
Новости за 05.04.2018

NFL star Julian Edelman helps thwart possible school shooting 

Someone posted a frightening comment on NFL star Julian Edelman's Instagram account, saying they were going to "shoot my school up." But Edelman saw it and asked his assistant to call the police, leading to an arrest.

Paying tribute to Martin Luther King Jr., 50 years after his death 

It was 50 years ago that civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down in Memphis. On Wednesday, the nation paid tribute to him and his legacy. CBS News special correpsondent James Brown takes a look at how his memory is being honored.

Pig farmer "very concerned" about tariffs from China 

Tensions are high in farm country after Beijing threatened $50 billion in import tariffs. That could hurt American pork farmers, since last year the U.S. exported more than $1 billion worth of pork to China. CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds talks to one farmer about his concerns. DNA test reveals woman's biological father was her parents' doctor 

A woman who took an DNA test learned that her biological father was actually the doctor who was helping her parents get pregnant. He recommended they use a mix of sperm from an anonymous donor, but a lawsuit alleges he used his own instead. CBS News correspondent Jamie Yuccas reports.

Trump, defense officials disagree on when to leave Syria 

The president says the role of U.S. troops in Syria is coming to an end. But a withdrawal within a matter of months goes against military advice from top officials. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin explains.

Trump surprises military by ordering National Guard to the border 

President Trump is sending U.S. troops to the Mexican border, and the first members of the National Guard could be there by midnight. Once there, the troops will be assisting with surveillance and administrative duties, not apprehensions. CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett reports.

Police interviewed YouTube shooter ahead of attack 

Nasim Aghdam, the woman who opened fire at YouTube's headquarters on Tuesday, expressed anger at the video-sharing site. Last week her family reported her missing. When she was found by police the day of the shooting, they interviewed her for about 20 minutes. CBS News correspondent John Blackstone reports.

Police release body camera footage of controversial arrest in Forth Worth 

Amateur video posted online showed a Fort Worth officer punching a man while another officer tried to arrest him. Police have released body camera footage that they say shows the man resisting the officers' attempts to handcuff him. CBS News correspondent David Begnaud reports.

Deerfield, Illinois bans assault rifles 

A Chicago suburb is taking the gun debate into its own hands by passing a local ban on certain weapons. CBS Chicago's Jeremy Ross reports.

Stem cell treatment tested for ALS 

There is currently no treatment or cure for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Several hospitals across the U.S. are testing a new stem cell therapy that doctors and patients hope will help. Dr. Mallika Marshall reports from Boston.

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