
Новости за 13.03.2018

Dramatic moment excavator rescues exhausted baby elephant from swamp 

Indian Forest officials used an excavator to rescue a baby elephant that had been stranded in a swamp. The animal had spent the night in the swap and collapsed in exhaustion after struggling to free itself in vain. Villagers of Madihalli in Hassan, South India, noticed the baby elephant's plight on the night of March 11. The baby elephant had fallen into the swamp that had been clogged with silt and was struggling to get out. Its herd moved away on seeing the people and stood patiently at a nearby patch of forest. Читать дальше...

Генштаб России рассказал о подготовке США к удару по Дамаску

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Вашингтон в очередной раз обвинил Дамаск в химической атаке, от которой пострадали мирные жители. При этом в выступлении Никки Хейли явно подчеркивалось участие России – в своем докладе она упомянула нашу страну 22 раза, но ни одного доказательства причастности произнесено не было, передает "ТВ Центр". В свою очередь российская сторона утверждает, что хлоросодержащее вещество 5 марта, когда пострадали 30 человек, применили боевики.

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Trump blocks Qualcomm takeover by Broadcom 

US President Donald Trump has blocked a planned takeover of chipmaker Qualcomm by its Singapore-based rival Broadcom. His order cited "credible evidence" that the proposed $140bn (lb100bn) takeover "threatens to impair the national security of the US". The deal would have created the world's third-largest maker of microchips, behind Intel and Samsung. The sector is in a race to develop chips for the latest 5G wireless technology and Qualcomm is considered to be a leader in this field.

Eastern Ghouta 

The first batch of civilians leaving Eastern Ghouta by al-Wafedeen Humanitarian crossing by help form the Syrian Arab army (SAA).

Woman dies after being crushed between a pole and a car 

{{file|t=Cso73_1520928810}} {{file|t=qpel_1520928912}} a Mercedes-Benz car rushed onto the sidewalk. The woman who was hit by the crash was caught between the vehicle and the telephone pole and was killed. Miserable. After the driver got off the car but did not care about it, he even laughed and said, "I have full insurance."

Off-duty cop TV - Sacred family 

Bel'em, Par'a, Brazil. (02/21/2018) A policeman in plainclothes is in his car with wife and daughter. The robber approaches using a cell phone as disguise. Suddenly, he draws the gun. In a super fast reaction, officer shoots criminal in the chest. Suspect still walks a few steps, but drops dead at the sidewalk shortly after. Mom rushes to take her child away from danger.

Man with a chair blocks the road unless you give him $10 

The driver drove the country roads met a man hailed for money, mouth to ten dollars money just let go, the driver bargaining to two dollars before allowing access {{file|t=kLRKQ_1520927093}}

Man Threatens a Girl With a Hatchet 

A man in Thailand was caught threatening a girl with a hatchet and hitting her. I could not find out what set off the disagreement or many details. The police were notified of the incident on March 12, 2018.

Snowboarder was inches away from falling off a mountain cliff 

We decided to go for a ride on the Cretaceous mountains, we climbed up from the west side, walked 200-300 meters and chose the southern slope for the slopes, because it seemed more interesting and a little longer, well, we went." Max went slightly to the right so did not even see the cliff , and I was "luckier." As a result, I miraculously stopped at the edge at the last moment when I saw that the mountain had ended abruptly.The height of the cut was 12-15 {{file|t=kYGQj_1520923760}}

Police release surveillance video of officer-involved shooting of a teenager 

Related videos: Police released several body camera footage videos of a fatal officer-involved shooting from March 6 in the Mission District. A 19-year-old armed robbery suspect was hiding in a trunk and killed by police after police say he pointed a gun at them and fired first.

Tulare police shoot man who fought officers 

Tulare detectives are trying to piece together what led to an officer-involved shooting Monday afternoon near Tulare First Baptist church. Witnesses say a man attacked a police officer. Others say police used "excessive force" to combat a mentally ill man. The incident started just after 4:30 p.m.when a bus driver called police to he'd been assaulted. Police didn't release whether the bus driver was employed by the city or a school district. {{file|t=kfhI6_1520922854}}

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