
Новости за 17.10.2019

Sneak peek: Good Cop/Bad Cop: Solving the Heather Bogle Murder 

An Ohio mother is brutally murdered. A detective pursues the wrong suspects, while the real killer walked free. It would take a dedicated sheriff to find a real suspect. Were there other victims? CBS News' Jim Axelrod reports Saturday, October 19 at 10/9c on CBS.

Trump calls Turkey ceasefire "an incredible outcome" 

President Trump welcomed the temporary ceasefire in Syria announced Thursday by Vice President Mike Pence in Ankara. In Texas, Mr. Trump told reporters "we've got everything we ever dreamed of" and said the Kurds are "incredibly happy" with this outcome.

Vice President Pence announces Syria ceasefire 

Vice President Mike Pence announced Thursday afternoon that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has agreed to a ceasefire in northern Syria. Pence said Turkey would pause its invasion for 120 hours in order to allow Kurdish forces to withdraw from the safe zone of the border region. Watch his announcement.

Tree of Life shooting survivors call for better security 

"The tragedy is that, you know, it shouldn't be an act of courage to enter a house of worship." A year after the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history, survivors of the Tree of Life shooting are speaking out. 60 Minutes reports, Sunday

Mark Zuckerberg gives "unfiltered take" on freedom of speech 

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivered a speech at Georgetown University on Thursday about the importance of freedom of expression. Nick Thompson, a CBS News contributor and the editor in chief of Wired Magazine, has the latest.

U.S. and Turkey agree to Syria ceasefire 

Vice President Mike Pence announced a ceasefire deal in Syria Thursday. The deal will suspend Turkey's incursion into Syria amid growing humanitarian concerns. CBS News State Department and foreign affairs reporter Christina Ruffini has more.

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