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Новости за 10.01.2024

US Condemns Ecuador Violence


The United States is condemning escalating violence in Ecuador, after a group of masked men armed with guns and explosives stormed a public television station in the port city of Guayaquil during a live news program and fired shots in the studio.

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Amid state of emergency, armed men storm live TV broadcast station in Ecuador


Guayaquil [Ecuador], January 10 (ANI): Amid a state of emergency in Ecuador, a live television broadcast was interrupted by hooded and armed men on Tuesday as the Guayaquil-based network was on air amid a spate of kidnappings and violence in the country, CNN reported on Tuesday. According to the report, hooded men forced the staff onto the floor of the studio as shots and yelling were heard in the background. Videos of th

Amid state of emergency, armed men storm live TV broadcast station in Equador


Guayaquil [Ecuador], January 10 (ANI): Amid a state of emergency in Ecuador, a live television broadcast was interrupted by hooded and armed men on Tuesday as the Guayaquil-based network was on air amid a spate of kidnappings and violence in the country, CNN reported on Tuesday. According to the report, hooded men forced the staff onto the floor of the studio as shots and yelling were heard in the background. Videos of th

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