
Новости за 04.05.2018

Golden Retriever and Cat Share a Special Bond 

A golden retriever and cat in North Royalton, Ohio, share a very special bond.Skywalker the cat was abandoned as a three-week-old kitten and was in a neglectful state. “He weighed less than a pound and showed signs of brain damage and neurological issues,” explained his owner Kimberly. When Skywalker was brought home he immediately took to Kimberly’s golden retriever Mojito. To this day Skywalker still thinks of Mojito as his mommy. In the Mojito is lovingly giving Skywalker a bath. Читать дальше...

Moment man reels in massive catfish dubbed "Muhammad Ali" in Thailand 

A man reeled in a monster catfish at a lake in Chachoengsao, Thailand, that measured 210 centimetres long and weighed 170 kilograms (375 lb). In the , angler Waris Charoenpakdeethai can be seen landing the catfish, which was nicknamed "Muhammad Ali", before placing it a super-sized net. People took turns taking photos with the beast until they released it back into the lake. "People had talked about a large fish in this lake, but it had never been caught, so I never believed the rumours," Charoenpakdeethai said. Читать дальше...

Beach Ball Appears to 'Magically' Levitate in Fountain 

Levi Koeppel recently caught footage of a beach ball thrown onto a fountain at his college in Worcester, Massachusetts.The ball appeared to be ‘magically’ levitating in the fountain. Levi captioned the with, “Finals week can be rough, but watching this can alleviate some of the stress! It certainly did for us.” Credit: Levi K. via Storyful

Cuttlefish guards female as she lays eggs in coral reef 

This cuttlefish male diligently guards his mate as she lays her eggs near the ocean bed. captured off the island of Malapascua in the Philippines shows the female cuttlefish - the larger of the two - depositing the eggs from sacs near her mouth opening. As is common with cuttlefish, the male guards the female until the process is over, in this case placing a reassuring tentacle on the mother's back. Cuttlefish, who are cephalopods, can be found in oceans across the globe. They are able to... Читать дальше...

Boy on a bicycle is hit by a car when he rides across the street 

On May 2, at the 42th kilometer of the Ryazan-Ryazhsk road in the Starozhilovsky district, the 48-year-old VAZ-2110 driver shot down a 10-year-old bicyclist. As a result of the accident, the boy was hospitalized with various injuries. {{file|t=aGzJZ_1525420605}}

Baltic AVENGERS are against peace 

The confrontation of the largest centers of power in the world is increasingly spurring the Baltic region to war. The Avengers-Dalia Grybauskaite, Raimonds Vejonis and Kersti Kaljulaid- ignoring the nation opinion deployed NATO troops in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Near the borders of Russia. From Moscow's perspective, the three states are located close to the centers of Russian political and military power, and therefore are a potential base for devastating attacks. In case of war which governments... Читать дальше...

Indonesian pilgrims take selfies in huge procession ahead of Ramadan 

Hundreds of Indonesian Muslims took part in a massive procession before beginning a month of fasting for Ramadan. Footage captured on Friday morning (May 4) shows people of all ages at the march, with some holding banners and others taking selfies. The six-kilometer (3.7 miles) procession in Palembang, Sumatra, follows the Muhammad Isa Ilir road along a route made by a celebrated cleric. Ramadan begins on May 15 this year, with followers of Islam fasting between sunrise and sunset for about 30 days. Читать дальше...

This man has tended a stranger's grave for 25 years 

By Hannah McFadyen A man has been tending to a stranger's grave for over 25 years after he realised there was no one else to look after it. He came across the grave while visiting his grandmother's and realised that the Australian Airman was lying at rest thousands of miles from home. Wayne Hartshorne realised [...] Credit:

Cancer survivor shares brave photographs revealing how lifesaving treatment robbed her of the chance to become a mother 

By Josh Saunders A cancer survivor has shared brave photographs revealing how her lifesaving treatment robbed her of her dream to become a mother. Becki McGuinness, 31, from London, was devastated to discover she had gone through early-menopause before her mother, ten years ago. She was diagnosed with bone cancer on the sacrum, the triangular [...] Credit:

The most beautiful shell in 2018 

Intricate Embossing Slim Butterfly Rose Leather Holster Case

Xi leads Communists to celebrate Karl Marx birthday 

He says Chinese Communists have the historic mission to realize Communism around the world, in which capitalism will be destroyed and all workers are equally rich and happy with no wars.

Mercedes trampoline 

Little turd caught jumping on the car like a trampoline

May avoids London wipeout as UK local elections deliver mixed results 

Theresa May's ruling Conservatives avoided a feared rout in local elections in London, and managed gains outside the capital - according to partial results from Thursday's local elections in the UK. The opposition Labour Party do not appear to have made the gains they saw during last year's general election. The party, which played down talk of historic victories in local elections in London and the northwest of England, said that targets in key boroughs were "out of reach". The Conservatives... Читать дальше...

Syrian war crimes allegations quietly probed 

In a drab office building in a European capital amid the sound of humming document scanners, a team of human rights lawyers is hard at work processing thousands of documents that they say link the Syrian government to war crimes. The papers point to an unmistakable conclusion, according to those leading the effort: the government of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has violated the international rules of war through attacks on civilians, torture, , and the use of chemical weapons, among other crimes. Читать дальше...

LiveLeak safe place Thank you HH, Sun, LLC for finally giving users the option to be away from bullies.


My favorite tug for its style and because I worked on her 20+ years ago down south.. now based in Cairns..(following me around)...more Tug PoRn for your edification.. she has a bollard pull of 46 t..enjoy

Хайп в кубе: всё об амбициозных планах Ольги Бузовой - Россия 24


Избавилась от наращённых волос, покрасила брови - и вот результат. Ольга Бузова снова удивляет своих подписчиков в соцсетях. Но и этого ей, похоже, мало. Творческие и деловые планы у девушки весьма амбициозные. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Официальный YouTube канал ВГТРК. Читать дальше...

В Луизиане горит химический завод. Видео - Россия 24


В американском штате Луизиана горит завод FlowChem Technologies. Жители домов и работники предприятий, расположенных в радиусе 8 миль от зоны бедствия, эвакуируются. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Официальный YouTube канал ВГТРК. Россия 24 - это единственный российский информационный канал, вещающий 24 часа в сутки. Читать дальше...

В Чечне официально открыли велосезон - Россия 24


В Чечне гонкой на 34 километра официально открыли велосезон. На старт в городе Шали вышли порядка 200 человек, в том числе депутаты республиканского парламента, министры, главы администраций, и, конечно, простые желающие. Участники финишировали в центре Грозного, у мечети "Сердце Чечни". Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Читать дальше...

Циклон принес на Сахалин шквалистый ветер, дожди и снег - Россия 24


На Сахалине господствует циклон. Он принес на остров дожди и шквалистый ветер с порывами до 30 метров в секунду. Стихией повредило многие деревья, дорожные знаки, автобусные остановки. Зафиксированы перебои с электроснабжением. В ряде районов было объявлено штормовое предупреждение. В Южно-Сахалинске отменены занятия первой смены в школах. Погода постепенно улучшается, ветер стих, но пошел снег. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира... Читать дальше...

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