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Новости за 06.01.2016

Mayor defends Three Kings parade changes

BBC News (UK) 

An attempt by the mayor of Madrid to modernise a parade for a Spanish Christmas festival has provoked a furious online reaction from traditionalists.

The Economics of Immigration: Market-Based Approaches, Social Science, and Public Policy

Cato Institute 

In his new book The Economics of Immigration: Market-Based Approaches, Social Science, and Public Policy, editor and economics professor Benjamin Powell brings together several immigration scholars to discuss how immigrants affect the wages of American workers and government budgets, as well as how they assimilate into American culture. The book also presents different policy recommendations in light of the economic evidence—including proposals for a market in visas, open borders, and cuts in legal immigration. Читать дальше...

Forget El Niño—These East Coast Ski Resorts Are Great at Snowmaking

Yahoo Travel 

The mercury has finally dropped in the East, and some natural snow has fallen. Gone are the muddy trails screaming out “You will not ski or ride!” to Easterners hankering to get out there. Now, for resorts, it’s time to pull out the big guns and make the season happen.

SB100 - Who Will Play Football in the Future?


Professional football may face a shortage of talented players as researchers understand more about head injuries and parents and young players follow recommendations for reducing risk.

Lawless: The Obama Administration's Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law

Cato Institute 

During his first presidential run, Barack Obama repeatedly promised to roll back the imperial presidency that had grown inexorably over the past half century. Then he was elected. Since 2009 Obama has claimed unprecedented power for himself while advancing a novel argument about his duty as president to ignore the separation of powers and act unilaterally to overcome congressional gridlock. "We can't wait," has been his refrain — though he has, of course, been unable to cite a "presidential power... Читать дальше...

5 Unexpected Underwater Adventures Kids Will Love

Yahoo Travel 

Photo by Getty Images. Design by Lauren DeLuca for Yahoo Travel.Many favorite family vacations include water in all its many forms – pools, beaches, lakes, and every other body of water you can imagine. Splashing, swimming, diving, snorkeling, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, fishing - every adventure involving water can be fun for all ages and all interests.

TSA's New Push on REAL ID and Naked Body Scans

Cato Institute 

The Transportation Security Administration is again pushing to reject some state IDs for air travel and compel more travelers to go through naked body scanners. Jim Harper comments on the law and politics.

BSBASA County Championships

Windsor Swimming Club 

The accepted swims listing is now posted on the County website - see together with an Information for Competitors document and details of the revised session times.

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FAA Releases B4UFLY Smartphone App 

The B4UFLY application tells users about any restrictions that exist where they want to fly an unmanned aircraft.

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