
Новости за 24.04.2018

Эксперт рассказал о визите Макрона в США

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Визит президента Франции в США и проблемы, которые планируют обсудить Дональд Трамп и Эммануэль Макрон, стали главной темой программы "События. 25-й час". Директор Института мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской Академии наук Фёдор Войтоловский ответил на вопросы ведущего Алексея Фролова.

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11 killed, six missing in boat race accident in South China 

Two dragon boats capsized in Guilin, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Saturday, leaving at least 11 dead and 6 others missing. The boats were rehearsing for an upcoming race when the incident took place at 13:40 local time. A total of 57 people fell into the water. Search and rescue work is underway.

Parkland Shooting Survivor and Pro Gun Advocate Kyle Kashuv is Questioned by Authorities After a Visit to the Gun Range 

Security officials questioned Kyle the Monday after tweeting about a weekend trip to the gun range with his dad. They even brought in 1 of the Cowards from Broward to question him. I guess he isn't towing the liberal line like they want them all to do Sorry in advance for the robot voice but this was the ONLY video available on this. YT doesn't want him getting much press since it goes against their liberal line also and his videos often show just how short sighted the efforts by Hogg and Gonzalez really are.

One man band 

He must be making those squeaky noises from his mouth, judging by the bulging artery in his neck.

Why is Russia Blocking major Internet Sites? 

ARTICLE: {{file|t=9wa4R_1524545734}} Russia's Censorship rampage is unabated as a ham-handed attempt to block Telegram messaging service has knocked most of the country off of Google, Youtube, Twitch, Amazon and other online giants from the civilized world. The ban of proxies and VPNs in Russia has left the citizens with no recourse to access e-mail and other normally routine VPN BLOCK: Читать дальше...

IHR seid NICHT Deutschland - egal, was Kampagnen sagen! 

only for german speakers, my second and very last upload on here on liveleak. ich lade dieses video hier einzig und alleine aus dem grunde hoch da es mehr als w"urdig ist verbreitet und geteilt zu werden, ich sehe es als sehr geeignet an alle deutschen zum nachdenken zu bewegen, ganz besonders nat"urlich verbl"odete linke und/oder gutmenschen... ihr habt niemals gelernt was es bedeutet wahrlich deutsch zu sein, deutsch zu f"uhlen. ihr armen schweine....

Toronto Police Apprehend Van Terror Suspect (Alek Minassian) 

This Toronto Police Officer was able to apprehend the suspect after he pretended to have a gun and shouted "Shoot me!" over and over. The Officer quickly realised it wasn't a gun and moved in to make the arrest without having to fire a shot. More info:

Mick Mulvaney TERRIFIED Of His Own Agency's Power 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's acting director is asking Congress to rein in the agencies that he's supposed to be leading. He's in charge. He's saying, "Congress, please rein us in." Mick Mulvaney, the Leader of CFPB, thinks his organization has too much power, and while he's there he wants Congress to take away as much power as possible. Ring of Fire's Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss this. Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!... Читать дальше...

A Beaver Saved Me Today 

Almost ran out of gas in Katy Texas - 04-23-2018 MON 12pm

Family Matters 

Graduation, little brother, USMC

Фитнес от звезды: секреты Ольги Бузовой

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Эта девушка совершила, казалось бы, невозможное – по количеству отметок "мне нравится" в соцсетях она обогнала Мадонну, Лопес и Шакиру. Её сториз популярней, чем профиль самой Ким Кардашьян. У 32-х летней телеведущей, певицы и шоувумен Ольги Бузовой столько же поклонников, сколько и критиков её творчества. Но вот с чем невозможно поспорить – у девушки идеальная фигура. При росте 178 вес составляет 54 килограмма, и такой Бузова стала благодаря стараниям в спортзале и рациональному питанию. По словам самой Ольги... Читать дальше...

Bunk Bunny Do you know what a bunk bunny is? 

Snuff dipping gentleman explains what a bunk bunny is and it's pretty much the same as a lot lizard. They will do you for money or a ride or baby formula.

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