause on Sunday (February 25) as he prepared to speak to supporters at the Manzoni Theater in Milan. The 81-year-old leader of the centre-right Forza Italia party (Go Italy!) is showing signs of fragility as he fights a ban for holding public office, sex scandals and legal entanglements. The former prime minister has shunned outdoor political rallies in his campaign leading up to the March 4 elections, preferring television... Читать дальше...

Winter Olympics: South Korea says North Korea may be more open to talks with the United States following the Pyeongchang games. 

As South Korea brought the curtain down on its "Peace Games" there was little warmth between dignitaries from the United States and North Korea. South Korea President Moon Jae-in hoped to use these Games as an opportunity to engage with the North. Despite the cool body language, Moon's efforts may be bearing fruit. The South's presidential office said on Sunday that members of the North Korean delegation had expressed their openness to talks with the United States. Meanwhile, over 100 demonstrators... Читать дальше...

I, Tonya - Movie Review 

I, Tonya is out now and stars Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan and Allison Janney, and I'm wondering if Ms Robbie will take the Oscar for Best Actress? In a bid to tighten things up, I also cut out about 90% of my pausers and "erm"s, so please let me know if that's an improvement on previous vlogs.

London 20% rise in rape reports in a year, police: "we don't understand the causes" Rapid rise is all crime statistics in London since Khan 

"London 20% rise in rape reports in a year, police admit they 'don't understand' reason," Independent .Of course you don't understand causes, you clowns, because you refuse to look at what is right in front of your face. increase in rapes related to increased presence of Muslims in London. This is because Qur'an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use. The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified. Читать дальше...

Stage Collapses During Concert in Pakistan 

Famous pop singer Annie Khalid and 10 girl students of a private college were injured after falling from the stage during her performance in Municipal Stadium on Thursday. Annie was performing on a 10ft high stage in a function of the private college when students gathered around her to take a selfie with her. The stage collapsed under their weight. As a result, Annie as well as 10 students received injuries. The injured were rushed to district headquarters (DHQ) hospital where the arms and legs of two girls were stated to be fractured.

The Coward from Broward 

Dozens of calls to the local cop shop and FBI. Crazy Cruz is still able to obtain firearms legally and roam the streets unimpeded. School is on notice to be fearful of deranged Cruz. Multiple cops fails to engage. Top Cop fails in every regard, and will not take responsibility. Democrats blame the NRA? This video is very telling. Jake Tapper, who I cannot stand, did a good job mincing this Hillary voter to pieces. Jake is very brave for attacking a Hillary supporter. Sheriff is done. Politically, the top cop will not survive this.

Unusual Cloud Waves 

A cold front stalled over central Texas and warm, moist suface air came rolling in from the coast. If you listen you can hear angels singing in the background.

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