
Новости за 23.03.2018

Storms pummel weary California communities 

For nearly 48 hours, a storm has been hitting parts of California, trapping drivers and fueling fast-moving flood waters. There's still plenty of concern in Montecito, a community still rebuilding after a deadly mudslide. CBS News correspondent Mireya Villarreal has the latest.

Atlanta computers held hostage in cyberattack 

The FBI is investigating a cyberattack targeting municipal computers in Atlanta. A ransom note is demanding bitcoin in exchange for access. CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports.

Study of 3,000 golden retrievers takes aim at high cancer rates 

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America. But the cuddly pups also have a high probability of developing cancer, so a nationwide study aims to find out why. CBS News correspondent Chip Reid finds out what the research entails.

Surveillance video shows Vegas shooter in the days before attack 

Newly released surveillance video shows Stephen Paddock in the days before the deadly Las Vegas shooting. While more is known about what he did leading up to the attack, questions remain about why he did what he did. CBS News senior national correspondent Jim Axelrod reports.

"48 Hours:" The high-tech alibi 

A Wisconsin man never guessed his Fitbit would save him from murder charges in the brutal death of his girlfriend

Dow drops amid trade war fears 

President Trump took the first step toward slapping as much as $60 billion in tariffs on products imported from China. That stoked fears on Wall Street, and the Dow lost more than 700 points. CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett reports.

5 reasons stocks are getting slammed 

Concerns about a budding trade war between the U.S. and China aren't the only reason financial markets are in free-fall

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