
Новости за 30.03.2018

Is Alex Jones now "the voice of reason"? 

No shit, Alex makes more sense than most of the highly paid cucks and traitors voted in to run our countries. Sweden is being nudged to accept the Islamic flag as their national flag. The Swiss Muslims want the flag changed as well. Apparently their current flags offend Muslims because it has a cross on it. Cucked leftist atheists hate the cross too because it interferes with their "lifestyle". Maybe a hammer and sickle, crescent moon, rainbow combination would work? Anyway, we can thank 4chan for this episode in the meme wars. Читать дальше...

Well Its Spring Egg Time 

Happy Easter Folks! Or, Happy 3 day weekend! The laying hens are out of their winter molt and shitting eggs pretty good now :) Great job ladies! Egg tacos for months! {{file|t=CKXL9_1522368870}}

Вспомним "Вечную молодость"

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Год 1992-й. Будущий солист группы "Чиж и Ко" Сергей Чиграков жил в Харькове. Чтобы прокормить себя и беременную жену, он играл на праздниках c цыганским ансамблем. Однажды, возвращаясь с подработки, он заметил необычную картину: подростки вытащили на школьное крыльцо барабаны, гитары и занялись настройкой аппаратуры.

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Звёздные папики

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

58-летний Игорь Николаев женат на девушке, которая младше его дочери на 4 года! Юлии Николаевой сейчас 39 лет, а Юлии Проскуряковой, нынешней спутнице певца, 35. Более того, девушки очень похожи друг на друга: пшеничные локоны, мягкие черты лица. Обе женщины считают друг друга подружками, частенько ходят по магазинам, говорят по душам и даже поют вместе.

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Сырные пончики "Сырный пинг-понг"

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Итак, в нашем рецепте участвуют:

  • Моцарелла
  • Твёрдый сыр
  • Пармезан
  • Яйца
  • Мука
  • Орегано
  • Панировочные сухари
  • Масло

Натрём твёрдый сыр на тёрке и смешаем его с моцареллой, яйцом и пармезаном. Добавим в эту смесь муку и орегано.

Приготовим плотное сырное тесто. Скатаем из него небольшие шарики.

Обваляем пончики в панировочных сухарях и обжарим это чудо в масле.

Друзья, ни одна хозяйка... Читать дальше...

Dashcam Shows Wanted Woman Get Run Over After Firing At Police 

The Tulsa Police Department released dashcam footage of the pursuit of most wanted suspect Madison Dickson. Police spent days looking for her, saying she'd been involved in several shootings, including shooting a man in the head. The video shows a woman who was determined not to be taken into custody, even when she was surrounded and there was no hope of escape. Police said her family had even warned them she would not be taken alive. Police said Dickson immediately took off running when the short... Читать дальше...

Ow My Legs 

He was rejected from getting gastric bypass surgery because he gained weight in the hospital.

Cop killer Luis Bracamontes applauds jury for giving him death penalty 

Jurors left a Sacramento courthouse in tears after they recommended giggling cop killer Luis Bracamontes be sentenced to death for the slaying of two California officers. Bracamontes cheered when a jury in February convicted him for the 2014 murders of Sacramento County Sheriff's Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer Sheriff's Detective Michael Davis Jr. He was also found guilty of attempted murder, carjacking, weapons violations and other crimes. Bracamontes, who is an undocumented Mexican immigrant... Читать дальше...

Tucson Police Officer Pulled Over, Warned For Traffic Violation 

Tucson police Chief Chris Magnus is pulled over on March 28, 2018, after a Tucson police officer said he believes he saw Magnus run a red light while making a left turn on Country Club from East Broadway. Magnus, who said the left turn arrow was yellow when he was in the intersection, was given a warning by the officer. He was driving an unmarked city vehicle and was in uniform at the time of the traffic stop. Video courtesy of Tucson Police Department.

The spell 


Local police order woman to flog her husband as punishment for beating her 

The local authorities in Ecuador instructed a woman to flog her husband after he hit her 21 times and also bruised her ribs. The couple were both in the office and the man was bent over while the woman mercilessly flogged him without pity, using all her strength.

Student steps into flood waters on Texas A&M University campus 

"Heavy rain pounded Bryan/College Station Wednesday afternoon, flooding some streets and parts of the Texas A&M campus," KPRC Click2Houston reported. In the video, a student can be seen stepping into the flood waters on the Texas A&M campus on March 28. "I turned the corner and saw the flooding that was surrounding the building, so I figured I had to walk through it," the filmer said.

Two Hispanics Working the Day Shift 

In mid-March the suspects shown in this video attempted to burglarize videos in the 2200 block of S. Loara St in Anaheim. This neighborhood has experienced an increase in burglaries and package thefts.

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