News in English

Новости за 19.04.2023

Developing a 3D liquefaction hazard map 

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology has successfully developed a "three-dimensional liquefaction hazard map" that visually presents ground liquefaction forecasts in the event of an earthquake.

Biden Admin Says Republican Concerns About Oil Reserve Damage Unfounded

International Business Times 

The Biden administration said concerns of Republican lawmakers that last year's record drawdown of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve damaged the system's delicate salt caverns were unfounded, a letter seen by Reuters on Wednesday showed.

Ganja glut? With excess weed, growers seek interstate sales

«Gazette Times» ( 

Legal marijuana growers along the West Coast are struggling with oversupply, low prices and limited outlets for selling their product. Oregon's top cannabis regulator recently warned of an “existential crisis” in the industry. Few expect a fractured Congress to help…

Equifax (2017)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

When the credit bureau Equifax failed to install a critical security patch for its website's framework, hackers quickly took notice. On May 12, 2017, the hackers accessed Equifax's internal servers, stole employees' credentials, and extracted user information from the company's…

Ashley Madison (2015)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

On July 19, 2015, users of the infidelity-based dating site Ashley Madison logged in to find a message from hackers threatening to release users' personal information if the site was not shut down. The group of hackers, dubbed the Impact…

Sony Pictures (2014)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

On Nov. 24, 2014, a group of hackers calling themselves the Guardians of Peace instigated a massive cyberattack against Sony Pictures. The hackers' unprecedented motive was to prevent the release of the film "The Interview," a Seth Rogen-directed comedy about…

Yahoo (2013)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

In August 2013, every customer account at Yahoo was stolen in the largest data breach ever conducted. Hackers obtained information from 3 billion accounts, including names, passwords, backup email addresses, and other data. In August 2015, investigators discovered a vendor…

Stuxnet (2010)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

Considered by some to be the world's first cyberweapon, Stuxnet was a computer worm that operated between 2007 and 2010 and targeted the Iranian nuclear program. Allegedly, U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies joined forces in an initiative named Operation Olympic…

Google (2009)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

On Jan. 12, 2010, Google issued a statement on its blog disclosing that it had been victimized by a sophisticated cybersecurity attack—a rare public admission from a company of Google's stature. Targeted users received a link that, when clicked, instigated…

Estonia (2007)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

The first cyberattack on an entire country began when Estonian authorities decided to relocate the Bronze Soldier, a Soviet Red Army memorial, to a less prominent location in the capital of Tallinn. While the statute represents victory and liberation to…

The 'Morris worm' (1988)

«Albany Democrat Herald» ( 

On Nov. 2, 1988, Robert Morris Jr., a graduate student in computer science at Cornell, launched the world's first computer worm—a malware computer program that replicates itself on other internet-connected devices, causing them to shut down. He intended the program…

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