News in English

Новости за 25.07.2022

Biden: GOP can’t be on side of police if they don’t support assault weapon ban 

President Biden on Monday argued that Republicans aren’t on the side of law enforcement if they oppose banning assault weapons in remarks to a Black law enforcement organization. “You hear a lot of politicians say about how much they love you, how much they care about you, they’ll do anything for you. In the state...

Tuesday Swim Session 26-07-22

Deal Tri 

This Tuesday's swim session planned by Charlie, is as follows: [Read full item] [...]

Shemitta Kashrut Alert in UK

Paper Blog 

All kashrut alerts are serious, and nothing I am going to say should detract from the kashrut alert itself..
I admit, my initial thought when I first saw this alert was that this sounds like a BDS announcement. Anyone else other than a kashrut organization saying this would see a Jewish campaign worldwide against BDS and against the antisemites behind it. Maybe it just needs to be worded slightly differently, I dont know. To my ears it just sounds too similar to other ...

Weeping at Joni Mitchell’s Comeback? Thank Brandi Carlile. 

Not since a brain aneurysm nearly took her life has Joni Mitchell performed a full-length concert on stage before a live audience. Thus, it was a pleasant surprise when Brandi Carlile brought the 78-year-old songstress out to join her at the 63rd annual Newport Folk Festival during her aptly named set, “Brandi Carlile…

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