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Новости за 19.03.2017

Manhattan Town Hall event with Phil Rubinstein

LaRouche PAC 

New International Economic Order

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Phil Rubenstein is the featured speaker during this week's Manhattan Town Hall event.


DENNIS SPEED:  My name is Dennis Speed and on behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee I want to welcome you to today's dialogue with LaRouche.  Our speaker today is going to be Phil Rubinstein.

I want to say a couple of things about where we find ourselves this morning.  There was a St. Patrick's Day... Читать дальше...

Nomi Prins: Financial System Worse Now Than 2007

LaRouche PAC 

Financial analyst, Author and fmr. Goldman Sachs Managing Director, Nomi Prins sits down with EIR's Paul Gallagher to discuss just how rotten the current financial system is, making a sobering case that we are far worse off today than we were before the 2007-08 crisis. Prins refers to her political and financial road map for 2017, ( and discusses the important, combined role China and Japan can play in bringing the US back from the brink and into the new paradigm of investment in the real economy. Читать дальше...

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